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Showing posts with label analysis. Show all posts

Sunday, 20 June 2021

The Sexual Rights Movement

The Sexual Rights Movement 


So, first thing first - I got into gender critical feminism via a genuine concern for the people I know and have known - including trans people.

For far too long, I was confused as to why women who appeared to be saying rational, nuanced and inoffensive things were being mercilessly attacked by people I thought of as decent. And after being answered grudgingly with mantras, contradictions in terms, told I should read about it, - I did - I went to 'educate' myself. And everything changed.

Before, I'd held out an embarrassing benefit of the doubt (this was, in reality, doubting my own senses and downplaying my own dignity and safety after a lifetime of gaslighting) for appalling bullying, strawmanning and abuse, watching women being dogpiled and preferring - like Ayesha Hazarika - to be nice, accommodate and concur, or at least keep it quiet. 

But that isn't really who I am; I enjoy debate and don't shy away from disagreement. The obvious lies, transparent rhetorical tricks, the repetitive slogans and determined stupidity was burning at me.

So, given all this, I began compiling my own little gallery - almost to remain sure I had seen what I thought I'd seen. The final straw was when I actually thought back to all of the earlier assumptions, self censorship and cognitive dissonance I'd carried for so many years.

After living through decades of abuse from various men, starting from early childhood, I stopped subduing myself with drugs and alcohol and excuses; I got therapy; I learnt to acknowledge the unwitting part I played in my own oppression. And I realised, I wasn't living as the brave and outspoken type I thought I was. I understood I needed to question things more, listen to others, especially other women.

I also realised how deeply damaged I had been by my experience years ago with a purported transwoman. I finally allowed myself to see this person as the man I knew he was. I'd always disliked him, thought his behaviour was shocking and recognised he was scum, but what I hadn't done is speaak, even think, without self censorship. And I suddenly realised how screwed up it had all been, and just how wrong it is.

I had a son, and I realised how crucial my issues were to resolve, lest I pass it onto him and harm another generation.

This essentially boils down to actually showing integrity and bravery, not drunken, projected anger or shouting along with the mob. Listening and thinking a lot, feeling and acknowledging I was scared, and doing it anyway. Because it's the right thing to do.

I had to speak out on the harms of gender identity activism, for more reasons than I can [easily] list.

So this blog sprung up, between myself and my friend. It was meeting her and comparing eerily similar stories I realised what's actually happening to us.

We were both abused as children, both homeless before the age we could leave home legally, both serially sexually abused, drug and alcohol addicted, both accommodated with a sex offender who identified as trans.

Above all, I've met some incredible women. I was staggered at just how much other women, who appear so much better off than me or my friend, go through. I found it so shocking to realise just how atomised, how separate from other women I had become. Because of men. I never knew just how much we shared.

We, as women, can go through life completely unaware of the barriers we have between ourselves and other women. Sisterhood is a precious thing. Same sex spaces are sacred.

Of all the friends I've lost of the way, the vast majority see themselves as allies, rather than being trans. Some of my trans friends have shared this journey to a degree, and are equally angry. I love them more now, and while I won't always agree with them I appreciate their support. I also worry how they too will ultimately be impacted by this insanity.

They are not represented by the activists behaving as grandiose, misogynistic, arrogant, authoritarian maniacs. 

What is happening then, if those who actually commit to transition aren't being aided by the most aggressive activism around? I think it's deeply sinister.

As I'm quite the archivist, my devices are overloaded with screenshots of tweets, subreddit posts, Facebook comments. I am trying to sort them into a series of catalogues. There's something about galleries that has a particular impact. While we may be uninhibited on social media (unless you've reason to fear the thought police, like Marion Miller, Maya Forstater, Harry Millar etc) and it may show the worst extremities, it still illustrates a culture that many seek to dismiss.

This blog started with The Rich Fantasy, a list if trans identifying sex offenders, murderers etc. Now, rather than trying to match the exemplary work of Dr Em, Genevieve Gluck or Jennifer Bilek etc, I'm going to focus a little on one powerful element of this movement - sexual entitlement.

There's bound to be a tonne of overlap, but these will all be under #SRM = Sexual Rights Movement. I'm speculatively splitting it up into;

* Rape Victims & The Right Side of History, which is thus far almost entirely made up of responses to my friend and I when speaking about our experiences

* Autogynephilia 

* Sissies

* Porn & Kink

* Paedophilia & Bestiality 

* Sexual Violence & Misogyny 

* Sexualisation of Children

* Breaching Boundaries and Sexual Entitlement

Hopefully these will all be up within the next week or two..

Saturday, 19 June 2021

Karen White & Steph's Place - tone-deaf with a straight face

Steph is like a dog with a bone with this one, although I appreciate the oblique reference to my previous post by acknowledging White/Woods was known as a 'transfaker'. Steph 'had to dig pretty deep, but obviously, the few gender crits who was aware of Wood's status did not do this' which is just glorious.
If you find massively mismatched battles followed by delusional, bantum-like strutting by the loser entertaining, that is.

On that point, we are accused of not reading the article(s) properly, whilst poor old Steph says it 'appears to suggest that White may have been an occasional crossdresser but was not, in their view, "trans."'
Steph goes on 'I say "appears" because I dont have a Times subscription and am most certainly not going to support an anti-trans rag - so in consequence, I can not read all of the article. But the fact remains the headline uses the words "trans faker".'
Mate, I actually linked to a copy/pasted Times article. So either you are confused, didn't read it properly, or are too paralysed with fear over the impending cognitive dissonance it would provoke. Either way, it's shit.

It's beyond tedious at this stage, and even for me, someone who doesn't enjoy kicking a man when he's down, (but, in the right circumstances, might find it funny) it's beyond a piece of piss to deconstruct this shite.
I've already done that, so many times now (links below) so I'm not bothering now. However, I get the feeling that Steph is very much a last word type. Unfortunately, I have also been cursed with this affliction. It's just a pity, for Steph, that not one of those last, or penultimate or even first words could be accurate, truthful or appropriate. 
It is, on the bright side, funny.

Apparently, gender criticals are 'heartless', even though Steph was asked no less than five times to show a flicker of concern for the women assaulted by White, and after repeatedly diminishing it, decided to gloss over the details and refer to the sexual assaults as 'minor incidents'. 
But it's us who's renowned for the mean stuff.

Now - bat signal to the terven network - we have traitors in our midst! Aside from the shocking tale of Steph meeting a double-agent gender critical in a park - while holding a briefcase, wearing a green neckerchief and muttering about the squirrel flying West for winter - it now emerges feminists have messaged Steph, via some kind of media network, to praise the excellent service of outing White and finally speaking the truth.

Sisters, we must find out who these treasonous backstabbers are. Any information on the psychic communication methods Steph uses to consort with the treacherous must be exposed. Clearly, the hotline to Steph's left temporal lobe is extremely active. No wonder the head is all tilted.

I, unlike Steph, will leave you, as always, to a link to their latest jobby on a plate (UPDATE; dear reader, that link died. Possibly because of me. I hope and pray I won't be implicated come TDoR) 
It appears this is a real hot topic over at that Place, and Sonia Sodha is next in the crosshairs. Sonia, my thoughts are with you. I can only say, through bitter personal experience, it will be fine. Really, really fine. Banality, zero self awareness backed up with a customised echo chamber and an irrational compulsion to flog long dead horses is all that keeps some people going. In the end, it's quite life affirming. There really is something for everyone.

Fada beo an fhírinne!
Ní mná iad fir, cibé méid tilt tú do cheann. Póg mo thóin

My earlier responses to Steph are;

* No, Steph - Sexual assault is never 'minor'(you cheeky, 'orrible ****)

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

No, Steph - Sexual assault is never 'minor'

Who is actually confused here?

Steph's got himself in a tizzy over my response to Karen White Was Not Transgender, *Steph's Place- Where to virtually everyone the truth matters

(My other yodels into the void are: 


Dear Steph, I wrote you but you still ain't calling...

And, thank you for the concern. I remain very lucid, I am in receipt of the facts. 
You were challenged with copious credible sources and asked entirely reasonable questions by many people. 

You were reassured that no one is linking you in any way with White/Woods. My only area of perplexity is why you continue to flog this long-dead horse. 'Karen White' is absolutely an over-referenced case - there are so many more - and many never go to prison because they are trans! 
Why continue this? Why show yourself up as so bereft of fucks for women? It's a strange pastime, that's for sure.

At least you didn't call us 'gender crits' (read - feminists and other women grounded in reality) hysterical, unhinged or delusional. Not out loud, anyway. 

So let's unpack quickly. 

Steph's assertion that White/Woods was not trans is founded entirely on the misapprehension (which I've explained twice now) that he only began to identify himself and present as a transwoman after being inprisoned. This is objectively wrong. If you hadn't blocked me, I'd reply to you, tagging in Jenny Ann Bishop of Transforum. She could tell you about old Karen from as far back as 2013. But I'm guessing you read my blog, and saw the statement from Bishop as well as White/Woods' former neighbours - one being a transwoman! Inconvenient, isn't it?

Steph's other bit of headline news was from a source who has an unexplained relationship to, and familiarity with, a trans sex offenders wing of a prison. They had the ground-breaking discovery that hardly any of the purported transwomen there are true-trans, which, obviously, put a very different slant on almost every other statistic! Compelling.

Minor incidents: Just wow. It was bad enough you displayed such disregard for these victims, that you minimised the incidents as you did. Now you call them minor. That sort of brutal erasure of the gaslighting, intimidation, forced sexual contact and all the trauma that creates and triggers is a red flag. A very big, bright red flag.

So, Karen is not trans, although I've no idea how anyone is assessed on the basis of an unfalsefiable claim, and the sexual assaults on the women forced to live alongside him were 'minor'.

“he would get special privileges to buy make-up on certain sites like Asos and he was allowed to use the internet to buy his wigs,” said Cheryle Kempton, who was in jail with White.

“We were never allowed to do that, so why was he?” she asked.

Kempton was in jail for a series of petty crimes arising from drug addiction. A situation ii understand all too well. You might  Steph, have a low opinion of these women, who have of course broken pretty critical elements of the gender expectations placed on women, but this isn't Bad Girls or Prisoner Cell H, and women like Cheryle are enormously vulnerable, and the removal of liberty is the punishment, not being predated upon by men.

Cheryle describes the shock at White's arrival. The size of him, the depth of his voice, the fact he never spoke about anything other than sex and this made everyone, even the hardest of the prison officers noticeably frightened.

Steph is, as my gran would have said, muttering both sides of his bread - the entire crux of his argument is White wasn't 'true trans' and anyway, it was only something and nothing. Touching a boob (as if Steph has ever understood the fear) now covers walking up behind a woman who can't escape, pressing an erect cock into her backside and numerous other gruesome acts. Fuck off.

Still, it was gracious of Steph's Place to correct the 'statistic' that a transwoman is sexually assaulted every thirty three and not every three days.

Which is no problem. I'll be the snopes of genderwoo. A bit. When the kids are behaving themselves, anyway. 

Also, a lesson was learnt on this side! It was silly of me to use copy and paste when sharing a live link, because they immediately update when amended - I, too, know better now! Isn't that great? It's like we're growing, together!

It seems hard to believe was a simple matter of missing the second (or first, who am I to be pedantic?) 3 digit, since you said it in both your pieces prior to this. Och well, it's only a small matter.

Not like the way you relentlessly downplay the sexual assault of several women in prison.

That really gives us an insight into how much you empathise with, understand and care about women. 

There's a visceral level that sexual violence strikes us on. It's ingrained since our first experience of it: often as children. The threat and fear of it is life restricting. We live with trauma - trauma that is triggered by many things; It's a pity transition doesn't require having an even rudimentary understanding of this. 

Lets talk about women in prison.

Women who; make up less than 5% of the prison population but account for over 19% of self harm incidents

Are more likely to have been imprisoned for non-violent offences and commit a vanishingly small number of sex offences

Women in prison are highly likely to be victims as well as offenders

Over half the women in prison report having suffered domestic violence 

53% report having experienced emotional, physical or sexual abuse as a child - compared to 27% of male prisoners.

Where 80% have suffered a significant head trauma - many of them repeatedly - 9 times out of ten due to male violence.

When have you heard any popular campaign try to help these women? When has a woman to be confined with Marie Dean or Jessica Winfield or Paris Green or Kayleigh Louise Woods or Alex Baker or, indeed, White/Woods, had a petition on social media, pleading for her dignity and safety? 

Are you aware of the case in America, where a transwoman in a women's prison has moved back to the male estate because of the constant presence of sexual violence from the guards? Pity the actual women can't move, huh?

Your website has its opening line thus:

"Welcome to Steph's Place, a website dedicated to feminist transgender women in the UK"

How 'feminist' is this? To studiously avoid showing any compassion for the victims of sexual predation? To now diminish it even more, after I pointed out how glaring this omission was?

You go on to say;

"But as I read more and more I started to appreciate that my human rights to be a trans woman were not being improved, they were being eroded!"

But, that just isn't true, is it? Why continue to push fallacies, showing not one iota of concern or respect to women in the most vulnerable scenario? 

It's not you who has to live with this. It's not you who has to flee domestic violence in the middle of the night, give up your pets and possessions, uproot your children and local connection to find a refuge. It's not you who is expected to cohabit with a transwoman who's had no medical transition, who could have any kind of history, having been forced to leave your adolescent son at social services because the refuge doesn't allow for males old enough to pose a threat.

The thing is, while you won't see a professional portrait photograph of me on here (or any - as your friend Julie Miller said, we have been harassed into the shadows. 'Cleansed' from society, in fact - always the right side of history with that chat, innit?) and I will not bore everyone with my autobiography: but I have been in a situation like that. You could never comprehend it, neither could many liberal feminists.

It's amazing how unimportant working class, uneducated and desperate women are. Women who's dignity and security isn't defended by lawyers or parents, isn't taken seriously by the police; who've ended up on the streets as teenagers. Or in refuges (we do tend to keep a low profile). Or in prison.

It isn't your life at all, and you never had to do any of this.  You don't have the faintest idea of the perpetual danger women are in from perverts.

You can very easily campaign for an advancement of your rights without displaying contempt for the welfare of women far, far more vulnerable than you can comprehend. Your name will now be associated with Karen White. With you dismissing his crimes as 'minor'. 

Is that a success for you? Are you trying to advocate for your rights, or pour scorn on ours? What have you achieved here, Steph's Place?

You even have a 'Truth and Lies' section, stating:

"There is probably no minority group in the UK that takes more negative publicity than trans folk"

Seriously? What about Muslims? Or travellers? How do you think travellers are reported on? Do you think that Irish travellers (a distinct ethnic group under attack for hundreds of years) get a good press, make the news for positive reasons? Ever? 

Tell me if you ever hear of a case of the police tracking someone down via social media after they used a slur like 'g*po' or 'p*key*. I'll wait.

I have a strategy here, however. I don't deny travellers have certain cultural issues that need addressing. I don't deny that there are endemic problems. What I do say is there is a reason for the antipathy and division. That the prejudice and persecution absorbed over centuries have caused deep mistrust and insularity. I point out the amazing qualities of travellers; the care for the elderly, the loyalty, the reverence for the dead and the heaps of charity work many do that goes unnoticed.

But, of course, it is worse for you:

"From newspaper owners who are transphobic and directs their editors to "slate" us - to exclusionary women's groups (sometimes known as Terf's or GC's or Gender Critical) - to even "Christian" churches who see transgender people as "unclean." 

Steph accused Transcrime UK of being a 'database of pure hate' which even logged people for driving offences. It wasn't exactly true, of course - it was a tag that grouped murders and sex offenders who used a vehicle in their crime.

Ah well.

"All these groups "throw mud" and, of course, some sticks. My community calls all exclusionists "Transphobes.""

Do you call all exclusionists transphobes? My god you must be busy, what with certain jobs requiring certain qualifications or training; with bus passes only being available to those of pension age; to child benefit only given to those with children. And of course you think I'm using hyperbole and sarcasm, but it's all the same principle - society requires checks and balances. You need to help some groups of people if you want anything approaching an egalitarian system. 

"This page is devoted to debunking the lies and rhetoric from the above groups in easy to read, short facts, almost like a FAQ page as seen on other websites. Any links will take you to pages with more detail"

This bit I've included just for shits and giggles. If you go along with the cult narrative of never look at anything from a feminist page, The Times, the Office of National Statistics (numbers, man? Why do we need numbers to talk about people in the 21st century?) etc and you block dissenters on sight, this may be exactly the place for you!

I still would like Steph's Place to challenge their own side, just a bit. Since the triggering has reached maximal clenching over this inconvenient story, it really might be worth asking people to stop saying self identification is the only true way of knowing someone's gender.
All the 'Acceptance without Exception' and 'you can't police other people's genders!' and talk of compelling rape victims to speak of their attacker with she/her would go a long way. Unless it's the tacit understanding that challenging the 'be kind', 'right side of history' is liable to end, well... badly.

Monday, 7 June 2021

It's another Steph's Place response - The last one. Promise

"5th June. 

Karen White Was Not Transgender

Stephen Woods aka Karen White used a false persona"

It would appear my review of Steph's Place's 'exposè' of Karen White aka Stephen Woods has resulted in severe triggering.

I did tweet Steph with the blog and ask for a response, but apparently he preferred to do the ironing (like a lady), thought I felt threatened and blocked me.
A week later, this appeared.

Julie Miller, another on Steph's 'team' was equally scornful, saying my use of the word 'nonce' to describe 'people who had committed suicide' was sickening. Thing is, I hadn't. I referred to nonces as nonces, and I steadfastly refuse to give them a posthumous pardon. One of them raped a four year old girl. No. Nicola Cope is a nonce, just like Jade Eatough, Marie Dean, the nonce formerly known as Nicola Florida and all the other NONCES.

Steph, no one is accusing you of being like White/Woods. No one. Please stop taking offence at the concern over the welfare of women. It does not look great on an elderly gentleman. 
Paul is also on Steph's team

Update! Steph's Paul has only gone and thoroughly debunked Steph's exposè with one blunt, hackneyed claim. Bloody hell, try to remember the company line mate. I just hope for your sake Steph doesn't see this. Or develops the logical cognition to understand the implications. Nerve wracking ..!

Original here, my ripostes are here and here
"It is funny how we all remember some conversations - "Oh, he was terrible", said a very high profile, gender-critical person to me once. She was referring to Stephen Wood, also known as David Thompson and more infamously as one Karen White."

(What is the point of this? 'Oh, he was terrible' is an anecdote? Like your underworld informants were... informed?)

"Karen White is one of the centre stones of 'terf ideology' - using an example of an individual case to smear the British transgender community."

(Here we go - accusing feminists of using smears while using an anti feminist slur frequently accompanied by rape and death threats. There's no such thing as 'TERF ideology'. There is radical feminism, and there is a broader recognition of male violence against women, and biological reality that permeates the whole of humanity - whether they chose ro admit it or not. But I see details, logical consistency and nuance are not strong points at Steph's Place.
Again, I'd like to know were you chanting 'not all men!' Before transition? Do you feel slighted by BLM activists?)

"To be fair, the gender-crits did not manufacture the Karen White issue - it was 'manufactured' by the reporting of the national press. "

(No, Steph, let's be honest - it was 'manufactured' by a grubby, amoral sex case who saw an opportunity that we have been warning about for years. It's nothing new, half of trans prisoners are sex offenders. Pretty concerning, especially considering how many times being trans has worked in mitigation and prevented someone being imprisoned)

"In short, anti-trans or sloppy journalists saw the words 'transgender 'sex offender' 'rape' 'attack' 'prison' 'women' 'trial' 'female estate' and 'guilty' - not looking into the actual facts of the case."

(Sloppy journalism? Please give me the tools to decipher between White and a 'bona fide trans woman'. Please tell me how I tell a transsexual from a cross dresser without the renowned genital checks.

You, Stepheny, got every single point wrong in your ideological screed. You know what's worse than not caring about truly vulnerable women? Using that apathy to maintain your grandiose, targeted ideological supremacy, keeping us in our miserable reserved places. You have a daughter, you say. What if she went to prison? Can you imagine having a child in that situation?
The hate for gender nonconformity is real - and there's few greater gender violations than for women to be incarcerated)

"A few local reporters following the trial did, but they were drowned out by the national press and, in particular, the right-wing newspapers who love to headline anti-trans stories."

"So the mud stuck."

(To whom? You genuinely think you're the victim here, even though no one associates you with White, even though you have a little clique with matchy-matchy haircuts, disposable income and time to focus on your pet projects. You are the victim, huh?)

"And today, three years on, we are still trying to convince the vast majority of people of the injustice the trans community feels of the Karen White slur."

(Oh, I know you feel it's an injustice. If only self identification campaigners had listened, huh? And if only you could manufacture a teeny, miniature fuck for the women who were seriously assaulted)

"So let's look again at this case and hope that some decent journalist from the national media will lay the Karen White ghost one day."

(This non-journalist has. And it's clearly triggered you, but what a pity you wouldn't respond to me, rather than dismissing me and blocking me...)

"The trial that got all the headlines took place in October 2018 at Bradford Crown Court.

The prosecutors were Mr Christopher Dunn, assisted by Miss Charlotte Dangerfield."

(Why do we need this filler? It's like you got nothing, but think it gives you an appearance of insight)

"The charges to which Stephen Wood (aka Karen White) was pleading guilty were that of multiple counts of rape, sexual assault, and unlawful (malicious) wounding. The earliest case of rape occurred in 2003, and previously Stephen Wood had served time in prison for indecent exposure and sexual assaults on children.

There was no question Stephen Wood had an abhorrent history of human abuse - he was a classic 'Category A' sex offender."

(Well now, considering a convicted sex offender helped draw up trans inclusion in prison rules, are you really that shocked?)

"But what went wrong that enabled Wood to get transferred to the female-prison estate?

Actually, several things."

(Self identification fanatics. Stonewall. Squealing wailing misogynistic bastards. An institutionalised hatred of women. 'Trans women are women' on blast every fuckin day. 'You don't get to police other people's gender!'. An incredible concentration on trans offenders who's background of rape and murder is obscured, while they are presented as victims . See the earlier blogs, Transgressions and They say they never feel safe but who are they?

Do you oppose this, Steph?
"Wood was very aware that the Prison Service procedures at that time (they have subsequently changed) meant that he could self-identify as a trans woman and easily get transferred to the female estate. This offered Wood two significant advantages."

(Here's who reviewed the policy that allowed this to occur: "Two external consultants were used to inform the review process. These were Peter Dawson (Deputy Director, Prison Reform Trust) and Jay Stewart (Director, Gendered Intelligence). The review gathered evidence from a wide range ... including many in the transgender community, and met transgender prisoners serving both long and short sentences. To our knowledge female prisoners who may be forced to live alongside male-born prisoners were not consulted and no organisations specialising in advocacy work for women were involved in the review (such as Women In Prison)

"The new transgender policy brought with it many welcome improvements ... However, the review also relaxed the rules. Previously to this, legal gender change (through acquisition of a Gender Recognition Certificate) and/or having had genital surgery were the main determinants of eligibility."
He got lucky - still, Jenny Ann Bishop thinks it's not a systemic fail -

"The case boards are a good way of doing things – you can’t say the system is wrong when it goes wrong once."

(A huge comfort to those women, innit?)
"It is almost the exception that proves the rule – you’ve just got to look at what went wrong and make sure it doesn’t happen again. No system is perfect. It’s human nature that people will sometimes get it wrong."

"Firstly he himself would be in a safer environment. The male prison estate is not exactly welcoming of sex offenders unless they are housed in an 'all sex offender prison', such as HMP Stafford for example.

(More filler. He's an old bruiser who loves a scrap and isn't who I mentally picture when imagining a scared inmate. He was also under serious non-sex offence charges - easy to pin it on stabbing, stare a few inmates down and live in relative peace. In fact, if you look at Transgressions you'll see one prisoner who raped and murdered a vulnerable cellmate to do just that - serve a serious sentence for something other than a sex crime)

"Secondly, he would be close to vulnerable cisgendered females and trans women - potentially more victims. As a remand prisoner, he also enjoyed more rights - bear in mind the sexual assaults that occurred while in prison were pre-trial.

"Wood, on self-identifying within the prison system as "trans", was subsequently transferred to HMP New Hall, Wakefield (within the female estate), where he then started to wear a wig and female clothing using the name Karen White."

(BULLSHIT. I told you he was presenting as Karen years before. Studiously ignored, but it's blatant. Jenny Ann Bishop (of transforum) spoke of knowing 'Karen' back in 2013 -

“When I met her she was at the beginning of her transition. “She seemed like somebody who was very much going to plough her own furrow regardless of the community advice, and she was going to demand her rights"

(Nice of Jenny to stick with the female pronouns, isn't it? And here's an excerpt from
"Before entering the prison system White was living in a social housing complex.
One of the residents said:
“We did not have a problem with her being transgender.
We already had another transgender woman living here and we all got on just fine,” the woman said. “She was always calling the police accusing us of hate crimes against her")

"Within a few days, White began to cause upset, and allegedly four incidents occurred these were:

(1) Stood close to another inmate, touched her arm and exposed herself.'

(Herself? Is Karen a transwoman or not?)

"(2) Pushed herself indecently against another prisoner."

(You mean pushed his exposed and erect penis into a woman while in a confined space? From The Birmingham Mail)

"The complainant, while waiting, felt something hard press against the small of her back. She turned around to see the defendant stood there. She could see the defendant's penis erect and sticking out of the top of his pants, covered by his tights."

"(3) Kissed an inmate on the neck."

"(4) Made inappropriate comments about oral sex and then put a female inmates hand on the ‘Whites left breast’ so she could feel her padded bra."

(Sounds like you're downplaying this here. Quite a lot. These women had already been gaslit, were trapped and then assaulted)

"After complaints, White was interviewed about the alleged four incidents - but contested two of them. For the other two incidents where there was apparently witnesses, he agreed to plead guilty to the subsequent charges.

"And so to court where Christopher Dunn, the senior prosecutor, said these words about Stephen Wood's sudden claim to be transgender when in the male estate:

"Allegedly’ transgender. The prosecution says allegedly because there are smatterings of evidence in this case that the defendant’s approach to transitioning has been less than committed."

"Then Mr Dunn added

“The prosecution suggests the reason for the lack of commitment towards transitioning is so the defendant can use a transgender persona to put herself in contact with vulnerable persons she can then abuse”.

(Do you seriously think he is an aberration? Why are 48% of trans prisoners currently serving time for sex offences? Do you not think it at all possible he was getting a kick out of the dress up? You don't believe he could be diagnosed with autogynephilia / transvestic disorder?)

"The national press did not report these vital facts and statements. There was an image of White in a wig, and that was it - he was trans.
(Bullshit. Here's your much hated The Times "Rapist Karen White in women's jail was trans faker". It contains this sentence:

"The government is holding consultations on proposals to allow people to “self-declare” their legal gender. Campaigners fear that opportunists will exploit the changes to gain access to protected female spaces."

(And you really should focus on preaching at your own, culpable, choir)

("White entered the UK prison system as
transgender" Says the Guardian

"The Yorkshire Evening Post reported differently - but what chance have they got against the coverage of The Times, Daily Mail, Telegraph, The Guardian et al.


And more to the point, newspapers HATE admitting mistakes.

"Even in high profile cases, eventual apologies are often buried in small print on page 19. In short, newspapers can very often print whatever they want, and they can get away with it!

(White/Woods was identifying as trans before prison. However, most outlets reported on him as a predatory man who abused the system)

"In sentencing, the judge Mr Christpopher Batty said:

"You are a predator and highly manipulative. In my view, you are a danger. You raped two women. You sexually assaulted two more. You stabbed an elderly male in his home. You don't accept any responsibility [for the offences]."

"Stephen Wood serves his time in a male prison - but thanks to him and the errors of the prison service, bona fide trans women serve their time in male jails too.

(Ok. Both Alex and Danielle above say they are women. There are many more self identifying transwomen who have made no medical transition whatsoever.
Is that a women's prison they would go to, or a men's? What about your friend Julie who identifies as a woman half the week? How many adjustments are you expecting the prisons to make? What about non binaries?)

"And before we get into any gender critical cries of ‘well this is exactly what we said would happen with Self ID!’ let’s just firmly put a stop to that right here - prisons are a unique environment where we, as those who have a genuine respect for the safety of everyone, are making it clear that a problem existed but it is unique to prisons.

(That is such a lie - No one made an exception for prisons, EVER. Find me one example)

"This is an isolated area..."

(Except for all the other cases like Jessica Winfield, Kayleigh Louise Woods, Alex Baker, Paris Green or any of the many, many here)

"...where there is clear evidence of cisgender men identifying a genuine advantage to lie and take on a trans persona - there is simply no evidence that there is anywhere outside a prison environment where they have identified a similar advantage - they can already dress as a women to gain easy access to any women’s space but the clear evidence is they don’t see this as a viable opportunity in everyday life."

(Seriously, really? Not to be a Girl Guides leader and take girls away for the weekend? Not to get off within earshot of women in their bathrooms and changing rooms? There's so much evidence of it...)

"This is an issue unique to prisons and we have no issue in highlighting this.

"What is however just as important to note is that this vile case of Karen White was 3 years ago, yet still his crimes are thrown at us time and time again as if proof of the danger trans women are - 3 years on and not only is the example used incorrectly as he isn’t transgender but none others have been highlighted - so it just proves how rare it is for such crimes to be committed by trans women."

(Why didn't you check out our other blogs, Steph? Seems like you're extremely well barricaded into that echo chamber, it must get a bit stifling and smelly. Here's one of prisons - like all the others, it's completely backed up with links to original sources)

"Cisgender men still represent the genuine threat to women’s safety and ‘Karen White’ is just another clear example of that MALE cisgender threat."

(Are Dawn Love, Nicola Cope, Ella Davies, Jessica Ann Smith, Tiffany Scott, Jacinta Brooks, Aza McKinnon, Pauline Long, Davina Ayreton, Jessica Winfield, all the ones in the Rich Fantasy blog also 'cisgender'? Can you tell me how to spot the difference?)

"Everyone - cisgender and transgender has the right to be safe while in prison."

(Yes! Yes they do)

"Sadly though, on average, a trans prisoner suffers a sexual assault in the male estate every three days."

(Erm, that article says there were 11 sexual assaults against trans people in prison - just under one a month... Did you think we wouldn't look?)

"Do the gender-critical care about this horrific fact?

No, of course not."

(Don't be silly. You're the one dispensing zero fucks for the women abused. We want you to have trans only wings. Your side says no, it's not affirming enough)

"They dont care that trans women are threatened, beaten, raped."

(Projection... You are the one making this about transwomen. No one else. You are the one playing down the sexual assaults on incarcerated women, who suffer appalling rates of sexual abuse, violent trauma etc from men.)

"They don't care that Karen White used a trans persona - its works for their agenda to ensure White is branded "trans."

(Lies - the point that self ID removes all safeguards and will be abused is frequently cited. And dismissed by hollow laugh reacts, mocking and misogynistic slurs)

"We uncover the full and true situation of transgender crime stats and UK prisons in this feature article:"

(To be perfectly honest, I can't be arsed with this now. It's too low hanging and just grim. Anyone reading these blogs will know just how unflinchingly wrong you are. I'm leaving the nonsense Steph so defensively promotes now. Maybe they can move onto something positive)

"Honesty matters"

(To who? It does matter to me - That it's genuine, that it's not a stack of tedious, cherry-picked bollox tarted up with a heart in a logo, a head tilt and grandiose, faux-objective hyperbole)

"Truth matters. "

(Regurgitating mantras like a rabid brexiteer won't convince, Steph)

"And the truth is Karen White only took on a trans persona once entering the prison estate. "

(Proved that's bollox tho, didn't I? Over a week ago, and showed it to you for a response)

Authored by Steph @PlaceSteph (murdered link 👻)
Steph, this is bad. But not just that. You're arrogantly centring your own feelings, as a person not affected, over the horrendous crimes of White and the hundreds of other cases in the UK alone. It comes over as deluded, self aggrandizing and utterly devoid of any concern for women - I fail to understand how you can so egregiously ignore them, while staking claim to that same being yourself.

Anyone genuinely interested in the failures that led to this atrocity, here's a copy/pasted Times article why was a convicted paedophile housed in a women's prison?

Friday, 28 May 2021

Steph's Place - Where to 'virtually everyone, truth matters'

Steph's magnanimously modest reveal can be seen here. Here is my longer response to that article.

5th April. The Story Behind The Story.

"The story that broke Karen White was not trans.


-Well. Well indeed. I can't help but picture Steph reclining in a swivel chair, basking in the glory of it all. Stroking a little cat, perhaps. What does 'the story that broke Karen White was not trans' mean? It sounds sort of ominous, as if you have a real scoop. But you don't. 

"My "Trans and Crime" story (click HERE if you have not read it) was published on Friday at 9:30 am, and what a response!

"I say "my," but that is not really true.

-Steph is modest and deferential, like a lady

"The article was very much a team effort that started some four months ago with a "tip-off" from a gender-crit (called "X" from here on) ...

-Real investigative journalism there, Steph. Four months of research, a shadowy underworld figure blowing the whistle on the gender-critical world. Have you been coached by the renowned truth-finders at PinkNews?

"..that what Stephen Wood, aka Karen White actions in a woman's prison was blown out of proportion by the media and the gender-criticals (GC)

-'Blown out of proportion'. Women were sexually assaulted while confined in prison, by a male, convicted, multiple sex offender who had just stabbed an elderly man

"To virtually everyone - truth matters.

-Oh yeah - Steph's big on 'truth'. It's not like pretty much each single point made is a crock of shit, contradicts itself one line later, is missing key information and / or is totally unsubstantiated.

'Blown out of proportion' - us with our damn hysteria, huh?

"Then a few weeks later, the second tip-off came my way from "Y." I was given information about a dedicated sex offenders prison with a separate wing for LGBT+ prisoners. Y said that many inmates housed at this prison were recorded as "trans" by the MOJ - but were not trans. They were sex offenders wanting to get close to trans women or occasional crossdressers. 

-What was Y's connection to the trans wing of this sex offender's jail? Don't fancy enlightening us?

"Talking to Y, firstly on the phone and then by Zoom, Y was enlightening. Y was indeed an expert on everything transgender, and more information followed.

-Honey, this has been spoken about for years. You really should have come here, or The Times, or The Spectator, or Inside Times, or anywhere, really. This is as revelatory as the 'news' buses can be predicted with a timetable.

"I then wrote the story up but was well aware that I was treading on dangerous ground - so I decided to ask a few close Twitter followers for their opinion of the piece.

-Danger, danger - high voltage! Feeling compelled to seek advice from Twitter followers really does cast this in the most serious light. Sort of grainy, pixelated, with mental images of our stoic reporter, tottering through the dark mean streets, checking for following agents while adjusting lipstick in your compact mirror...

"Most were okay with it or only wanted small changes, but one team member (I will call her "B") came back with a page of suggested changes. One of her several points was, "this article has to be a 110%".

-You bloody tease, Steph. 

-And 110% what? Are we talking watertight? Because this was not of a duck's arse calibre.

"She was, of course, absolutely right - the piece needed to be as watertight as possible. Then another - shorter list of comments - from another team member saying the article was too defensive and needed "beefing up."

-I would love to know what earlier editions looked like. 

-'Defensive' may pertain to the 'Gender criticals' are talking about the problem of rapists identifying as trans in prison, and it makes me feel like I have to build an argument made of wobbly mirrors and trapdoors to show them up as bigots!' 

-'Beefing up' probably referred to facts, not hearsay from potential nonces and the wailing of rainbow banshees.

-The fact you feel you have to defend yourself from accusations against Karen White and others, that's for you to work through.

"At that point, I was a tad down, weeks of hard work and not all 100% positive feedback.

-One thing I must add; Steph really takes us on a journey of emotional highs and lows... It's evocative stuff - I felt sick less than a paragraph in.

"But then X, probably thinking I was on Stephen Wood's trail...

-Thought wrong, then..

" ...opened up to me much more, then saying Wood was not trans; "Wood's performance was a charade, a flag of convenience, he was not trans", X said.

I was shocked."

-Here is the whole spurious, fallacious 'point':

Gender critical feminists: "anyone can self identify as female and be moved to the women's estate"

Steph: "this is a lie! Time for me (and my acronym team) to investigate!"

Fair Play for Women: "we have had numerous Freedom of Information requests denied. Here is data we have finally collated, showing it's a problem"

Steph: "Karen White wasn't actually trans! Looks like another mystery is solved!" 

-(ignoring that well, actually White had identified as trans before jail)

"X's (Vic Parsons, probably) statement went against everything the mainstream press, Fair Play for Women and Woman'sb Place UK was saying - but there was a gender crit just wanting the world to know different. To know the truth. 

He started to check this out and on - Like what Carol Cadwalladr or Marie Colvin would!

-I'm including Snopes here, only because it's so mundane and unenlightening I think we get an insight into Steph's profoundly substandard... standards.

"...a website dedicated to ascertain if stories in the media are true. I found an article from David Emery dated 30th November 2018 that had subsequently been fact-checked and accredited as accurate. It gave the inside story on Stephen Wood but not everything."

-Translation; it gives a brief overview of what pretty much every media source said

"Emery stated Wood was actually accused of four incidents inside New Hall prison but would only agree to two incidents, to which he subsequently pleaded guilty at his trial. After more research, I found additional evidence in local newspapers - this was the break-through that perhaps made the piece.

-...edge of my seat...

"Stephen Terence Wood - also known as Karen White was not transgender.

Shared by none other than Stonewall

"My story was re-written (incorporating B's requests as much as possible), and the article was re-submitted to the team. All looked good - then P came back with one late point, so again another change which fortunately he did for me. By then, I was well and truly sick of the piece!"

-(Can sympathize! Imagine having to wade through all that depravity, and end up with a self-congratulatory apologia of Karen White's crimes as minor)

-Steph accused Transcrime UK of listing driving offences. My 'scoop', dear reader, was to show that all of them had 'driving offences' as a tag, alonside rape, kidnap, child sexual abuse, murder etc.

-I know, deep in my heart, it wasn't just me. It was only through collaboration with Google search and my source T(ranscrimeUK) that I made the breakthrough. And, of course, God.

"And then D-day.

"Publication - I undertook the launch on Twitter and by my friend Katie Neeves (lol - Katie Neeves, who as a Transbassador is Really Soiling Usposted details on other social media platforms.

-It's the little things that keeps Steph's pecker up

"And what a great response! Google analytics showed four-figure page hits, and positive comments came in thick and fast.

  • Robin Moira White a barrister at Old Square Chambers and who recently gave evidence to the Women & Equalities Committee, tweeted "A powerful piece of writing on a difficult subject."
  • Kirsty Miller, an ex Prison Governor, tweeted, "Spot on."
  • What The Trans (a former journalist at the New Statesman and PinkNews) messaged me saying "You are a real writer. A real researcher and this is journalism."
  • And from the lovely Dawn Smith who was on the Andrew Marr show just a week earlier tweeted, "Your passion and knowledge shine Steph, I hope you get published".

-Seriously, if one word of this is true I'm kicking off. It's almost like the work of FPfW, WPUK, Transcrime, even myself and the many other feminists covering this isn't really appreciated. If only I could understand why... 

-Oh, I just checked on the 'response' - check it out!

-I knew Parsons would be in there! Along with EIGHT likes!

In my case, speaking via Ms Anna Philaxis' account, I had a far less positive response;

-As a matter of fact, I referred to nonces as nonces.
And I was sympathetic to Vikki Thompsonm, who was essentially a lost, damaged, drug addicted care leaver
It also sounds like Major Julie was a source right under the nose of our intrepid reporter 

- It's very sad that Steph's plea for so many media to examine this was left unanswered... But yes, "it wAs ThA JOURNALISMiSM WhAT's FUCkInGG SCaReDED MeH"

(Back to Steph)

"But it wasn't just me, was it.

-No. It was your team, your Twitter followers and 'sources'... An... achievement, for sure.

"There was X, a gender-crit wanting the truth to be told but perhaps not prepared to say to people on the GC side for fear of being ostracised. 

-Any accusations this Jen Dercritical is potentially Steph in a brunette wig will result in a ban from my blog - got it?

"And then "Team Trans" - all the other people that spent hours and hours between them reading drafts - thinking of all the angles to cover.

-Did they get lost in the post, Steph? 'Hours and hours between them - thinking of all the angles to cover' is a bizarre statement considering you've essentially served us a jobby on a plate.

"To everyone that helped - especially X and B - thank you. I take away from the Trans & Crime article that independent trans rights activists really should start working together as a team much more. We need to be more organised. 

-I fully agree! Organised, absolutely. Organised, with functioning cognition, maybe even with 'news' that is repeated in full, which hasn't appeared in any national papers in the last, say, five years?

"And so to the next major project.

-It's good, in a way, to have this little project, innit? It's inspired me to spend my days around rivers and the like, saving fish from drowning. We can all do something positive, like Steph

" I want to hear from trans folk who have or were prescribed puberty blockers. We hear lots from so-called "experts" (actual experts, mate) and the lawyers in Keira Bell case - but we hear nothing from the thousands of people who have taken puberty blockers. What do they think about PB's? Did PB's help? What happened after taking them? What do the parents of the very young think? Should they not all have a voice?

-To be honest, Steph has a fair point. When will we hear about the positive child transition stories?

"So I tweeted for info and within seconds got three 'likes' - one very surprisingly from Suzanne Moore, who, for whatever her views, has a hypnotic writing style that pulls readers in like no other writer I know. She really does make it look so easy and it is not. In her recent blog letter, she describes herself as an "old bint" - a club (as I am 6 years older than her); I wonder if I could join - or is this a sex-based right club too? Suzanne, please let me know! 

-That is painful to read, mate. Painful. I'm reluctant to tell you to get some self respect - in fact I won't - don't! But just stop that...

"Tony McCoy, the twenty times champion jockey, once tweeted, "Sometimes those who challenge us the most teach us the best."

"I will never be able to write like Suzanne, with so much pose

Do you mean poise? Prose? Much prose?

"But her act of liking my tweet perhaps may suggest she trusts this trans woman writing another difficult story - if so, that is progress.

-Erm, well, you know that Miranda Yardley is trans? Fionne Orlander, Debbie Hayton, Kristina Jayne Harrison, Sian Lacey Taylder, Jenn Smith, Sophie XY, Seven Hex, Nyah Putzo, Claudia McLean are, too? 

-It might be the limpet-clasp on bullshit and frequent, deeply un-sisterly rejection of all our concerns we object to, and not the identity you have chosen. After all, many of us may not even share that view of your identity.

-Who knows what Suzanne Moore meant, maybe you could ask her. Or better yet, consult more followers? It's best to relentlessly side with the echo chamber, so much kinder there.

"Will my "Trans and Crime" article prove to some GC that Karen White was not trans? Dispel the myth that trans women are predators?

-Are you really this misinformed? Not sure if I'm being cruel, if your intellect can only be rivalled by garden tools, or if this absurd mischaracterisation of all of the gender critical arguments, Fair Play for Women, Women's Place UK etc is being cynically played under identical blonde bobs, pearl necklaces and the artistic licence of a shredder.

-One way to prove it - why don't you respond?

Sadly, Steph took the invitation to respond as one with a time limit of just a few hours, and, with the pressures of housework like a lady, well...

"Will it help create trust?

"I don't know."

A searing insight into the current debate, Steph. And team and sources. Thank you for this, it's certainly helped me understand that sometimes I am infallible. But I'm not in this case. At all.



Suzanne Moore might have been polite to you, Steph, but it's possibly worthwhile reigning in your special advisor: