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Saturday 19 June 2021

Karen White & Steph's Place - tone-deaf with a straight face

Steph is like a dog with a bone with this one, although I appreciate the oblique reference to my previous post by acknowledging White/Woods was known as a 'transfaker'. Steph 'had to dig pretty deep, but obviously, the few gender crits who was aware of Wood's status did not do this' which is just glorious.
If you find massively mismatched battles followed by delusional, bantum-like strutting by the loser entertaining, that is.

On that point, we are accused of not reading the article(s) properly, whilst poor old Steph says it 'appears to suggest that White may have been an occasional crossdresser but was not, in their view, "trans."'
Steph goes on 'I say "appears" because I dont have a Times subscription and am most certainly not going to support an anti-trans rag - so in consequence, I can not read all of the article. But the fact remains the headline uses the words "trans faker".'
Mate, I actually linked to a copy/pasted Times article. So either you are confused, didn't read it properly, or are too paralysed with fear over the impending cognitive dissonance it would provoke. Either way, it's shit.

It's beyond tedious at this stage, and even for me, someone who doesn't enjoy kicking a man when he's down, (but, in the right circumstances, might find it funny) it's beyond a piece of piss to deconstruct this shite.
I've already done that, so many times now (links below) so I'm not bothering now. However, I get the feeling that Steph is very much a last word type. Unfortunately, I have also been cursed with this affliction. It's just a pity, for Steph, that not one of those last, or penultimate or even first words could be accurate, truthful or appropriate. 
It is, on the bright side, funny.

Apparently, gender criticals are 'heartless', even though Steph was asked no less than five times to show a flicker of concern for the women assaulted by White, and after repeatedly diminishing it, decided to gloss over the details and refer to the sexual assaults as 'minor incidents'. 
But it's us who's renowned for the mean stuff.

Now - bat signal to the terven network - we have traitors in our midst! Aside from the shocking tale of Steph meeting a double-agent gender critical in a park - while holding a briefcase, wearing a green neckerchief and muttering about the squirrel flying West for winter - it now emerges feminists have messaged Steph, via some kind of media network, to praise the excellent service of outing White and finally speaking the truth.

Sisters, we must find out who these treasonous backstabbers are. Any information on the psychic communication methods Steph uses to consort with the treacherous must be exposed. Clearly, the hotline to Steph's left temporal lobe is extremely active. No wonder the head is all tilted.

I, unlike Steph, will leave you, as always, to a link to their latest jobby on a plate (UPDATE; dear reader, that link died. Possibly because of me. I hope and pray I won't be implicated come TDoR) 
It appears this is a real hot topic over at that Place, and Sonia Sodha is next in the crosshairs. Sonia, my thoughts are with you. I can only say, through bitter personal experience, it will be fine. Really, really fine. Banality, zero self awareness backed up with a customised echo chamber and an irrational compulsion to flog long dead horses is all that keeps some people going. In the end, it's quite life affirming. There really is something for everyone.

Fada beo an fhírinne!
Ní mná iad fir, cibé méid tilt tú do cheann. Póg mo thóin

My earlier responses to Steph are;

* No, Steph - Sexual assault is never 'minor'(you cheeky, 'orrible ****)

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