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Showing posts with label Review. Show all posts

Friday, 28 May 2021

Steph's Place - Where to 'virtually everyone, truth matters'

Steph's magnanimously modest reveal can be seen here. Here is my longer response to that article.

5th April. The Story Behind The Story.

"The story that broke Karen White was not trans.


-Well. Well indeed. I can't help but picture Steph reclining in a swivel chair, basking in the glory of it all. Stroking a little cat, perhaps. What does 'the story that broke Karen White was not trans' mean? It sounds sort of ominous, as if you have a real scoop. But you don't. 

"My "Trans and Crime" story (click HERE if you have not read it) was published on Friday at 9:30 am, and what a response!

"I say "my," but that is not really true.

-Steph is modest and deferential, like a lady

"The article was very much a team effort that started some four months ago with a "tip-off" from a gender-crit (called "X" from here on) ...

-Real investigative journalism there, Steph. Four months of research, a shadowy underworld figure blowing the whistle on the gender-critical world. Have you been coached by the renowned truth-finders at PinkNews?

"..that what Stephen Wood, aka Karen White actions in a woman's prison was blown out of proportion by the media and the gender-criticals (GC)

-'Blown out of proportion'. Women were sexually assaulted while confined in prison, by a male, convicted, multiple sex offender who had just stabbed an elderly man

"To virtually everyone - truth matters.

-Oh yeah - Steph's big on 'truth'. It's not like pretty much each single point made is a crock of shit, contradicts itself one line later, is missing key information and / or is totally unsubstantiated.

'Blown out of proportion' - us with our damn hysteria, huh?

"Then a few weeks later, the second tip-off came my way from "Y." I was given information about a dedicated sex offenders prison with a separate wing for LGBT+ prisoners. Y said that many inmates housed at this prison were recorded as "trans" by the MOJ - but were not trans. They were sex offenders wanting to get close to trans women or occasional crossdressers. 

-What was Y's connection to the trans wing of this sex offender's jail? Don't fancy enlightening us?

"Talking to Y, firstly on the phone and then by Zoom, Y was enlightening. Y was indeed an expert on everything transgender, and more information followed.

-Honey, this has been spoken about for years. You really should have come here, or The Times, or The Spectator, or Inside Times, or anywhere, really. This is as revelatory as the 'news' buses can be predicted with a timetable.

"I then wrote the story up but was well aware that I was treading on dangerous ground - so I decided to ask a few close Twitter followers for their opinion of the piece.

-Danger, danger - high voltage! Feeling compelled to seek advice from Twitter followers really does cast this in the most serious light. Sort of grainy, pixelated, with mental images of our stoic reporter, tottering through the dark mean streets, checking for following agents while adjusting lipstick in your compact mirror...

"Most were okay with it or only wanted small changes, but one team member (I will call her "B") came back with a page of suggested changes. One of her several points was, "this article has to be a 110%".

-You bloody tease, Steph. 

-And 110% what? Are we talking watertight? Because this was not of a duck's arse calibre.

"She was, of course, absolutely right - the piece needed to be as watertight as possible. Then another - shorter list of comments - from another team member saying the article was too defensive and needed "beefing up."

-I would love to know what earlier editions looked like. 

-'Defensive' may pertain to the 'Gender criticals' are talking about the problem of rapists identifying as trans in prison, and it makes me feel like I have to build an argument made of wobbly mirrors and trapdoors to show them up as bigots!' 

-'Beefing up' probably referred to facts, not hearsay from potential nonces and the wailing of rainbow banshees.

-The fact you feel you have to defend yourself from accusations against Karen White and others, that's for you to work through.

"At that point, I was a tad down, weeks of hard work and not all 100% positive feedback.

-One thing I must add; Steph really takes us on a journey of emotional highs and lows... It's evocative stuff - I felt sick less than a paragraph in.

"But then X, probably thinking I was on Stephen Wood's trail...

-Thought wrong, then..

" ...opened up to me much more, then saying Wood was not trans; "Wood's performance was a charade, a flag of convenience, he was not trans", X said.

I was shocked."

-Here is the whole spurious, fallacious 'point':

Gender critical feminists: "anyone can self identify as female and be moved to the women's estate"

Steph: "this is a lie! Time for me (and my acronym team) to investigate!"

Fair Play for Women: "we have had numerous Freedom of Information requests denied. Here is data we have finally collated, showing it's a problem"

Steph: "Karen White wasn't actually trans! Looks like another mystery is solved!" 

-(ignoring that well, actually White had identified as trans before jail)

"X's (Vic Parsons, probably) statement went against everything the mainstream press, Fair Play for Women and Woman'sb Place UK was saying - but there was a gender crit just wanting the world to know different. To know the truth. 

He started to check this out and on - Like what Carol Cadwalladr or Marie Colvin would!

-I'm including Snopes here, only because it's so mundane and unenlightening I think we get an insight into Steph's profoundly substandard... standards.

"...a website dedicated to ascertain if stories in the media are true. I found an article from David Emery dated 30th November 2018 that had subsequently been fact-checked and accredited as accurate. It gave the inside story on Stephen Wood but not everything."

-Translation; it gives a brief overview of what pretty much every media source said

"Emery stated Wood was actually accused of four incidents inside New Hall prison but would only agree to two incidents, to which he subsequently pleaded guilty at his trial. After more research, I found additional evidence in local newspapers - this was the break-through that perhaps made the piece.

-...edge of my seat...

"Stephen Terence Wood - also known as Karen White was not transgender.

Shared by none other than Stonewall

"My story was re-written (incorporating B's requests as much as possible), and the article was re-submitted to the team. All looked good - then P came back with one late point, so again another change which fortunately he did for me. By then, I was well and truly sick of the piece!"

-(Can sympathize! Imagine having to wade through all that depravity, and end up with a self-congratulatory apologia of Karen White's crimes as minor)

-Steph accused Transcrime UK of listing driving offences. My 'scoop', dear reader, was to show that all of them had 'driving offences' as a tag, alonside rape, kidnap, child sexual abuse, murder etc.

-I know, deep in my heart, it wasn't just me. It was only through collaboration with Google search and my source T(ranscrimeUK) that I made the breakthrough. And, of course, God.

"And then D-day.

"Publication - I undertook the launch on Twitter and by my friend Katie Neeves (lol - Katie Neeves, who as a Transbassador is Really Soiling Usposted details on other social media platforms.

-It's the little things that keeps Steph's pecker up

"And what a great response! Google analytics showed four-figure page hits, and positive comments came in thick and fast.

  • Robin Moira White a barrister at Old Square Chambers and who recently gave evidence to the Women & Equalities Committee, tweeted "A powerful piece of writing on a difficult subject."
  • Kirsty Miller, an ex Prison Governor, tweeted, "Spot on."
  • What The Trans (a former journalist at the New Statesman and PinkNews) messaged me saying "You are a real writer. A real researcher and this is journalism."
  • And from the lovely Dawn Smith who was on the Andrew Marr show just a week earlier tweeted, "Your passion and knowledge shine Steph, I hope you get published".

-Seriously, if one word of this is true I'm kicking off. It's almost like the work of FPfW, WPUK, Transcrime, even myself and the many other feminists covering this isn't really appreciated. If only I could understand why... 

-Oh, I just checked on the 'response' - check it out!

-I knew Parsons would be in there! Along with EIGHT likes!

In my case, speaking via Ms Anna Philaxis' account, I had a far less positive response;

-As a matter of fact, I referred to nonces as nonces.
And I was sympathetic to Vikki Thompsonm, who was essentially a lost, damaged, drug addicted care leaver
It also sounds like Major Julie was a source right under the nose of our intrepid reporter 

- It's very sad that Steph's plea for so many media to examine this was left unanswered... But yes, "it wAs ThA JOURNALISMiSM WhAT's FUCkInGG SCaReDED MeH"

(Back to Steph)

"But it wasn't just me, was it.

-No. It was your team, your Twitter followers and 'sources'... An... achievement, for sure.

"There was X, a gender-crit wanting the truth to be told but perhaps not prepared to say to people on the GC side for fear of being ostracised. 

-Any accusations this Jen Dercritical is potentially Steph in a brunette wig will result in a ban from my blog - got it?

"And then "Team Trans" - all the other people that spent hours and hours between them reading drafts - thinking of all the angles to cover.

-Did they get lost in the post, Steph? 'Hours and hours between them - thinking of all the angles to cover' is a bizarre statement considering you've essentially served us a jobby on a plate.

"To everyone that helped - especially X and B - thank you. I take away from the Trans & Crime article that independent trans rights activists really should start working together as a team much more. We need to be more organised. 

-I fully agree! Organised, absolutely. Organised, with functioning cognition, maybe even with 'news' that is repeated in full, which hasn't appeared in any national papers in the last, say, five years?

"And so to the next major project.

-It's good, in a way, to have this little project, innit? It's inspired me to spend my days around rivers and the like, saving fish from drowning. We can all do something positive, like Steph

" I want to hear from trans folk who have or were prescribed puberty blockers. We hear lots from so-called "experts" (actual experts, mate) and the lawyers in Keira Bell case - but we hear nothing from the thousands of people who have taken puberty blockers. What do they think about PB's? Did PB's help? What happened after taking them? What do the parents of the very young think? Should they not all have a voice?

-To be honest, Steph has a fair point. When will we hear about the positive child transition stories?

"So I tweeted for info and within seconds got three 'likes' - one very surprisingly from Suzanne Moore, who, for whatever her views, has a hypnotic writing style that pulls readers in like no other writer I know. She really does make it look so easy and it is not. In her recent blog letter, she describes herself as an "old bint" - a club (as I am 6 years older than her); I wonder if I could join - or is this a sex-based right club too? Suzanne, please let me know! 

-That is painful to read, mate. Painful. I'm reluctant to tell you to get some self respect - in fact I won't - don't! But just stop that...

"Tony McCoy, the twenty times champion jockey, once tweeted, "Sometimes those who challenge us the most teach us the best."

"I will never be able to write like Suzanne, with so much pose

Do you mean poise? Prose? Much prose?

"But her act of liking my tweet perhaps may suggest she trusts this trans woman writing another difficult story - if so, that is progress.

-Erm, well, you know that Miranda Yardley is trans? Fionne Orlander, Debbie Hayton, Kristina Jayne Harrison, Sian Lacey Taylder, Jenn Smith, Sophie XY, Seven Hex, Nyah Putzo, Claudia McLean are, too? 

-It might be the limpet-clasp on bullshit and frequent, deeply un-sisterly rejection of all our concerns we object to, and not the identity you have chosen. After all, many of us may not even share that view of your identity.

-Who knows what Suzanne Moore meant, maybe you could ask her. Or better yet, consult more followers? It's best to relentlessly side with the echo chamber, so much kinder there.

"Will my "Trans and Crime" article prove to some GC that Karen White was not trans? Dispel the myth that trans women are predators?

-Are you really this misinformed? Not sure if I'm being cruel, if your intellect can only be rivalled by garden tools, or if this absurd mischaracterisation of all of the gender critical arguments, Fair Play for Women, Women's Place UK etc is being cynically played under identical blonde bobs, pearl necklaces and the artistic licence of a shredder.

-One way to prove it - why don't you respond?

Sadly, Steph took the invitation to respond as one with a time limit of just a few hours, and, with the pressures of housework like a lady, well...

"Will it help create trust?

"I don't know."

A searing insight into the current debate, Steph. And team and sources. Thank you for this, it's certainly helped me understand that sometimes I am infallible. But I'm not in this case. At all.



Suzanne Moore might have been polite to you, Steph, but it's possibly worthwhile reigning in your special advisor:

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Rich Fantasy at Large

Unnamed, never found - these are the offenders I was unable to catalogue in the rich fantasy self ID endangers women.

Berkshire, Theale;

"Officers investigating an incident in which a person exposed their genitals to two teenagers at Theale station... two teenage girls, aged 15 and 16, were sat on-board a train at the station when someone on the platform approached the train’s window.

As the train started to depart the station the person exposed their genitals to the two teenagers before making lewd hand gestures in their direction.

They then walked into a shelter at the station and masturbated"

Cambridge, St Neots; Man dressed in women's clothes rings door bell, exposing himself when children answer 

Cheshire, Wilmslow;

Cornwall, Falmouth; A transvestite has been caught raping a dog in the dry moat of Pendennis Castle, an English Heritage buildingThe 33-year-old cross-dresser was spotted by the animal’s owner. Clad in a black dress, the perpetrator ran away when he realised he had been clocked, but he was restrained by castle staff while the police were called. After being escorted home, he reportedly made a ‘full and frank confession’ before being cautioned for outraging public decency.

He was cautioned.

Buckinghamshire, Beaconsfield;

Man dressed as a schoolgirl hangs around outside school trying to speak to girls

County Antrim, Belfast; A man clad only in stockings and suspenders was chased through a forest by police for 30 minutes before being arrested.

The pursuit took place in broad daylight in woodlands close to public playing fields in Londonderry.

Two women out walking in the area came upon the man dressed in tights and suspenders and nothing else last Tuesday.


A man dressed in black stockings and a red miniskirt is being sought by police after making a lewd remark to a woman out walking in a Hampshire town. 

Herefordshire, Bishop's Stortford 

Police appeal after male victim sexually assaulted by man dressed as a woman 

Kinross, Tayside;

Man in a dress approaches woman in her 30's and girl of 15 and indecently exposes himself, in Perthshire park at 9.30pm. "The flasher was described as slim, around 6ft tall, and had short, scraggly dark hair. He was also wearing a purple and white dress with a black hoodie"

Lancashire, Manchester; A man who sexually assaulted a girl while dressed as a woman is being sought by police

Leicestershire, Beaumont Leys; Leicestershire Police have received a number of reports of a man approaching women and exposing himself to them, between October 29 and December 8. During all of the incidents the suspect has been described as wearing women’s clothing.

Additional link

Lincolnshire, Grimsby

Man knickers performed a sex act on himself in front of woman on the bus.

London, Islington; The victim, a 19-year-old woman, was seated when a transgender female suspect sat opposite. The suspect then exposed themselves to the victim before leaving at Highbury and Islington and boarding a separate train to Richmond.

London, Penge; Police were called after a man was seen removing his shorts on a bench before masturbating while children were playing nearby. Officer said his "genitals were in full view" and a collection of women’s underwear was reportedly found in the bag he was carrying.

Barry Southgate, of Huntly Road, South Norwood, was arrested and later charged with indecent exposure. Link

Selkirk,  Selkirkshire
man, who is believed to be around five-feet-nine-inches tall and in his late 50s, was seen with women’s clothes on in the Bannerfield area.
At around 8pm he exposed himself to a group of young girls in Montrose Place.
And a short time later, still wearing a black skirt and black wig, flashed again at two 16-year-old girls in the grounds of Philiphaugh school.
Officers patrolled Bannerfield and questioned residents last week in a bid to snare the flasher, who has been dubbed locally as the

The man, dressed in women's clothes, exposed himself to four youngsters before making off.
Police have stepped up patrols in the Bannerfield housing estate in the Borders town of Selkirk."

Suffolk, Wilby

"Police are appealing for witnesses to an incident of indecent exposure that took place in Wilby.

It took place on Monday 1 January 2024, at around 1:20pm, on London City Road.

A member of public reported seeing a man conducting an indecent act, whilst standing next to a silver car

He is described as being tall (around 6ft 3ins in height), of skinny build and dressed in a black corset, a black skirt and a blonde wig"

Sussex, Burgess Hill 

"Detectives are hunting two young women after a 15-year-old boy was ambushed in a wooded area of Burgess Hill and sexually assaulted.

The teenager was knocked unconscious in the attack, waking up naked on the floor with head injuries and wounds to his body.

After removing all of his clothes the women walked off." 

Despite being reported as women, I call bullshit 

West Yorkshire, Wakefield; The suspect has exposed himself three times so far this month. The first incident took place on December 10 when he was dressed in a black wig, black vest, leggings, a waistcoat and high heels.

Yorkshire, Leeds;

Gary Atack was found not guilty of this terrifying rape of a 16 yr old girl. All media links have expired. This from TranscrimeUK 

"The girl was approached and asked the time in the early hours of the morning by a person wearing a women’s skirt and boots, and a long blonde wig.

She said she was waiting for her father and the person offered to let her wait at her home nearby, but she rejected the offer. 

She noticed the person – whom she initially assumed was a woman due to their attire – smelled of stale urine and at that point the person squatted down and urinated in front of her. 

The girl testified that she immediately began to walk away only to be grabbed and dragged into the alley, where the man raped her.

Atack, 45, was subsequently arrested and his home was searched. In addition to women’s clothing, urine-stained underwear and DVDs of women urinating were found and he accepted he was sexually aroused by people urinating in front of others. He admitted he had changed into woman’s clothing at a nearby bus shelter and that he had urinated in front of the girl while wearing them but denied raping her. He was seen changing back to men’s clothes on a closed circuit TV camera nearby. The CCTV footage also revealed Atack was lying about his movements and showed him fleeing from the scene carrying his boots which the prosecution alleged was “so he could run faster”"

Yorkshire, Sheffield; A woman was out walking her dog in the woods behind Thorpe Hesley and High Green Cricket Club on Wednesday, July 3. She said her dog became spooked as she ran into the woods before discovering a man standing in women’s underwear, exposing himself.


"Officers said a white man, who was in his 20s, about 6ft tall and wearing women’s clothing, make-up and a red wig, attacked a couple on a train travelling between Woodlesford and Elsecar stationsPc Richard Ward said: “During the journey, the woman noticed an elderly passenger ask another person to remove their bag from a seat to allow her to sit down.

“The other passenger refused and the elderly woman had to go and find another seat. The female victim questioned the suspect’s actions before an altercation took place. “The woman’s husband removed the bag from the chair before the suspect punched him, causing a small cut to his lip. “The suspect then spat in the man’s face, before he punched the woman in her face.” 

Yorkshire, Pontefract: transvestite dressed in stereotypically female clothing was sought by police after exposing his genitals to children on three occasions in Pontefract.  The incidents took place in December 2012 when he was dressed in a black wig, black vest, leggings, a waistcoat and high heels. All media except for this have been sent down the memory hole

Friday, 14 May 2021

The struggle is real and definitely valid


The struggle is real and definitely valid

Trigger warning - this article contains high pitched squealing and may induce misanthropy. 
However, it is essential reading; whilst reviewing this, I went on what is known as a journey. I apologise deeply for my hostile tone at the start, it is only halfway through I truly began to comprehend the fight we have on our hands. I leave my uneducated comments up as a warning, as evidence change is possible, and because I believe I must own my past.

"When Kai Solomon printed out their consent form to get a COVID-19 vaccine, their eyes focused on the portion of the form that asked for their sex.

And their heart sank.

Solomon found Manitoba's form had four boxes they could pick from when designating sex: male, female, intersex and unknown" (Let's forget about 'intersex' there - any of a range of differences of sexual development being listed as separate to the only sexes in mammals - male and female. Let's forget them, their mostly sex specific conditions and the constant, ableist 'othering' and literal mis-sexing they endure at the hands of the LGBTQIAS+ movement - this is trivial in comparison to Kai's plight) "Solomon, who is non-binary and uses they and them pronouns, didn't see themself reflected in any of those options.

"I felt very invalid. It was very defeating. It just felt like we didn't fit … like we didn't deserve the vaccine because we're not on the form," Solomon said."

So, for Kai this is nightmarish. Legit. Having to give factual information on a medical form is harmful. Why does medicine need data, why isn't thyselves own internal self perception listed?! I myself feel excluded by the heteronormative font and colonialist use of English as a language. I have to wonder, when will we move onto why political persuasion, star signs, favourite colours and number of Twitter followers aren't recorded? There's so many things I imagine Kai likes people to know about them - thoughts on all of life's big questions, their funniest stories, the times they've been brave and kind or owned Jordan Peterson...

"Dr. Joss Reimer, the medical lead of Manitoba's vaccine implementation task force, apologized to Manitobans who identify as transgender for "wrong, inappropriate and disrespectful" wording in the question about sex on the vaccine consent form."

It's "wrong, inappropriate and disrespectful" to ask the most significant factor in medicine? This doctor had to do a press announcement to apologise to the they/thems. Just think about that.

"We should have done better before and we need to do better going forward, so I want to apologize for our error," she said."

Biological sex matters in medicine. The Lancet - "A growing body of research highlights the influence of biological sex in clinically relevant health outcomes, including sex-specific differences in immunity, pharmacology, and vaccines outcomes (side-effects and efficacy)". Women tend to need lower doses, they develop antibodies faster and suffer more symptoms. "sex-based differences in innate and adaptive immunity in SARS-CoV-2 infections are probable contributors to the increased risk of intensive care unit admission and overall mortality in men, and increased reports of long-COVID symptoms in women."

So, sorry, theybies and gentlethem, but this is highly fucking relevant. It's probably not that healthy to live in furious denial of your biology, because, umm, it's real and definitely important when it gets to healthcare. And even if you don't care - for the rest of us, confined to our dull meat-suit of realism, data is vital. Still, they can't stop. The precious, pedantic self exceptionalism and loud complaints are key in non-binary survival/validation and we all need to hear it or they will be killed all over again.

"There are now three boxes that can picked when designating sex: male, female and X. 

The X isn't much better, according to Solomon and some other LGBTQ Manitobans.

"X isn't a gender and it's disrespectful," says Deith Aquino, a non-binary Filipinx Manitoban."

Yep, definitely a problem. X isn't a gender, but more importantly gender has no basis in medicine - so why is it on a question about sex? I actually agree!

So, what we've learned - biological sex is taboo, but we must know this person is of Filipino descent. Anyone know why? Why don't all records come with a little mood chart, ink-blot tests and requests for self expression through the medium of dance? Think of all the lost opportunities to truly know the patient via the intentional and unintentional gestures, expressions and body formations... 

""A first mistake is an accident. But once the same mistake happens again, it's not a mistake anymore, it's a decision ... that can bring harm and danger."

HaRM And dAnGER! Are you listening?

"Charlie Eau, a community advocate with Trans Manitoba, says the group has been clear that it want to be a part of dialogue and engagement with the province and Shared Health to improve health outcomes for trans, non-binary and two-spirit people.

Part of the issue, Eau says, is that the province isn't clear about what information it needs and for what purpose."

What purpose? What possible reason would there be (except for those listed above - the cherry picked, heteronormative, abusive ones) for this violation and exercise in systematic de-legitimisation? Let Trans Manitoba on your public health board, goddammit, I'm sure they have so much to offer - for example, what colour plasters are you using? Are the needles used in the archetypal, patriarchal phallic form? Why can't they be inverted like a vagina? Are you penis fetishists?

"Sex, or one's biological attributes, is different than gender — socially constructed sets of expectations about how people should look, act and think. Gender identity is how you feel inside and how you express your gender."

The transplain begins. How is gender relevant? Do amicagender 'folks' reacted differently to antegenders?  Can oneirogender become hydrogender as a side effect? Why do they confuse sex and gender with this inane sideshow of pre-packaged 'individuality'? 

Yet again, they mix the two, wax lyrical about gender, roll it in glitter, put it centre stage and invite gasps of astonishment from the audience. Then they tell us they're not the same thing in an awe-inspiring show of esoteric investigative-journalism. 

For the uneducated*Antegender: "a protean gender which has the potential to be anything, but is formless and motionless, and therefore, does not manifest as any particular gender." *Amicagender: "a gender that changes depending on which friend you’re with" *Oneirogender: “being agender, but having recurring fantasies or daydreams of being a certain gender without the dysphoria or desire to actually be that gender day-to-day” *Hydrogender: "a gender that shares qualities with water"

Imagine confusing those...

Charlie Eau Winnipeg
Winnipeg advocate Charlie Eau says they're eager to engage with the province on how to better accommodate the needs of non-binary, two-spirit and trans Manitobans in the vaccine campaign. (Austin Grabish/CBC) - Oh the beleaguered half smile. Cheer up Charlie, it might never happen! I love the reference to two spirit, a purported non-binary identity recognised by native American people. It's one of many non-binary identities (therefore covered by NB), mostly describing the same sort of narcissistic fancy-pants shite we might come up with at age 12 when writing fantasy biographies in diaries labelled 'PRIVATE! DO NOT READ!' To be clear, this is an attempt to bring in the mental images of native people crushed underfoot. And I for one want to poke my mind's eye out.
"Government documents often use sex and gender interchangeably, not recognizing they're different" - like you just did, and like these activists are fighting for - "Another issue with the question on the form is that it doesn't provide appropriate options for trans and non-binary people, because it asks for sex, which could leave people forced to select the sex they were assigned at birth, rather than what they identify as now." - for fuck's sake - 'forced'? What is on your medical records? And isn't sex different to gender? How on earth could this be at odds with it, unless it's a deliberate ploy to overwrite sex with gender and leave them a little caveat to stunningly own us every now and then? 'No one is erasing biological sex' they say...
Some trans people have experienced barriers in accessing specific medical services and procedures because their health card gender marker doesn't match other documents. - Indeed, this sounds confusing. If I say I'm beautiful and my photo ID is invalidating me with aestheti-phobia, why can't I photo-shop it? It is, after all, who I am inside. Or are we living in Nazi-era Germany now?  How many genders are they supposed to list? There are hundreds of neo-terms and even more spurious identities - "People are worried the same thing will happen if their vaccine consent forms don't match their ID, Eau says. Both Eau and Solomon say that if the province really needs that data, a simpler approach would be to just ask for gender and leave a blank space for people to fill in what fits best" - Yeah, let's just record everything, all the 'I'm special because...' reasons with the ever-growing list of self selected boxes, allowing for those with a variety of or even original genders (imagine that), obvs, and all the generic oppressors with their 'biology' can just record their sex they think makes them important. The dullard fucks. Personally, I most excitedly await the OneDirection-genders or whatever the devil it is these young people like now. The Brossettes had nothing on this.                                                                                                                       More negative experiences                    
"The consent form was only the start of a transphobic experience in getting a vaccine, some Manitobans say" - Just the start... relevant biology in medicine is transphobic. Remember this. Biological sex is transphobic "Eau says they were repeatedly misgendered — referred to using pronouns that don't accurately portray their identity — and that were no single-stall bathrooms available at the vaccination supersite when they were there" - OK, this has swayed me. I'm hereby changing my tone. The fact is, it's now clear to me the medical establishment has always been based on abuse and sadism. It's why people get into it. It's probably entirely focused on harming the brave NB's in society. Look at the Tuskagee syphilis trials, Henrietta Lacks, J Marion Sims and his abuse of black women - now, imagine what's being done to the most oppressed - trans and non-binary people... And two spirits...

Corinne Mason, who identifies as queer, says when they arrived to their vaccine with the sex portion of their consent form blank, someone assumed they are female and filled it in for them. - What? How dare they? All these little fascists, doing their documentation in back rooms under the guise of 'helping' or 'just doing their job'. If it doesn't send a chill down your spine, do you even have one? Are you non-spineary? Know what this reminds me of? Nazis and their documents and categories. Covid has caused a global crisis, killing millions and near bankrupting economies, restricting rights - all of it a cynical cover for the sustained assault on the most vulnerable.

Corinne Mason
Corinne Mason was vaccinated on Wednesday. They worry transphobic comments and requirements could deter more transgender people from being vaccinated. (Submitted by Corinne Mason) - This is Corinne? And a 'medical professional' looked at they and saw a woman? You really need to get into the details with these stories, it's only when you do you can see how bad and valid it is. Also, Corrine would be correct about this spreading fear worse than covid among the community - and maybe this is the plan? Was she they really expected to keep quiet about this? It appears the warning bell has been rung - are you listening?

""I saw it as a barrier," Mason said, worrying that the traumatizing experiences of trans, non-binary and two-spirit people will contribute to vaccine hesitancy in the community" - Traumatising. Barriers and trauma - clear signs of where we're headed. Of course trans, non-binary and TWO SPIRIT people have vaccine hesitancy, look at what happened when native American's accepted pox-ridden blankets. 

"If you have trans people who are being misgendered or not knowing how to fill in the form, or … the form makes them feel, excluded or ignored or obscured ... then you have those people sharing that experience with other trans and non-binary people," Mason said." - I don't know how they do it, how they carry this relentless erasure on their shoulders and continue to not only survive, but do so by heroically outing themselves in the press, with home-dyed hair and constant demands... Having the most intimate understanding of your own self ignored and not validated and affirmed in forms designed to collect certain data for public health statistics is unforgivable. And despite knowing the risks of speaking out, Corinne still does it. It evokes Mohammed Ali's brave stance against the Vietnam war. How will history regard this? I for one hope for a Manitoba gender crime trials, holding these monsters to account.

"Eau has the same fears, but also wants to protect people from negative, triggering experiences.

"I want people to get vaccinated, but I also don't want people to be re-traumatized when they go. Having 12 people misgender you when you haven't left the house in a year is really upsetting," they said" - 12 people misgendering you - you counted twelve? Why do you have to speak to that many people? I hope this person sues and gets some form of reparation. Ideally, these 'professionals' should be fired. In the gender crime trials I would hope to see all those complicit in this confronted with the harm they have enabled and perpetuated. March them through the clinics, being referred to as 'patients' or something equally dehumanising, lets see how they feel having their special individual qualities ignored. 

"It has to be better when I go back for my second … [vaccination dose], because what I experienced was transphobia." -  It's difficult to imagine how it could be worse, anyway. The casual transphobia of being correctly indentified for the purposes of medical requirements, asked to declare your sex, or any reminder that it exists is a stain upon 'civilised' society. 

Woodbine Racetrack Covid Vaccine Clinic
Non-binary and transgender Manitobans are concerned the province isn't adequately knowledgeable about gender and sex and it's making the vaccine campaign difficult to navigate and traumatizing. (Evan Mitsui/CBC) - If you have been affected by this article, I want you to know you are doing great, doing so well. I'm sorry it's so difficult for society to see you for the incredible souls you are, and I pray one day soon everything will go your way, leaving you with nothing to complain about ever again 
Here's Kai talking about this most pressing issue on the news