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Sunday, 29 January 2023

Belcher Beginnings (Trans Complaint Ecology #3)


Now, I've confessed, in my synopsis of Cook, Neeves & Prosho recently, but it's another day, so - as happens from time to time, I've developed one of my macabre obsessions, and right now my melodramatic muse is... Belcher.

Helen Belcher

But it's not purely my bedeviled rubber-necking and gratuitous nosiness - as I wrote in Light The Beacons, I'm bitter and somewhat aggrieved by the incessant mithering which constitutes trans political activism. The complaints of Belcher and co seem pathetically transparent, vexatious and coercive. Certainly, it does not appear to be the work of someone powerless and oppressed.

It's more like a modern sequel to The Princess And The Pea. The princess, played by Emma Watson or another vapid dingbat, has discovered that offending legume under stacks of plush mattresses. After considering her options, she calls an ambulance-chasing shyster, gets diagnoses of lumbago, alien hand syndrome and Muchausen's by internet, and, now knowing it was all a conspiracy to test her, she wears an Ebay neck brace, forever. Safeguards, checking she was who she said she was is wrong, people.

That's how stupid I think burley Belcher looks when he tries his stunts - clarifying the law on women's toilets makes him blub on his toilet, googling asylum in Eire. Joan Smith scares him, and like Thatcher with the IRA, he will not share the same space or radio waves as her. Janice Turner is evil, killing trans youth. Describing a rapist as a man when he has the lady feels is bigotry akin to Jim Crow laws. Even a biologist couldn't be sure he's a man (by virtue of a hormone regimen). He - get this giant fucking whopper - is as likely to be raped as JK Rowling. 

It's astonishing, vast and mind-boggling; all of the organised complaint campaigns and clandestine meetings; cartel-like schemes where organisations subscribe for kudos, outsourced policies and style guides; legal plans on evading publicity and tacking trans rights legislation onto more popular reform; the (il)legal advice and industrial level trashing, silencing and misrepresentation of women: any illusion of a simple human rights project has long since shattered. 

Helpfully, Belcher - notorious leptoderm and zeitgeist stagehand he is - is such the accomplished campaigner and a key figure in today's activism, he's a good place to start as I decompress my fit-to-bursting psyche. And here, I'll introduce you. 

The CV:

Belcher isn't any activist. This is a fiendishly busy beaver, having the stamina and fortitude to keep a finger in every pie, to work every net. Still, marginalisation and victimisation dogs his every move. 

Born in Reading, (which yes, I agree, that is sad) he received a private, boarding school education, followed by university at Leeds. His name was Nigel - which really suits him. 

Later, he became a senior manager in system's analysis before starting his own company (Aurum Solutions Ltd), which he sold as a profitable company a few years ago (for a shit-load, I hear). 

"I run my own software company. I employ other people. I talk with politicians, civil servants, media big-wigs and other influential people. This year I’ve been asked to speak at a number of public events"- Busy Belcher on big-wigging and business 

The beginning of 2022 he was awarded an OBE for services to trans activism. Thank the lord for someone caring about the marginalised trans!

* He is employed by Baroness Liz Barker, who said of him: 
"There are now more LGB parliamentarians, sadly no trans MPs or peers yet, but I do hope that the brilliant campaigner Helen Belcher can break that barrier"
Secretary of the informal Parliamentary Forum on Gender Identity (chaired by Baroness Barker)

* Sits on Stonewall's Trans Advisory Board

* Former chair of the LGBT + Consortium.

* The chair of TransActual

* The chair of the Ban Conversion Therapy Coalition

* Is involved with GIRES. helping deliver courses, building their first TranzWiki

* Co-founder of Trans Media Watch (TMW). He helped gain its charity status

* Gave TMW’s evidence to the Leveson Inquiry

* Involved with lobby group Hacked Off, submitting evidence on their behalf to the Leveson Inquiry and subsequent report which claimed "transphobic discrimination in the press has reached fever-pitch levels
- this failed to get the law right on gender recognition and single sex spaces, invoking the mythical protected characteristic of "muh' gender identity".

* Gave evidence to The Women's and Equality Select Committee's inquiry into trans equality in 2015 and for the Joint Parliamentary Committee of Human Rights' inquiry into free speech in 2017

Belcher joined the Lib Dems in 2015, and the following year he stood for Wokingham town and then its Borough Council.

Since then he's been;

Picked for the target seat of Chippenham in 2016 in the general election and again in 2017 and 2019

Elected for Corsham Town Council in 2020 and is now deputy chair

Elected to Wiltshire Council in 2021, and appointed to shadow cabinet.

- Was on the Joint Parliamentary Committee of Human Rights' inquiry into free speech

- Now he is running for parliament again, despite coming second in the party vote...

It doesn't appear Belcher is much involved in Mermaids, which is the only obstacle in a trans-establishment full house. He's defended them, a lot, though:

Via HuffPost, he wrote that Mermaids is:
"carrying out vital work that no other official body has the resource to do, and giving young people hope in a world that appears not to care about them” 

He also claimed that critics:
"do not want young trans people supported, or helped, or even advised."
We just despise certain children, not wanting them to make life altering decisions, having mastectomies or blockers that do massive harm and can leave them infertile and devoid of any ability to enjoy sex, for life.

He's given numerous statements in their defence, including the deliciously arrogant auto-tootsy-blasting that was challenging LGB Alliance's charity status:
We fully support Mermaids in taking this action. The idea that an organisation which wants trans people to be second class citizens should be recognised as a charity brings the whole system into disrepute.” 

- Speaking of children, Belcher is on the Children's Select Committee, involved in child safeguarding.

Ed Davey, Lib Dem leader, describes Belcher as a friend

- Infamous true empath, indigo child and budget Paltrow Layla Moran had some
 wisdom to impart during Parliamentary debate re GRA reform, at least partly thanks to her friend:

 "I want to place on the record my thanks to my Liberal Democrat colleague and friend, Helen Belcher, whom I have worked with closely on this matter."

Perhaps in fact, Moran worked with Belcher very closely, or then again, maybe she was enlightened by her soul-gazing
, because she also stated;

"I want to relay the story of a friend of mine whose spouse was asked to provide that certificate and found it deeply concerning. Their feeling was, “Who am I to stop my partner from defining who they are?” In fact, it stopped them from going through the process."

One of Belcher's bugbears, which he often cites, is his wife's alleged reticence over signing the Spousal Exit Clause, which he writes of here
The (real) Mrs Belcher's conscientious objection could have been quite a sabotaging blinder, however, as refusing to give permission on (apparently) the basis of Ms Helen's autonomy, actually scuppered the self defining! Awkward! You see, everyone? It's the only thing standing between Belcher and womanhood, and they were duty bound to reject it!

For more on the Spousal Exit Clause, and Belcher, look to Stilltish, who does a great synopsis. 

But yes, Belcher is, and has, a wife: in this piece "Coming out as transgender
(- ripped from a Guardian piece, but with added trans related style guide) he tells how he "married the first woman who went out with me" at the age of 29, which is both deeply flattering, of course, and a bit of a clue to Belcher's chaste and evangelical roots - 
Belcher was heavily involved in evangelical Christianity. The devil makes work for idle hands. 
Although, unusually, chose to join them. 
As a 13-year-old. 
As a choice.

Being the religious man he was then, I imagine that this courtship did not last years. His life appears to have been staid, devout and traditional.

Belcher has two children. It was (as it so often is) at a time of family change - after his daughter was reaching toddler-hood, - perhaps as his wife went back to work - that his innate woman-ness became an irrepressible burden. In Belcher's own words:

"When my daughter was nearly two I suddenly realised: “If I don’t do something to sort this out, I’m going to end up hating her because she’s going to become what I’ve always wanted to be – a woman."

What this says about his feelings towards women who are not his daughter goes unanswered. Why, particularly, would your own, baby daughter, evoke such a fear of resentful comparison? And what does he feel towards women who understand he is a man?
But, well done, I suppose, on the brave, sacrificial heroism. He did it for the kids, ladies and gentlemen. The same to his wife, of course, who did her duty in allowing this, after Nigel came home telling of a suicidal moment. It just forced their wedded hands, I guess. 

If you're new to all this clusterous fuckerous, you should read StillTish, or Glinner, Jane Claire JonesThe Lies They Tell, Maya Forstateror Dennis Kavanaugh, or in fact any of the excellent gender critical or radical feminist dissenters. But, for the dinky, accidental readership of Panoramic Views, and those who enjoy a bird's eye on my crumbling sanity and embittered ramblings, hold tight. I'm having a moment...

Next time; Belcher's precarious, heroic existence, as told in a child's tribute song; OBElcher's Ballad 

Monday, 23 January 2023

The Old Boy's / New Ladys' Network (Trans Complaint Ecology #1)

Helen Belcher, Sophie Cook, Katie Neeves, Claire Prosho - birds of a feather, flock together. In conference foyers, complaints departments and on the radio.

I'm, mad, me. And I don't mean like Laurie Penny, I'm-"a wild and untameable trauma-twitchy anarcha-feminist" pansexual gender-queer - but married - to 
a man?!  

No, my affliction is far more niche. 

I'm mad about a certain trans rights activist who, unusually, is a married father, involved in the media, the Lib Dems and tech. 

Oh, you guessed it - it's Helen Belcher (pronounced "Bell-chair" by posh people on the radio). 

And I know it's stupid, but there's a phenomenon broader than even him at play here: the swift rise to prominence, the plaudits, connections, uncritical press and near identical politics and stories. So much for unique identities!  

It's almost as if, rather than a painful journey which needs numerous legal protections and a fastidiously obliging society, it really functions as a transition-career-rejuvenation pipeline.  

I'll be hammering my girlish Belcher fanzine into shape for the foreseeable, as he's a prolific prodder of pies, so much I end up in lots of different places with just too many thoughts in my little head. And some of those places, as I explained in Light The Beacons, are angry, bitter and full of burning self pity. 

But for now let's begin with the coterie of fellow family men-turned-late-middle age transwomen, starting with Sophie Cook (links to an earlier blog). 

Cook, a married father who's wife stayed, was catapulted into political relevance, replete with media coverage, Ted Talks and book deals because, well, transition. 

After a life of photographing Bournemouth football club and Pete Doherty, Steve (as he was then) felt intensely sad, alone in a Midlands' Ibis hotel. There was no possible alternative account for it - Steve was a lady. 

So, swathed in dresses and hair weaves, he twirled and spun and ultimately shed his cocoon, re-emerging metamorphosed. An ex-man. Sophie
Praise the Lord, he was supported by his club and fans, and even ran for Parliament soon after:

When Cook stood for MP, despite bracing himself “for a renewed onslaught of hatred” the response was surprising:

Something unexpected happened. Instead of the abuse, I was greeted with love and support
And while he was warned he'd never be accepted:

"most attention [was] due to my profile from working in football and TV"

Isn't this evidence that everything is in fact not so bad? Are they allowed to say that? It seems like no, that's the last thing they would say. 

On his Ted Talk, Cook fires off a few one-liners with a blokey irreverence that's not unlike Ricky Gervais. Look at the title of his talk - 'Grab Life By The Balls". Ha. Such a good sentence; I enjoy humour jokes, one's which we can all relate to.

He seems pretty robust, but one look at Cook's twitter or the above blog will show you where Cook's sensitivities and priorities lie. That is, when it comes to the darker aspects being a woman can entail - domestic and sexual abuse - he's pretty damn competitive. 

So that resilient, go-lucky veneer isn't so tough. Sadly, it appears Cook is very much embattled. Abuse, that he must turn into entirely illegible collages. Men saying things behind him in the street that could be mean and could be directed at him. 
The fact you can't even have sex with someone while keeping you're biological sex private, without being accused of deception. TV segments on rape crisis centres which open with interviews with "cis women" when in fact transwomen get raped - even by other women. Yeah.

It's a strange dichotomy, is it not, that these often large, confident, opportunity-grasping males who speak assertively and without pause or inhibition, detailing depression and disenfranchisement, find a rizla-thin skin and whole new, booming career when they trans? 

There's also Katie Neeves
 - another photographer, delivering important, edifying insights about wearing his sister's knickers with an endearing, grinch-like grin. 

In the image above we can witness Neeves' absolute last day 'pretending to be a man'. Apparently he would have dropped the pretense earlier, but clipping the hedge behind him would be impossible as a 'woman', what with the necessary girly accoutrements - I shit you not. Do not inform Charley Dimmock. 

IMPORTANT - This was taken in April - please do not cut hedges at this time of the year, it tends to eviscerate nesting birds as strimmers become an impromptu bird blender - this is not a Jack Monroe hack, and I do not have a PayPal.

Like Cook, Neeves was also a married father and his wife also stayed. In fact, cursory Facebook searches make it clear he was in fact married, or renewed vows, less than a year before he exited manhood. 

In his blog, and everywhere else, he explains - to what I can only guess is a horrified audience - just how senseless and archaic our binary notions of sex and gender are:

Looking closely, you can still see elements of Neeves' earlier caterpillar state. The notion that these men 'discover' they are trans, or even discover that they are women, rather than accepting transition is the best option to manage dysphoria, troubles me

Neeves clearly sussed his opportunity to benefit from the media buzz early on, having announced his final life stage on LinkedIn, and launching his new, trans-based venture very soon after, having documented everything in advance. Despite allegedly fearing for his career. 

Now, he has a new career, giving trans awareness talks, advice and media interviews. 

Neeves is also not afraid of ball-based puns, although I imagine that both he and Sophie will complain about the use of male pronouns. In my defence, I counter, as a red-blooded heterosexual female, I am the victim, because bollocks are the aesthetic equivalent of dead body smell and they keep wafting that shit at me. 

Swinging his racket on Talk Radio Neeves begins the familiar ordeal, this time on Ian Collins, claiming JK Rowling is taking advantage of the poor public education of sex and gender. This is a bold move for a man who starts his story with the above quote, insisting his sex was 'assigned' based on... his sex.

He launches into a monologue of quickfire TRA cliche bingo as if in a memory test. He talks about nature being 'messy', attempting a coquetteish giggle and flutter while citing 'the things between' our legs and ears, and claims we "all begin as female", as something - mumble - something - maternal hormone levels and "depending on how male we get". It's a spectrum! 

In my mind, I see a broken Robert Winston on a hallucinogen-fuelled derangement spiral, swirling scotch around a tumbler and uttering obscenities. 

And it doesn't stop - "and then we have chromosomes..." and "many people can have extra chromosomes" these people "are called intersex" "they amount to just under 2% of the population.." 

He says he knows 'intersex' isn't trans, but he 'needs' to explain all this first. 

What he achieves is complicating the shit out of everything, and thoroughly washing JK Rowling from our minds so he can eventually come to a stop - with us gasping with relief - assuming he probably made some point that reflects badly on her.

He previously accused Rowling of inciting suicide in a shameless, self-promoting open letter: "Sadly, your diatribe directly caused some trans children to self-harm and others to attempt suicide" he ventured, without evidence, below a portrait of him appearing as a happy Gail Platt at a local church coffee morning.

I may be preaching to the choir here, but I am fucking done with agenda-driven activists hijacking the unspeakable tragedy of suicide, seemingly just to affirm the validity and importance of their padded bras.
Neeves' whole shtick rests upon listing enough weary tropes, with enough speed and fluctuating tone, to suggest something original may have been said. It's a dull, inauthentic gish gallop interspersed with uncomfortable testimonials of what people on reddit call gender euphoria. 

Page 3, at 52?! Much laughs on Neeves' blog

He promotes himself as light-hearted and jocular on his site, but it all manifests as a bit of a grotty jolly rather than an educational mission. 

There is also the same habit of brethren new-age car dealer and shadow crawler, one Jeremy Kyle, delivering entirely regular sentences as if they are jokes. For example, he remarks 'jestingly' to Ian Collins that as many people are 'intersex' as are redheads, but not necessarily the same people. A resigned Collins obliges a fleeting, meaningless chuckle, because he's a professional and besides, looking at his defeated visage, nothing matters anymore, anyway . What even is laughter - what does it mean? 

And so it was around this point I realised I couldn't bear to listen to anymore, as the urge to pause on a still, find my steel toe caps, and run out to the street for a bit of curb stomping catharsis was rapidly passing the threshold of resistable. 

On his website, Cool2BTrans, (ingeniously named to appeal to the youth, with its street vernacular, substituting numbers as words) Neeves sneaks in some infamously dubious stats on trans people and suicide, just one paragraph down from "being trans isn’t anything to feel sorry for".

He says he wants to help lower suicide rates, although I imagine profits well from his talks (reviewed with caustic excellence by Sarah Summers). Could Neeves attend a talk, perhaps by The Samaritans, explaining the (frankly, crystal) consequences of this kind of rhetoric? My guess is no. 

If there's one cardinal rule when speaking publicly about suicide, it's that attaching it to specific circumstances, simplifying the reasons for it and speaking of it as an understandable response to particular emotions is intensely dangerous and reckless. Transgender Trend do brilliant, much needed work here

Sadly, Neeves is far from alone in this. 

Claire Prosho is one funny, but decidedly buzz-kill, fish. An electric eel, perhaps. 

The "senior investigative reporter" at Steph's Place, now rebranded as Translucent (and pulling on the heartstrings of even a cretin like me, since they themselves angered the trans-stasi - a story for another day) Prosho has a background I know nothing of. 

Prosho's talk "The Radical Idea Transgender People Are People" - somehow suggesting we didn't already fucking know this - stacks up the tragedy tropes like nobody's business, and indulges us with a strikingly original take on the origins of transphobia:

Ahh, yes. All from the far-right internet cliques. Like, for example, Mumsnet. 
This would work if Prosho was describing abuse from incels, neo-fash or whatever. But still, it's awful, and I cannot imagine how it is to face such vituperation. 

Gotta give it to Prosho, however - he's quite the raconteur, treating us to exceptional, visceral fly-on-the-wall insight into his intense misery. 
A prime specimen in Prosho's fight for trans equality is the intractability of society to accept him:

"I use the gender neutral title Mx. And a while ago I needed some new glasses. So off I went to the opticians and while registering my details I found there was something like 50 titles to choose from, but not one gender neutral option. I felt pressured into using Mr."

"And, despite telling them I wanted women's glasses, I was ignored and taken to the men's section instead. And when I insisted they listen to me, they acted shocked, and a little bit confused"

I wish I could adequately convey the gravity of delivery here, I guess you need to watch it or trust me, it is heavy. You get the feeling life is an unabated drag. 

The battle is immense:

This minor farce, to Prosho, is erasure, but quite why someone who insists he a woman feels the need for the additional stipulation of gender neutral prefixes, or, when 'pressured', falls back onto 'Mr', is beyond me. Like Neeves, Prosho has become an expert, just by accepting his 'true self'. 

I know a lot of transsexuals, they did what they needed to manage dysphoria and want to be over the bureaucratic fuckery, not seeking out new battle grounds. 

Prosho's Ted talk is gripping. It's the discordance: his scowl from the stage, proclaiming fragility and persecution, with the comportment of a jobsworth ticket inspector experiencing the absolute worst day of his entire fucking life

He exudes a deep disapproval of existence itself; cradling the microphone with manicured hands, a curiously trim waste and great, hunched shoulders, gruffly reeling off a series of perceived slights and 'facts' he clearly finds outrageous or unconscionably cruel. 
🎼 Hello darkness, my old friend 🎶

He also commits the suicide gambit, crudely and brazenly;

It's a startling juxtaposition: the husky voice, the humourless visage; the talk of people not accepting others for "who they truly are" inducing the perplexed and defeatist expression of an elderly bulldog, confronted with the brutal reality dinner tonight is very delicious indeed, but only if you can scale a climbing wall to get it. 

Having lost people to suicide, and watched people I love try to regain themselves after the suicide of a loved one, this makes me very angry. 

To me, the ultimate opt-out has been a frequently ruminating thought throughout my life, and I don't know if that's so rare. 
But I do know that those who actually do it tend to enter a tunnel vision that blinds almost everything else from view. That tunnel vision is a temporary madness that can be thwarted by something as simple as automatic sparks on a gas cooker, or having to visit several shops to get enough over-the-counter drugs. 

It's not a simple thing, but it is often rash. 

If I thought using preferred pronouns had a detectable impact on suicidality, I would use them, although I'd still push for acceptance that 'misgendering' ie correctly sexing, is not necessarily an antagonistic act.
I don't believe it, though, and am loathe to crumple at what we dinosaurs call emotional blackmail. So, instead I'm left with absolute contempt for the audacity and recklessness of what I believe is a cynical move to flatten any criticism or pushback as they aggressively grab for anti feminist, anti woman policy and legislature. 

These men-to-transwomen are assertive and successful, but somewhere along the road acquired the emotional delicacy of freeze-dried butterfly wings. 
Simultaneously, however, their lives seem to flourish - new meaning, purpose; new community and, still, devoted wives. Prosho is still married. In fact, he claims it was his wife who prompted his transition, confronting him with his hotel dress-up photos he (claims) he never looked at, asking him to consider how happy he looked. I wonder how proud and vindicated little wifey felt, gazing at him up on the stage floor? 

Now, these career transwomen become experts. Advisors, ambassadors, champions, advocates. They do talks, become Stonewall experts, 'educators', media pundits and panelists - often with the shit-fit veto rights of A-list celebs. 
They undoubtedly had a period of feeling the fear, and did it anyway, but this narrative facilitating a rejuvenated - or entirely new - career, it goes unmentioned. 

It's a fascinating phenomena that sits on the boundaries of histrionic egocentrism, turmoil-driven evangelism, entitlement and resentment, denial and calculated, prospector-like machinations. 
It's a desire for recognition, a doomed quest for an acceptance which feels too far from reach, because in truth, the struggle for it is within. 
It's born-again ideological fervour with authoritarian impulses and a hair-trigger reflex that extinguishes any need for justification, except for when that justification is not sought. 

People who have been victims do not, in my experience, use that vulnerability as a shield and battering ram. It's an incongruous sight, where such fragile sensibilities are pitched alongside bellicose complaint, finger jabbing condemnation and a certainty anyone listening will see it as they do. 

I must remind myself to try to view this with my cynicism suspended, because, as I'm often reminded, I am not trans and apparently cannot begin to imagine the suffering of being so. I continue to try and raise my feminine instinct to nurture and relate, but somehow I appear to have a blind spot for the sincerity and authenticity.

Monday, 2 January 2023

How To Civilise Your Elders - Coercive Control

Follow up to How To Civilise Your Elders - The Air Horn Lie 

Published in the last week of 2022 was this typically lightweight, "cheery" site filler, the story of How I Deradicalised My Terf Mum, by Rivkah Brown at Novara, that [Bastani] bastian of alleged-Left media, fulfilling the faux-cialist need for political instruction, fluff and moralising screed.

They're really cool at Novara: all edgy polemics, yoof culcha, swishy hair and fierce street smarts.
It's a whole lifestyle, just like the actual communists would have. Ya get me?

Fellow kids

It may be worth pointing out that, though, that this kind of story - the genre of personal account by pseudonym - is often the work of a journalist without a story, and based on little more than an overheard conversation on the night bus.
Still, it's always telling that the 'bigot' relatives in these stories are pushovers, who, rather than tell the autocratic protagonist to go fuck themselves, fold at the pressure.
Even in their fantasy battles, the baddies are as affable and forgiving as a beaten puppy.

So, whether this story has any basis in fact is questionable, but either way this smarmy, intellectually vacuous article is, if true, a disturbingly manipulative account of the psychological abuse of a woman by her own children. One who's only crime is reticence in affirming her child's metaphysical belief