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Tuesday 21 March 2023

Four Fingers Pointing Back - The Endless Fash-Smearing Of Feminists

This is a long story.
(In fact, this is far too long and you may want to see the streamlined version, here)
First, I'll give a little run down, then I'm going to have a pop at Billy Bragg and then I'll have a butcher's at who really has a problem with fascism.

Well, I suppose that old meme turned out to be true - campaigning for women's right to self organise and speak freely really is equivalent to invading Poland. Feminazis really are a thing, and when it becomes the typical refrain of the socially liberal, decent and feminist, we should just choke.

Feminists and critics of gender ideology do not share ground with fascists. Fascists are the embodiment of toxic masculinity and can fuck off 

It's concerning that this needs spelling out, but the bloody-mindedness of trans activists is the only thing stronger than their need to exert control over the group they claim to be and to naturally have the interests of.

Day in, day out, with a few exceptions, they sit behind a filtered interface which extracts tens of thousands of lesser beings from their online experience. And then, with another layer of tech they are guided by a colour-coded system to sort people into worthy / unworthy categories before troubling themselves with that person's words. Literally black hats and white hats for baddies and goodies. A self-induced Stroop effect.

This was one of the many oddities to pique my interest in the gender wars -

Q1) why don't the champions of gender ideology even understand what it is feminists are saying? 
Q2) Is the mass misinformation deliberate? 
Q3) Why don't they want to understand, to refute us better?

I've come to realise:

A1) It's deliberately obtuse and a cowardly but necessary self protective mechanism 
A2) Yes
A3) They know they can't

If I wasn't so dog-tired of their shite I'd be more polite - I'd say "far be it for me" before generously interpreting the relentlessly nasty and shifty behaviour, but I can't be fucked with it anymore, so straight up I'm calling them liars. 
Liars who know full well they're full of shit, desperately scrambling to contain their cognitive dissonance (where a conscience and cognitive function exist) maneuvering to fool others and barricade themselves behind a green screen with superimposed scenes of suffering. 

The upshot of this tailor-made, sequestered landscape is they now inhabit an environment where mutual grooming and a quid pro quo exchange of flattery and denial insulate them from reality and make demonisation of feminists a doddle. It's here they concoct theories and narratives and tell scary stories of the coming genocide, just for shits and giggles.

And that's fine, I guess. But when you present yourself as an activist with a deserved seat on the vox pop panel - or even with specialist insight - it looks dishonest, petulant and brittle. Especially when you ceaselessly lob bollox and lies at the opponent you can't bear to see or hear. 

The name of the game for those on that side this front of the culture war is to smear your opponent, and right now that boils down to ensuring in the minds of the public 'gender critical' + 'fascism' go together like love and marriage. 
Or, like Billy Bragg and grandiose, intellect-of-a-locked-wheel-clamp, bone-headed shithousing. Like a horse and carriage, innit.

Melodrama is required and must be validated. There's an audition for an apocalyptic hellscape going on and every day is dress rehearsal.

Kelly-Jay Keen, aka Posie Parker, has angered the masses yet again with a flagrant determination to facilitate women speaking, and to speak about women's experience of violence and trans activism in particular. The icing on the cake is in Melbourne, Let Women Speak was subject to counter demos from two sides, who also hate each other: the usual TRAs and their men in black, and, it would appear, actual neo Nazis.

I wrote about her event in Brighton a few months ago, and suffice it to say I see a load of toxic, anti-feminist men taking issue with uppity women, a vast exaggeration of the presence of right wing bastards and a complete erasure of the violence and bullshit narratives coming from the activists cosplaying at anti-fascism. It's so vital to discount GCs/RFs as inherently evil, this is a gift. So much so I seriously considered the neo Nazis were yet more larpers. If we can be discounted as fascist, our arguments will never see the light of day.

~Billy Bullshit~

Billy Bragg, being a pseudo-progressive reactionary with a shoddy but self deluding woke bloke cloak of anti-fascism to cover his misogyny, has taken this narrative to his brocialist heart. 

He also thinks that the neo Nazis would have been best challenged by the women themselves.

 I have to wonder if  the (presumably contemptuous) restraint these skinhead fash managed would be replicated. Definitely something today's antifa appear unable to muster.

He says he condemns abuse, but does he? 

And if you see this, Billy, can you confirm whether or not are you're ever able to condemn fully, and specifically?
Did you really reject Luciana Berger's experience of antisemitic abuse? Nicole Lampert sees a clique progression I myself have noted:

And, well I know you've been given a few examples of the dehumanisation, misogyny, threat of violence including sexual violence, because Anna is my bestie, and once being asked to condemn it caused you to drop the conversation.
(It's also a bit patronising to suggest women are confused about thoughts and acts): 

'But I have vociferously condemned...' Sure. When?

You didn't even respond to Helen Staniland when she retweeted it, tagging you.

Oh, it also seems like you've ignored Anna when she's raised cultural sensitivities among travellers. Several times, she's done it.

And personally, I consider the content you were shown to be quite fash-adjacent... What does this look like to you? Calling women subhuman (I will laugh at anyone who tried to argue terf is not directly targeting women - no man can be a radical feminist, for example), that's normal, is it?

Anyway, I digress!

Angie here demonstrates that attempts were made to nip the fash in the bud - but for the clown antifa division, I imagine far right men are pretty scary

Posie Parker had, it now emerges, enraged both the insane clown posse antifa and the fascists. Shockingly, it turns out they are not all that keen on belligerent, forthright women - even when they wear their hair like a glam 40's housewife. They really aren't reasonable, are they?

They weren't too impressed with her politics or lesbian fan club either:

And she has condemned them:

And some reporters had a very different view of the event; Rukshans' thread is here

And that's even backed up by the Australian Jewish Association - if we don't reject their claim, knowing better than them:

But now I think it's time to look at the dirt on them pointing hands, eh?

I was thinking, of those who've been done for terrorism or similar, it's normally the TRAs;

But, this is a story of redemption, is it not?

Ah, Taylor Parker-Dipeppe⬆️. This is awkward...

It's a rarity, I'm sure

And I'm sure this is legit...⬆️

The presence of unhinged hatred, prejudice and targeted harassment within the trans activist class has been spoken about for a long time. 

For example, Gretchen Rachel Hammond, a half Indian, Jewish transwoman wrote this on racist abuse while working within the trans community (before being fired due to activist pressure).

This wasn't a one-off. 

"With a few individual exceptions, the transgender community which had continually railed against inequity, particularly in employment, was silent even while the Dyke March celebrated their victory over a fellow transgender person losing her job."


Terms like k*ke and p*ki were used. Three Jewish women were evicted from the Dyke March.

And the machismo; the weapons, the military surplus antifa defenders, "Arm Trans Women', that's another thing.

And it is awkward, but double rapist Jessica Winfield was done for owning an illegal shotgun and making explosives.

And Aimee Challenor was in trouble for a bomb threat. 
Kyle 'Zoe' Watts, a survivalist copper, done for a load of explosives / noxious substances / concealed weapons.
Ah, Phoebe Ellison - bomb making.
Shit! - Mark 'Marcia' Walker, the paedophile, he threatened people with letter bombs.

Debbie Vincent stole someone's mother's urn, with her ashes, as part of extortion. Debbie also got done on terrorism charges.

And of course Joanne Morris. That was explosives.
And the transwomen caught with other illegal weapons - 

Like Donna Bowlder ...

Katrina Harte had a concealed stun gun and CS gas.
And Susan Bond had an imitation firearm, which was used to threaten.
There's David Martin and his shooting a copper mishap.

Ooh! John Pilley, he abducted and killed a woman with an illegal firearm and was the first inmate to get a sex change operation. But whatever went down, kidnapping and murdering a woman is totally not terrorism related.

Same with Chloe Bradley. It was only threatening people with knives.

That actual neo Nazi transsexual in the States. Again.

Anyway these are one-off incidents!
(Although I could go on). It's all a bit spurious.

Although, I should point out the Nazis were pretty good with transvestism, so that's not the get-out clause is supposed to be:

As I begin on my gallery of evidence, I want you to remember I have many, many more on every single angle I've presented 

I've written about this before, in a blog I called TRAcists, but the truth is even many people who class themselves as trans activists have been mentioning this is a problem; the trans to Nazi pipeline 

And Eliza Mondegreen unpacks the fanaticism cycle here 


Trans Nazis do exist. Now, be a love and a Nazi or fascist-lauding gender critical or radical feminist message board, Reddit, flag or anything similar for me, will you?

Jokes! Relax, it's just jokes

I guess some of the narrative and imagery, the flag worship, it's reminiscent - if you want to see it


And there's actual Nazi iconography, directed at feminists 

Ever found a gender critical or radical feminist discord dedicated to Nazis? 

I remember Smokin' Feds, an edgelord ex-TRA, got called out for her revolting discussions last year. Loudly. It looks like the trans-aligned people calling this out are both ignored and few and far between though 

There is, sadly, more than one...

Before I leave you to the images which prove the issues I'm speaking about, I want to quote from what I wrote in Queering Marxism - The Wokest Pantomime:

"Fascism begins with the idolising and smearing of women. The mother, the virgin and the whore.
The virgin is a prize, the mother an archetype and homeland and they are the purported victim of the bad guys.
It's a protection racket of chivalry. If these women are now bearing penises, it's an interesting twist but it doesn't change the game. The death marches are still gonna come, and, who cares when it's your enemy?

 Especially enemies with such tedious, crypto-fash ideas like there are material, profound distinctions between the sexes? Definitely they should get the wall, that's the right thing, yeah?

Take antifa, the working class who directly combatted fascism on Cable Street, the incredibly brave Antifaschistiche Aktion of the Weimar republic and those courageous souls who fought Franco and Mussolini. [They] adopt their language, aesthetic and banners to go and scream abuse at left wing, feminist women who object to having males with exposed cocks in women only spaces

Threaten them into secrecy, fear-paralysis, doublethink. All the while evading real threats, demanding victim status as a shield, using the police to file hate incidents but swearing ACAB - becoming the drones of esoteric academia, those who are forever stirring the pot and who would turn on you as soon as your ideas represent the norm.

Being radical was never an anthem of the drones or pursuit of entire cliques in society. Don't be so willing to spout the mantras you're instructed to - it won't keep you safe forever, it really is visibly inauthentic and without a safeword, that boot might be deep-throating you"

My message to Billy Bragg, to Owen Jones, to the entire trans activist class - before you point your fingers, wash your fucking hands

This fan art is, I am sure, ironic 

Oh, look at this, a Trans Nazi AMA!

And it's really bad timing that this has kicked off in the wake of transwoman Bianca Haven of Victoria Greens' comments 

The subtle and the blatant racism of Trans activists demonstrated here, in TRAcists

There's anti black racism wherever you go, but this stuff is especially disgusting. 
Is there an equivalent in gender critical / rad fem circles?

And antisemitism

It would be silly to take this stuff, and the personal testimony of antisemitic abuse, and the discord, 4Chan boards, and the multiple people within the community calling this a problem, and the fan art and terrorists, and link it all together, wouldn't it? 

"Misgendering" a transwoman who has dozens of convictions for sexually abusing EIGHT small children is justification for this - some of the most obscene racism I've seen

It's just unfortunate that people like Kimberley "police hate crime advisor" Stone speak like this (and get called out and still show no signs of contrition)


One of the things which made the WiSpa incident an obvious sham? Well, did you look at the complainant!

I'm sure the racism isn't really that much of an issue. These talking points are everywhere, but it's probably nothing

And, I may add, I counter the term 'womanface' as both erroneous and unhelpful, as well as those who compare the slur terf to the N word. Terf most definitely is a slur, but not quite on the same order of magnitude (although we might get there).

Or how about the abuse women who have suffered FGM receive from trans activists, angry at the 'F'  for female genital mutilation because it's exclusionary (from FGM & The Right Side Of History)?

The furries - a lot of overlap with the trans community, yes?

Benjamin Jeffrey Smith; fascist furry -"When the FBI contacted Smith in 2021, it had already received multiple tips over many years that he might be dangerous. People who met him in online furry communities — groups of people who share an interest in anthropomorphic animals — told OPB that Smith seemed violent and said they had reported him to the FBI in the past. 
"Months after being contacted by the FBI, Smith, 43, would stand accused of shooting five people with a handgun at a peaceful protest on Feb. 19 in Normandale Park. One person died and another became paralyzed."

This was the man  


If you can be arsed to put 'trans' + 'fascist' or 'Nazi' into a search engine, these things are not difficult to find;

Swastika tattoos ✔️
Small breasts ✔️
Teeny weeny estrogen peeny ✔️

Look! It's progressive Römmel!

You gotta hand it to them - men can find anything horny. They really are ingenious innovators and improvisers, finding the oppor-coomer-ty in everything 

Joss Prior liked and shared - and allegedly believed this - that Birdy Rose depicted a seig heiling feminist. But, of all the many things Joss is, stupendously gullible and Bragg-thick he is not. Curious... 

Joss is the sort of malevolent beaked harbinger of doom I expect the Mayan would have sacrificed humans for him.
But a question - who is being dehumanised?

Sometimes it's the people speaking the less socially palatable, but widely understood truths who are actually doing the important thing in defending against authoritarianism or totalitarianism. 
Sometimes putting your weight behind a 'relevent' populist movement which coincidentally fits with your template of progressive is the cowardly, vain, 'nice' route and you've been had. Or, it's simply convenient...

Blaming 60 yr old women for being beaten up by three 20 something males - I see no early stages of humanisation and lauding of male aggression!

Still, let's not pretend that the trans activist is countering stereotypes, please.

Because there is a fixation on shaming women for not fulfilling gender expectations, despite fiercely denying that it happens

'Elimination'. Not a little bit concerning? 

Terfenstein. Seen an equivalent, Billy? Anyone?

I can see one person who looks a bit fash-adjacent...

Does this look like it belongs within an antifascist movement?

Calling for murder based on someone's opinion or refusal to adopt a new political outlook -  are you going to argue this is a fringe notion, Billy?

Are we getting close to dehumanisation yet?

Ah, a 'final solution' for terfs. Suicide!

Who is Sayori, I hear you ask?

And more suicide baiting. 

Suggesting people should be removed from the gene pool is not at all Nazi adjacent, huh?

Genocide - that's a bit fash-adjacent, innit?

I wrote about Denise before, after Let Women Speak in Brighton where she clearly assaulted at least one person, but then took to Twitter to claim she had been attacked

They even have informants!

Apparently it is us, the feminists, who are fascist or Nazi. It's not offensive hyperbole employed by the modern day Carolyn Briants...

If this sounds like a flippant basis for calling someone fascist, well you sir are behind the times!

Arm Trans Women!!!

Pov Ur a terf in my mentions was big. All the cool kids etc

Look it up!

More challenging gender stereotypes!

Blaming women for radicalising their children against you - hmm, where is this trope from?

Fan mail


Sentiments of the trans activist. For the right side of history

Arm Trans Women 

Fallon Fox, for whom fracturing the skull of a woman in mixed martial arts is 'bliss'

Feminists as man haters! I have more screenshots of this accusation from TRAs than I dare admit

I dunno, but it all feels a bit don't tread on me'

Trans people are within the safest demographics the world over. More transwomen are in prison for murder than have been murdered. Of the proportionately tiny numbers of people recorded as dead on Trans Day of Visibility, most were victim of robbery, domestic violence - anything but transphobic violence.

This is the justification - even though trans people are safer than the average person:

Somehow, I imagine Rachel does not punch Nazis - who knows about terf though!

Nothing to worry about...

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