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Tuesday 20 September 2022

"Let Women Speak" said the dANgERoUS FASCisTS


Let Women Speak

said the dANgERoUS FASCisTS..

By Elle Toupee

The response to the criticism from some GCs /RFs on the left can be found here

A further update on TRA lies is here
I went to Posie Parker's Brighton do, which was my first demo in years. 

You see, dear reader, this was especially interesting for me, given I've a good few anarchist mates and spent time around anarchic communities. I've protested numerous right wing rallies over the years, and it can get a bit hairy. The far right most definitely hit back, normally after hitting first. And then doing a rendition of Stomp on your head and renal system. 

On Sunday, however, the simplistic rhetoric, the meaningless banners and mantras and the obvious sense of licence to dish aggression out without consequence, it gave me the distinct impression that these are coddled eejits without any life experience outside of their own narrow, middle class existence, and a buzzing catharsis of being all vociferously political. If you're a political and still have that intoxicating exhilaration at congregating after your late teens, that should embarrassing. Your hopes should be somewhere between dejection and cynicism. For fuck's sake. 

Have anarchists always had reactionary, bed shitting tendencies? Yes. There's no denying the reflexive, excitable qualities, especially within the machismo-fuelled, edgelord contingent. The contrarian protagonists (contrarian to out-groups, fully in line with their mates), the anarchist badge-wearers. Those who prefer acclaim and infamy (arrests included) over success. Also, utopian dreams, a bit like the Jehova's Witness fliers a neighbour used to drop into the letterbox. 

Come the revolution, when personal accountability, mutual aid and autonomy are achieved, and greed is dead, we'll just all be lovely to each other, like all the time, cos no capitalism = no exploitation!

Sadly, not many can explain how anarchy would work, especially regarding vulnerable people. There's often a contrived exasperation when you ask how we would deal with organised crime, child sexual abuse etc, normally instructing you to read Kropotkin. 

While I sincerely doubt any of the activists on Sunday have ever read Kropotkin themselves, it seemed about a quarter of the TRA lot were signifying their belonging to anarchic brands.

 That's what it is now, a McAnarchy franchise. The rest were a ragtag gang of weirdly dressed people in varying stages of apoplexy. They all think they're proper left wing, socialist, Marxist, whatever. They aren't

It was, how you say (?) ein wurstfest

Anyway, I'm sure you're delighted to hear that I had a nice time. While I'm not in ideological lockstep with Posie Parker, she's a genius at keeping messages short, clear, and in the news. And it's pretty empowering. 

In fact, her "no room at the inn" policy where it comes to fucks accommodated is more punk, iconoclastic and brave than anything within the rebellion™ loving protesters could fathom - the excitable kids, the (if-I-could-be, I-definitely-would-be-a) wife-beater moustache wielders, and assorted fools or incels. 

The "bash back" from the (p)anti-fascist goons was a bit weak, bless em.

Now, I say she's a genius, but there's The Other Side. I cannot in good conscience deny there's something hypnotic and viscerally disconcerting about a group of curiously short women, dancing like k-holed parakeets, to the 'tune' of men blowing whistles. This, while the men are screaming "fascist!" and "you ain't no feminist!" in your face. It's performance art, without a Halloween duck mask and sixty-plus bottles of piss

Tough shit, fellas. It's TERF Island 

After finding no explanation on the ground, I went on a deep dive, reading feminist heavyweights such as Emma Watson and ContraPoints. I discovered that I've been wrong all this time, because feminism is intersectional!
Banners were, if risible, amusing. The point swerving could only be rivaled by Olympic level slalom. Have they ever tried to understand us? 

It's typical of me, not knowing what feminism is! I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached to the rest of my body via that ultimate taboo, Material Reality.  

"Intersectional" to them means being kind, agreeable and sectioning off other women into subgroups as much as possible, as dividing and confusing the category makes it easier to include males. Thus, it's fine to compare transwomen not being accepted, to black women facing racist exclusion and masculinisation. This is illustrated by way of listing a load of ancient stereotypes about bone density, poring over photos of Serena Williams to point out "masculine features", claims about race and testosterone levels and some other inexcusable shit.

Citing Engels, Dworking and Crenshaw et al, this man was quite the scholar and raconteur, with altruistic concern for trans people at his very core

Intersectional, to them, means "including my penis in all stuff where women don't want it" and outrage over the fact feminism is neither for nor about men. It's an "All Lives Matter" for the shrieky misogynist, under the veil of a woke bloke's cloak.

A true feminist. Along with his brethren, this freedom fighter told us to go home. Where, presumably, we should be putting the dinner on

Terf/turf wordsmith moustachio gets more manly with each four-wheeled platform. Because, vehicles is for the mens

Now, I may be belligerent, arrogant and misandrist, but, having a crowd of twenty plus men screaming "your not a feminist!" at me was just the thing to drag me out of my hubris, where the "fem" in feminism refers to women, and into a soul searching reflection. 


I dropped my guard, I expanded my mind and I crossed the barracades. Sadly, they were all out of argument, but they had been standing upwards of three hours and many needed a toilet break. 

Territorial Pissings - Somber, a dad's army was invoked. The bravery was indeed perceived. By some. On their own side. 

It's a family affair - Rat Prince, the pink balaclava gimp, showed me the real meaning of masculinity: being a loving son. Even though she put him in trousers too short. 

I'm sure she knows, hun. She probably does your washing, and she knows about these... things 

Shattering my complacency, these men used the dark arts of finger jabbing, gurning and early onset head tilting to educate me. Some heavy heart-searching in the Toupee household today

I began to wonder, how can I be right, when that would mean all these thoughtful, compassionate people are wrong? 

"I just need to pee" - Pink Gimp Boy has pushed his bladder capacity and is now, unfortunately, suffering. I hope his mother takes responsibility for any UTIs. 

With the aid of the young women pleading for the simple human courtesy "Cherish Trans Lives", I refocused. I am very, validly edified now. 

I will probably return to the demonstrable lies being pushed by the TRAs - that a gender critical woman was arrested for sexual assault; the majority of us were men; that it was we who instigated violence etc, at another time, but I will point out that while initial reports (hopefully from journos more reliable than the one who is to follow) claimed two men and a woman was arrested, this has now been revised to three men.

One of Sunday's arrestees was a transwoman, who apparently has form for antisemitic vandalism.  


I don't believe this person was a gender critical, but I'll grovel if proven wrong.

Sadly, the contents of today's blog focus on the women attending. The women who were no way as overtly aggressive as the men, who didn't lead a single chant, but do appear to have been somehow mobilised, and mobilised to variously abuse people who might catch headlines if they'd been victim to men. 

From Carly-May to Snarly-Cray 

"Aww you're raising a little fascist as well?" 

"Setting your kid on us? Raising a child to believe in filth!" 

'Snarly' Carly-May Kavanagh may look like the archetypal CBeebies presenter, but she has political nous and edge. A lot of edge. Legend has it she actually rents extra surface area, just to fit in more edge and facets. 

For some, it was deeply disturbing that two parents, passing with their baby, should have a look at the goings on. 

Not just bad, because no fucking way was it going to stop them blowing whistles, blasting white noise, releasing smoke grenades (more on that later), or screaming obscenities - it was also an indication that this child, this (so far, we hope!) innocent baby, would be raised transphobic, i.e. a fascist. 

Bravely, Carly-May and a friend stepped in, saving their black-suited friends the distraction of having to confront this menace. 

Making no bones about it, these young Super Nannies felt strongly this was Bad Parenting (primarily on the part of the presumed ejaculating partner) and the irrepressible urge to confront the man, with infant child, and shout aggressively swept over them, erasing the danger they faced. 

If history teaches us anything, it teaches us that contorted faces in conjunction with regular shouts of "fascist!" and other accusatory condemnation is the best response to someone curious about an issue you feel passionately about. 

It's where the TERFs fuck up, to be honest. Logical arguments are so bad faith. You can defend anything with facts, after all. 

Protect trans kids! Fuck if I care about the rest! It's a proto-bigot! 

Having addressed the impending baby-fash threat, Snarly-Cray was back to the day job, reporting on the whole furore. It would appear she is truly a woman of many different hats, sometimes wearing several at one time, even if it means looking a bit like a prick. 

As a journalist, Carly 'reported'. 

Sadly, it was all bollox - a provably bullshit, ideological screed, centring her own martyred airways and ensuring the reader knows nothing about what occurred. 

And, well, here's where it gets interesting. Carly-May was at that time not yet identified as the infant scolder some call "baby fascist woman". 

Thanks to eagle-eyed Anna, though, the gig was up, and it emerged that she is also policy advisor to Lloyd Russell-Moyles MP (known for accusing JK Rowling of using her traumatic experiences as a weapon to harm trans people - this may or may not be the friend Carly-May cites as being victim to 'TERFs"). 

But this was after her reports that, having heroically inhaled the smoke grenade to clear the air for trans siblings, like a living, altruistic air filter, it was our side who threw the pink and blue cannisters. 

Even those bastions of ethical reporting, PinkNews, were reeled in. So embarrassing! 

We could intuitively dismiss this as a grievous example of half arsed lying, but it gets more embarrassing when things like, oh I don't know, footage of one from the TRA side lobbing smoke grenades

Given the intense misogyny and the porn-drenched society someone of her age has grown up in, I'd be tempted to let some of this slide. However, Snarly-Cray, it appears, is an old hand at the art of trans liberation via the medium of threatening behaviour. This was to The Famous Artist Birdy Rose:

Since this was discovered, and Carly-May protected her tweets, she has managed to scrape together a vague apology. Still, it's only visible for the small number of people who follow her, and mentions nothing specific of what she is regretful of, or people she should apologise to over the nebulous Trans Community™

Friendly Fire

Following on from the Super Nanny intervention, a charming "cis woman" appears

With form for openly mocking a sexual assault victim and her fear of males, I knew who she was as soon as I spotted Denise. 

Following the mask-off snarly-Carly moment, here are two examples of the DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender - a prime tactic in gaslighting) used by trans activists:

And to the tweet on the right, Denise responded:
Her assertion is that we are selective struck me as batshit, and I began to wonder what else she was saying. 

Initially it was this - we were mainly men (categorically untrue and an astonishing comment considering the peen rally of her side) - and that the only violence was from our side - again, patently bullshit. 

The accusation that some of the men were of the far right was difficult to take seriously, although I'm well aware that any cultural schisms are likely to attract them, like flies to the proverbial. 

Then, something else happened - she began stating she was assaulted. Not only that, but the man who assaulted her was one of two men supposedly identified some hours earlier, as far right actors:

And, maybe it's my fondness for a drink, or the inescapable fact very few on our side were drinking while there was certainly alcohol on theirs - or my irritation at those who find public drinking offensive while having no problem with men aggressively screaming at women, flipping the bird at them, firing smoke grenades or blasting them with white noise. But I just find this a bit like being a petty, high and mighty grass:

Then, Denise took to, erm, Twitter to report an assault on her, by those far right gender critics - 

Now, far be it for me to pour scorn on the alleged assault. In fact, one of the central tenets in the philosophy that leads to my being labelled a TERF is that abuse is common: largely enacted by men, and that people have a variety of ways to manage this. I am not accusing her of lying about being assaulted, although I'm highly sceptical of someone who has such naked agenda and, well, who acts like this:

This was in the surrounding scrum during an arrest. The unified screams of "under what power?" gave me Freeman of the Land vibes, which was fun

Because to me, it looks like it's possible that she assaulted a female steward. The whole video is here. Denise's starring role begins at around 52 seconds. 

💡Top tip: when a genderist accuses a man of doing something, pointing out this is proof they do in fact know the difference between men and women, and can tell instantly, is not appreciated. 

Try it. It's very funny. 

"Posie Parker's a Fascist - I'm a Hair Glitter Fashionist!" 

A stubborn fly in the grotty TRA ointment is the very annoying reality that those of us going to hear Posie we're actually a really diverse bunch. 

Brighton is a surprisingly white town, but there were plenty of non-white faces on 'our' side. In fact, the frequent accusations of parallels with white supremacy or Jim Crow era segregation are not only insultingly racist, but are such an embarrassingly weak flailing it feels wrong to watch.
(See for more on TRAcists) 

Here, a lovely woman I spent a few of minutes speaking to is interviewed by Naila, assuring us she does in fact have functioning, independent thought and knows if people are using her as a mindless puppet and token for their ulterior motives. 
It sounds obvious, but, well, these are TRAs. And even after it being spelt out, some still cannot accept it:

Anyway, one of the many black / brown / otherwise not white Anglo-Saxon women we share a movement with is Aja. Aja is fierce, articulate and young - a force of nature. Her poetry has been known to cause literal violence, and, like fuckwits, they still try to provoke her. 

As you can see, Aja has dreadlocks. Probably the most irritating thing with dreadlocks is things can get stuck in them. 

One of the most irritating things about pride events (before the Queer Theory takeover) was the fucking glitter. 

Brilliantly employing the dreaded person's nemesis, this young woman had a plan - to fuck with a black woman's hair. 
Ms Pastel Cardigan and her egregious acting as she plots to vandalise another woman's hair

Premature Self-Congratulation

With Aja a steward, she spent a lot of time patrolling the border and at some point Operation Fuck Her Hair Up was launched.
Calling for Aja to come closer as she "just to wants to talk", her sincerity and overall believability was somewhere between that of a fairytale wolf and Prince Andrew's sweat gland paralysis story.

It was fucking obvious she was up to something. 

Because, the poor girl couldn't contain the excitement. That damn premature self-congratulation spoiled the moment. 

The rozzers, having seemingly hit a realisation they were there for a reason, even caught on before Ms Pastel Cardigan crept in before dumping a massive tub of glitter into the air. Which, Ms Pastel Cardigan, is not only a really shitty, potentially racist assault, but is pretty egregious considering just how close to the sea Victoria Gardens is. 

"Fight Posie Parker by any means you see fit" the Reclaim Brighton Pride pricks had instructed, from their sticky keypads, imagining an enemy which doesn't exist.

Jacket, made with WunderWeb and Mum's ruler and instruction - model's own. Anger - generic internet gospel. Feeling powerful in a group - priceless 

I didn't think that near permanently screwing up the hair of a black lesbian was part and parcel of resisting fascism, in fact, I'd say that the fascists just might have been the men screaming abuse, the intimidation, whistles, smoke, while a bunch of largely middle aged women fought to be heard.

Men of Conscience 

Women with faces which often don't fit, being told to go home in scenes I've only ever seen before at counter-EDL rallies. 

"Beware that this tour of TERFs have been known to initiate violence" they said. 
The fucking liars. Initiating violence via: filming them back; having a baby; being there. The masked, pathetically weak looking kiddies cosplaying in sometimes quite pricy military wear, the shoving, grabbing, snarling at women simply holding the line when one (probably two) of your crew gets nicked for lobbing smoke grenades. 

Again, this shit is tough for you. Snorts and stares x

There was only one side stood signalling to catch eyes and personalise the (often sexualised) gestures. 

Tiny of body; mighty of anecdote - the black bloc

Several held up posters they had made, apparently on route - the side of a cardboard box, scrawled with an iffy biro - everything from the snappy "you are not helping by punching down on an oppressed minority. They have a high s*icide rate" to the gem that is "no terfs on our turf". Whatever it was they said, their profound misunderstanding of the gender critical position was unavoidably clear. They are the same people who shat their pants over devils in Pokemon, a couple of decades removed. The self-styled moral majority. The new Mary Whitehouses. 

The people with the best arguments, appaz

But I didn't come for the erudite musings of livid men, and thank god I didn't go to pull (abysmal. No wonder they are so angry). 

Young trustafarian Gandolf smirked so hard his chin and nose actually kissed! 

I came to be seen. And while I did that, there was one man who caught my eye. 

Unironically leading the chants and never missing a beat when it came to gaining eye contact and flipping the bird, crap-block, Mantrum Boy was brimming with the sort of swagger only obtained from testosterone, cocaine or that horrible inner thigh thrush that can strike from too much outside urinating. 

Flirty - he couldn't keep his eyes off of me

While keeping himself firmly central to the knee-jerk that was their demo, Mantrum Boy repeated, probably several hundred times, that "Trans Women Are Women!" before remembering to add in that irritating small print "Trans Men Are Men! Non Binary People Are Valid!" an hour or so later. 

I felt he had a thing for me, as he kept catching my eye, giving some sexually suggestive hand signals. At one point he pointed at his eyes to indicate he was watching me, which can only be a good thing. He might learn something. 

Friendly Fire and Mantrum Boy

Sadly, I have to say that, thank the ever-loving fuck, I must decline on account of my own free will and revulsion. 

But I was desperate to ask him, if you feel this strongly, put your mouth and trousers where your politics are. Don't be what some disparagingly call a "TRA in the tweets, TERF in the sheets". 

Love, accept, be truly inclusive of the trans community, and see what you can do for them by embracing the mouthfeel. 

Then, perhaps, we'll talk. 

Cavalry- The Trans Liberational Army and their coincidentally aerodynamic scooter. If you look at this and see a man astride a motorised penis, you are a TERF, a pervert and openly advocating for the elimination of trans people.
Essential for breaking through the boundaries those b*tch TERFs think are important, the CockMobil should be available from all good retailers next Spring


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