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Friday 26 March 2021

Puberty blockers and transition

Child Transition, Affirmative Approach, Detransition & Puberty Blockers - Counter Narrative and Evidence

*We also have a second blog of various links to information and stories on detransition Detransitioners - the struggle and the hate

Reliable sources:

Gender HQ

Transgender Trend

The Tavistock's Experiment with Puberty Blockers, Prof Michael Biggs

Lupron is a hazardous drug

Lupron, puberty blocker for children causes health problems 

Lupron, a nightmare produced in Abbvie

Medical Industry 

Drug company drop cheaper drug, leaving patients stuck with pricier one - drug costs EIGHT TIMES as much when prescribed to children

The Lupron money trail 

Hannah Barnes on X
"Extraordinary details in this case from the family court, highlighting just how badly gender-questioning young people are being let down: lack of NHS provision has led them to private providers. Here there was no physical examination before prescribing… 
“Dr Hewitt's principal criticism of Gender GP's intervention, however, relates to the dose of testosterone that was prescribed….[it] was at the level that one would administer to an adult only after a course of treatment … built up …over the course of two or three years.”"

The 'Conversion Therapy' Argument

Irish Times / Opinion/ Gender dysphoria and conversion therapy 

Lesbians face extinction as transgenderism becomes pervasive, campaigners warn

Kai Shapley, of The Baby Sitters' Club and numerous campaigning roles, comes from a strict religious background. 

Kai's mother in the documentary following the family:

At age 4 we though he was gay, we thought that cannot happen, that will not happen, we started spanking him, hard, & googling conversion therapy & how to implement it at home

● Psychotherapists avoid children who want to be transgender as they fear conversion therapy accusations

● Transgenderism is a form of gay conversion therapy

● It feels like conversion therapy for gay kids say clinicians

● Meet Alex Berty, the transgender poster boy

Desistance & Detransition 

88% of dysphoric natal boys desist by adulthood 

The de-transitioners - what happens when trans men want to be women again 

The ranks of de-transitioners are growing. We need to understand why 

● Gender dysphoria in adolescence: current perspectives: 

"Evidence from the 10 available prospective follow-up studies from childhood to adolescence (reviewed in the study by Ristori and Steensma 28) indicates that for ~80% of children who meet the criteria for GDC, the GD recedes with puberty. Instead, many of these adolescents will identify as non-heterosexual" -

Gender reassignment- I'm man enough to admit that it was a mistake 

Sex change sorrow 


Post transition regret 


Consequence of early intervention puberty blockers 

🧵Mediocre Druid

"I definitely now see blockers as something that actually help cause suffering. I already had low mood and body issues (including relating to weight in "womanly" areas) when I started at the tavistock, and guess what blockers did? It made both of those things worse"



Jazz Jennings:"Jennings' use of puberty blockers meant doctors had to be innovative "So there wasn't enough tissue to work with when it came to the surgery, it was very challenging to find a doctor, a surgeon who was willing to perform the operation on me just 'cause I'm such a difficult case. They’re using the tissue I have, the peritoneum, and also, they may take a skin graft as well," she explained. "I say it's going to be like a patchwork vagina, Franken-vagina. So yeah, as long as it's functional, that's all that matters."

Her surgery took three surgeons nearly five 
hours. "There was just an unfortunate event and setback where things did come apart, and there was a complication," she said. "I had to come back in for another procedure, but it was just all part of the journey. The good thing though is that it was only cosmetic and external so it wasn’t too dramatic." 

📽Jazz Jennings discussing this on T.V.




Detransitioning & the Censoring of James Caspian's study of it

we often hear that puberty blockers are always completely reversible, when that simply isn't true."




Detransitioners and trans people's thoughts on childhood transition;

When sons become daughters - parents of transitioning boys speak out on their own suffering

















Or see the #detrans on Twitter 

The Tavistock scandals and resignations


















Mermaids and suicidal ideation 

These claims regarding the weekly suicide of children who identify as trans are entirely fallacious 


● "Puberty blockers used to treat children aged 12 to 15 who have severe and persistent gender dysphoria had no significant effect on their psychological function, thoughts of self-harm, or body image, a study has found. However, as expected, the children experienced reduced growth in height and bone strength by the time they finished their treatment at age 16"

How to get puberty blockers, by Dr Wallace Wong

● Gender Therapy Doctor Admits to Advising Kids to Fake Being Suicidal to get Transgender Treatments 

Dr Wong (psychologist, not endocrinologist) on the number of trans children from the foster care system


Parental input overruled / grooming

Reddit moderator u/Drewiepoodle, a transwoman, is being called out for inviting 13 year old users to 'her' apartment to take drugs and hormones without medical supervision or their parents knowledge.

Reddit moderator offering hormones to 13 yr olds.



● trans-child-taken-into-care-after-parents-refused-to-acknowledge-their-gender-13675749/


But no one does surgery on kids!

● "At the time of survey, the mean (SD) age of postsurgical participants was 19 (2.5) years (range, 14-25 years)."





Phalloplasty ;

Medical ethics

● "In recent years, the issue of transgender identity in children has leapt from the periphery of public consciousness to centre stage of a cultural drama played out in the media, courts, schools, hospitals, families, and in the minds and bodies of children. It is a kind of utopian religion with committed believers"

● Marcus Evans (formerly of the Tavistock)

● Puberty blockers do not alleviate negative thoughts in children with gender dysphoria


The pressure on parents:

DO NOT DELAY. You have a moral responsibility as a parent to ensure the safety and happiness of your child as they grow up. If you allow them to go through their genitical puberty, you could very well end up with a dead child. Transgender people under the age of 25 are 5x more likely to commit suicide than their non-transgender peers, according to official statistics. This is directly related to trauma brought about by their puberty (if they went through their self-mutilating genetical puberty), and abuse that they might receive because of that, especially if they start *not passing as their desired gender* as a result.

courtesy of Transit ^^

Child Transition 

Vulnerability of 'looked after children' again -

Top trans doctors blow the whistle on 'sloppy' care

The Bell case / Puberty Blockers 

● Dr David Bell reviews Tavistock data

● Puberty blockers draw further criticism




● Bone growth

● Fact checking Jack Turban

MailOnline :

  • Puberty-halting drugs can harm a patient's brain and bone development;
  • Clinics are urging gender-changing teen girls to choose sperm donors to fertilise eggs before freezing them;
  • Medics are failing to warn about the infertility risks posed by puberty blockers;
  • Children who regret treatment find themselves 'locked' into new bodies;
  • Internet sites persuade autistic children they are transgender when they simply have 'identity issues'.

● Prof Levine, an American expert in the field of gender treatment, said puberty suppression medicine – also used for infertility, prostate cancer and to 'chemically castrate' violent sex offenders – was 'experimental' and the injections had not been scientifically established as a 'safe and effective intervention in the short or long term'.

● Medics warned there was a 'disproportionate number' of children across the world claiming trans identities who were in care, adopted, autistic, anorexic or had psychiatric or mental illnesses.

● He said 'there was no other field of medicine where such radical interventions are offered to children with such a poor evidence base'. And warning of 'life-long consequences', he said the vast majority of females on puberty blockers for two years had lower bone density than their peers.

● Prof Levine also said there were reports of impaired brain development and 'negative effects on IQ for gender-dysphoric children'.

● Nearly 100 per cent of children treated with puberty blockers, he claimed, went on to take cross-sex hormones, which trigger 'irreversible changes' such as hair growth and a deepening voice in females and the growth of breasts in males.

●Recent studies, he added, pointed to serious cardiovascular risks, including a four-fold increased risk of heart attacks in biological females and three times the risk of deep-vein blood clots in biological males. Prof Levine's submission said some fertility treatments on offer were 'highly experimental' while teenagers often did not want to go through invasive procedures such as egg freezing.

● 'Another complicating issue is the fact that freezing unfertilised eggs has a low rate of success,' he said. 'For this reason, certain practices are now asking minors to choose sperm donors to fertilise the eggs prior to freezing them. 'The ethics of asking a child to choose the genetic father for their future child (and creating and storing embryos) pose a host of highly problematic ethical issues.'

● Prof Levine said the medical treatments were taking place in such a 'toxic and febrile context that critical and cautious voices are shouted down as transphobic, hateful and engaging in conversion therapy'. 'Such a climate has created an intimidating and hostile environment where silence and acquiescence are the inevitable consequence. It is left to those of us at the end of our careers, who have nothing to lose, to voice our concerns.'

● Prof Levine said modern approaches to dealing with gender confusion were based on a 'cultural fashion' rather than science. And there had been no 'controlled clinical trials' – the gold standard of scientific testing – for puberty blockers. 'Scientific requirements for establishing an intervention's utility are well known in medicine,' he said. 'Advances are undertaken through carefully controlled clinical trials. Why should gender problems be considered an exception?'

● Prof Scott added: 'I am concerned that the current treatment regime practised by the Tavistock is exposing young people to significant risk of harm.'

● Prof Gillberg also criticised the practice of giving puberty blockers to the many autistic youngsters who are now presenting as transgender.

Sunday 14 February 2021


TRAacists: Accusations and Acts -

This blog contains hundreds of screengrabs from online gender discourse where race is employed as a comparator for sex. There is some disturbing racism, misogyny and abuse from hereon out


"TERFs are..." stick that in your search engine. You'll find lots descriptors, and I doubt you'll need to look far before you see racist. It's a frequent accusation and clearly the argument is real feminists, (TERFs, if they anything, are the real feminists) are motivated by a deep hatred of trans people, against all those not like them.
TERFs are white, middle class and straight. It's the only way the charge against them can stick - don't even give them an opportunity to speak to each other, this is entirely about hatred. Combine that with an insidious, creeping theology of gender ideology, and increasingly TERFs are seen as the archaic, regressive and backwards mascot of all bigotry. It has to go like that, arguing on actual arguments is not gonna work.

Masculine. That's the claim

Shanu Varma targeting a black woman, Jana Cornell, who survived infibulation.

Incredibly, the problem of racism within the trans 'community' is now getting attention from their own members. As a Panoramic Views of the Underclass exclusive, I bring to you, TRAs Speaking Honestly

The Alt-Right to trans pipeline

Four Fingers Pointing Back - the problem with racism, fascism and white supremacy in the trans community - a wee glimpse for you:

💡This is correct! Meet:
Jessica Watson
Taylor Parker-Dipeppe
Emily Claire Hari
Phoebe Jasmine Ellison
Or consider the weapons hoarding and terroristic behaviour of Zoe Watts Donna Bowlder, Joanne MorrisMarcia Walker ...

As an aside, the phrase 'white tears' makes me all triggered; shock, hurt, disbelief in the very idea of myself as the persecutor. It invokes a need to centre myself and cast the person using it as an attacker.
Actually, nah. I do think it's a product ergonomically designed for men to be even more grotesque to women, though.  A slightly updated version to any other ridicule and rejection of other people's feelings.

So, the trans rights activist (TRA) gravitates towards consistently tying the feminist who sees biological sex as significant to any discriminatory behaviour they can. In doing so, what they actually perpetuate, consciously or not, is unforgivably racist tropes. 

Some of this is overtly racist, which, along with misogyny, can often be shrouded in the cloak of social justice. Overall it is a relentless vilification campaign against women that uses the history of oppression against minority groups. If you're white, you might be damned for wearing your hair in dreadlocks. The sort of cultural appropriation that compares separate sex facilities to Jim Crow laws and segregation in pre-civil rights era America, however, is endorsed.

They'll cover it up with supposed anti-racism;

Mx Aria Stewart is called out for trying to compare black women to trans identified males;

Fan Mail!

'Misgendering someone - even the be-dicked woman who raped you - identical to using the N-word!' I shit you not, this was posted entirely without irony
Steve loves these analogies:
It's a different Violet with the same b.s.:Maya Forstater not referring to Gregor Murray as they/them is identical to using ancient, repulsive slurs...

CIS GC FUCKUPS is, allegedly, a 'black cis lesbian'. I call bullshit


Yes, so you (love to constantly) say. It's just that black women actually are women. In fact, the original woman was black...

Jasmine Josephine Sakura Rose has never yet been accused of cultural appropriation. Even India Willoughby is still somehow culturally relevent in a way - Cancel culture surely cannot exist...

And India even goes this far

And is defended!

Men in men's clothing - Among the most oppressed

Kimberley has well-founded, good faith concerns about the... Well, Muslims

Kimberley "police hate crime advisor" Stone

Beauty Standards: The desire of TERFs to enforce heteronormative, cis-sexist, Euro-centric beauty standards is racist and will hurt black women first, say the supposedly anti racist TRAs who think black women are as masculine as men

Yeah, discworld girl. How will we manage that?

Ah, yes, point made - one male who has had multiple cosmetic surgeries and is in a professional head shot, with filters and probable photoshopping, and a woman who's image is taken from a moving clip, and looks to be on a talk show, thus likely emotional. The logic! 

Thinking that sex is immutable and highly relevant to feminism - just an offensive opinion, like this ridiculous example of a racist value judgement

Amazon Eve has a clear agenda.

It happens to stink, though

"Misgendering" a transwoman who has dozens of convictions for sexually abusing EIGHT different children is akin to hurling slurs like the n word:
The moronic Snorlax mistook Tiffany for Aja, aka JocastaMoney, who had a pot of glitter dumped in her hair at a Let Women Speak rally in Brighton. They do not look alike and Tiffany does not have dreadlocks 

Nia is unhappy at being constantly compared to males, as a black woman. So this fuckwit tries to school her:

Just to teach her her place, 'Olivia Honey' attempts to drag her work into it:

Sports; Because Black People are as Different to White People as Men are to Women

Responded to by Kahlil, who people should listen to

No. No it Really is a Bit More About Sex, That Phenomena which Really Affects Sporting Ability

Caster Semenya, a complex case entirely unrelated to trans inclusion

Q -How many black women are killed in America annually, Google?
A - Sorry, what? We only count black transwomen

This, obviously, one individual but I think - and hope - you'd struggle to find a single feminist come out with this stuff.
Here are a few more;

Jana Cornell is a black refugee who suffered infibulation and is frequently abused by trans rights activists

This rhetoric is very popular and extremely insulting and shallow:

Beautifully said:

There is some genuine antipathy between the white men who opt into oppression based victimhood, and those who can't escape it;

And I think this is a little... Patronising

Nazi - emulating transwomen - it's a big thing

A major problem for the TRA is a Black Person not Knowing their Place:

Alison Bailey - Black Lesbian Woman Who has an Opinion!

The affable lols also sees nothing wrong with portraying another black lesbian feminist as a sexual violence danger (if only they would screenshot these threats)

Here, an older black woman praises an Indian transwoman for adopting orphan children. However, she doesn't accept they are a woman and mother;

So, Here is One Unbearably Uppity Transphobe, Marcellus Wiley, a ex NFL Player who had the Audacity to Suggest Men who Transition to Transwomen and Women Can't Compete Fairly

Here are Some of the Responses;

Another Black Person Displays Shocking Levels of Noncompliance

And again...

So, I'm unsure of what this is about;

Anti Muslim Rhetoric is Commonplace Throughout Society. Let's Hear It From the Rainbow Warriors!
There's more than one trans 'Muslima' - this is openly fetishistic

This is also, obviously, the case...

The Provocation;

The Response; Standard Daily Mail

Amanda Gorman:

Wi Spa- Clearly a sham, look at the original complainant!

An Indian woman doesn't see this person's inner femininity;

Black women - it's all your fault x

Here Are Some Unsolicited PMs one black woman recieved after a conversation on facebook from 'Alexia' and others a Mixed Race Woman Recieved from the Lovely 'Jade'

FGM, the practice of female sexual violence perpetrated on a prepubescent girl that can include removing and the labia majora and clitoris (historically by a local 'cutter', in a desert tent, with no anaesthesia) and sewing up the whole region but for a miniscule gap for urination and menstruation. often practiced with no sterilisation equipment, the girls spend weeks later bound from the waist down, in agony, before being ripped open for sex when married.

He Means Standard Circumcision, Which is Wrong. But in a Very Different, More First World Way;

Here, Various Attacks on a Black, Immigrant, Lesbian Woman, Jana Cornell. She who Along with Millions of Others Suffered the Horrific Crime Known as Female Genital Mutilation. For Calling Female Genital Mutilation What it is, She and Also Hibo Wardere, Another Survivor, Get Unbelievable Harassment and Abuse. More of this on FGM and the right side of history

Olivia had a Black Lives Matter banner on his profile at the time

Morgane Oger;

(Of course, Olivia wasn't even suspended for a few hours for this.
Female genital mutilation is clearly a serious issue for the 'intersectional' activist)

Hibo Wardere

Isobel here - one of the team at Steph's Place

Now, as We Know, Having a Clue Which Sex has Which Genitals and 'Genital Preferences' are Unacceptable - Genital Preference - Racism! From world's women cyclist, Rachel McKinnon

However, This is Cool

Nazis - Because Expecting to Not Have Karen White in a Woman's Prison is Invasion of Poland - Adjacent

And if you want to access a support network following rape, asking for a female-only one is analogous to burning crosses

Let's get this straight. Race and gender may be entirely socially constructed by way of hierarchical control. One thing is clear, though - sex is binary. Women are women, the biological differences between women and men, girls and boys, are discrete, reliable and profound. While the TRAcist may complain of westernized beauty standards they are among the first to use them.
Here is some wisdom;

Here is evidence of the beauty standards and gender norms TRAcists aspire to and use to insult non-compliant women. With an opening gambit on the oh-so-legit 'argument';

Chris Here Bravely Sent This to a Woman Concerned About Supposedly Trans Women Who Have Committed Rape Being in Women's Prisons;


Trans women are Literally More Feminine/"Soft" than Half of... Black Women


Black Women and Males, Where's the Difference?

Dr Rachel McKinnon aka Veronica Ivy

Black Woman / Man?

Just like Rosa Parks!

'Segregation!' 'All categories are fascism!' 'Fuck off TERF!'

Back of the Bus, Jim Crowe etc

Justin May Not Be Such An Ally, However


Because, black people are just presenting as black as a choice, yeah?



Black Folx - Learn Your History (My Way)

Outright Bigotry

Some of Those Feminists Labelled TERF Have, Rightfully, Called it a Slur. Some Have Gone Further and Compared it to Racist Slurs like the N-Word, Which I Believe is Too Far. However, They are Not Alone:

Recognising Mammals are Sexually Dimorphic = Hitler!


As a Black Person, She Ought to

Referring to a Rapist as He, when he's Gone to the Effort of Saying 'I Identify As..' and Grown his Hair to Chin Length - Exactly like Racist Slurs

The SAME Arguments!



Yes, clearly it's feminists who masculnises black women...

SeGrEgAtIoN, Antisemitism, White Supremacy, Apartheid - Violent Revolt


Paul is the 'cis' bloke at Steph's Place - now Translucent


Who's Rights are More Important Right Now?

Jonathon 'Jessica' Yaniv 'Simpson'
Famous for Trying to Force Immigrant Women to Wax His Balls

Next time you see one of these tropes, the appropriating of other civil rights movements or horrendous comparisons, call it out. This is unacceptable from any side. AND STOP COMPARING BLACK WOMEN TO MEN