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Friday, 28 May 2021

Steph's Place - Where to 'virtually everyone, truth matters'

Steph's magnanimously modest reveal can be seen here. Here is my longer response to that article.

5th April. The Story Behind The Story.

"The story that broke Karen White was not trans.


-Well. Well indeed. I can't help but picture Steph reclining in a swivel chair, basking in the glory of it all. Stroking a little cat, perhaps. What does 'the story that broke Karen White was not trans' mean? It sounds sort of ominous, as if you have a real scoop. But you don't. 

"My "Trans and Crime" story (click HERE if you have not read it) was published on Friday at 9:30 am, and what a response!

"I say "my," but that is not really true.

-Steph is modest and deferential, like a lady

"The article was very much a team effort that started some four months ago with a "tip-off" from a gender-crit (called "X" from here on) ...

-Real investigative journalism there, Steph. Four months of research, a shadowy underworld figure blowing the whistle on the gender-critical world. Have you been coached by the renowned truth-finders at PinkNews?

"..that what Stephen Wood, aka Karen White actions in a woman's prison was blown out of proportion by the media and the gender-criticals (GC)

-'Blown out of proportion'. Women were sexually assaulted while confined in prison, by a male, convicted, multiple sex offender who had just stabbed an elderly man

"To virtually everyone - truth matters.

-Oh yeah - Steph's big on 'truth'. It's not like pretty much each single point made is a crock of shit, contradicts itself one line later, is missing key information and / or is totally unsubstantiated.

'Blown out of proportion' - us with our damn hysteria, huh?

"Then a few weeks later, the second tip-off came my way from "Y." I was given information about a dedicated sex offenders prison with a separate wing for LGBT+ prisoners. Y said that many inmates housed at this prison were recorded as "trans" by the MOJ - but were not trans. They were sex offenders wanting to get close to trans women or occasional crossdressers. 

-What was Y's connection to the trans wing of this sex offender's jail? Don't fancy enlightening us?

"Talking to Y, firstly on the phone and then by Zoom, Y was enlightening. Y was indeed an expert on everything transgender, and more information followed.

-Honey, this has been spoken about for years. You really should have come here, or The Times, or The Spectator, or Inside Times, or anywhere, really. This is as revelatory as the 'news' buses can be predicted with a timetable.

"I then wrote the story up but was well aware that I was treading on dangerous ground - so I decided to ask a few close Twitter followers for their opinion of the piece.

-Danger, danger - high voltage! Feeling compelled to seek advice from Twitter followers really does cast this in the most serious light. Sort of grainy, pixelated, with mental images of our stoic reporter, tottering through the dark mean streets, checking for following agents while adjusting lipstick in your compact mirror...

"Most were okay with it or only wanted small changes, but one team member (I will call her "B") came back with a page of suggested changes. One of her several points was, "this article has to be a 110%".

-You bloody tease, Steph. 

-And 110% what? Are we talking watertight? Because this was not of a duck's arse calibre.

"She was, of course, absolutely right - the piece needed to be as watertight as possible. Then another - shorter list of comments - from another team member saying the article was too defensive and needed "beefing up."

-I would love to know what earlier editions looked like. 

-'Defensive' may pertain to the 'Gender criticals' are talking about the problem of rapists identifying as trans in prison, and it makes me feel like I have to build an argument made of wobbly mirrors and trapdoors to show them up as bigots!' 

-'Beefing up' probably referred to facts, not hearsay from potential nonces and the wailing of rainbow banshees.

-The fact you feel you have to defend yourself from accusations against Karen White and others, that's for you to work through.

"At that point, I was a tad down, weeks of hard work and not all 100% positive feedback.

-One thing I must add; Steph really takes us on a journey of emotional highs and lows... It's evocative stuff - I felt sick less than a paragraph in.

"But then X, probably thinking I was on Stephen Wood's trail...

-Thought wrong, then..

" ...opened up to me much more, then saying Wood was not trans; "Wood's performance was a charade, a flag of convenience, he was not trans", X said.

I was shocked."

-Here is the whole spurious, fallacious 'point':

Gender critical feminists: "anyone can self identify as female and be moved to the women's estate"

Steph: "this is a lie! Time for me (and my acronym team) to investigate!"

Fair Play for Women: "we have had numerous Freedom of Information requests denied. Here is data we have finally collated, showing it's a problem"

Steph: "Karen White wasn't actually trans! Looks like another mystery is solved!" 

-(ignoring that well, actually White had identified as trans before jail)

"X's (Vic Parsons, probably) statement went against everything the mainstream press, Fair Play for Women and Woman'sb Place UK was saying - but there was a gender crit just wanting the world to know different. To know the truth. 

He started to check this out and on - Like what Carol Cadwalladr or Marie Colvin would!

-I'm including Snopes here, only because it's so mundane and unenlightening I think we get an insight into Steph's profoundly substandard... standards.

"...a website dedicated to ascertain if stories in the media are true. I found an article from David Emery dated 30th November 2018 that had subsequently been fact-checked and accredited as accurate. It gave the inside story on Stephen Wood but not everything."

-Translation; it gives a brief overview of what pretty much every media source said

"Emery stated Wood was actually accused of four incidents inside New Hall prison but would only agree to two incidents, to which he subsequently pleaded guilty at his trial. After more research, I found additional evidence in local newspapers - this was the break-through that perhaps made the piece.

-...edge of my seat...

"Stephen Terence Wood - also known as Karen White was not transgender.

Shared by none other than Stonewall

"My story was re-written (incorporating B's requests as much as possible), and the article was re-submitted to the team. All looked good - then P came back with one late point, so again another change which fortunately he did for me. By then, I was well and truly sick of the piece!"

-(Can sympathize! Imagine having to wade through all that depravity, and end up with a self-congratulatory apologia of Karen White's crimes as minor)

-Steph accused Transcrime UK of listing driving offences. My 'scoop', dear reader, was to show that all of them had 'driving offences' as a tag, alonside rape, kidnap, child sexual abuse, murder etc.

-I know, deep in my heart, it wasn't just me. It was only through collaboration with Google search and my source T(ranscrimeUK) that I made the breakthrough. And, of course, God.

"And then D-day.

"Publication - I undertook the launch on Twitter and by my friend Katie Neeves (lol - Katie Neeves, who as a Transbassador is Really Soiling Usposted details on other social media platforms.

-It's the little things that keeps Steph's pecker up

"And what a great response! Google analytics showed four-figure page hits, and positive comments came in thick and fast.

  • Robin Moira White a barrister at Old Square Chambers and who recently gave evidence to the Women & Equalities Committee, tweeted "A powerful piece of writing on a difficult subject."
  • Kirsty Miller, an ex Prison Governor, tweeted, "Spot on."
  • What The Trans (a former journalist at the New Statesman and PinkNews) messaged me saying "You are a real writer. A real researcher and this is journalism."
  • And from the lovely Dawn Smith who was on the Andrew Marr show just a week earlier tweeted, "Your passion and knowledge shine Steph, I hope you get published".

-Seriously, if one word of this is true I'm kicking off. It's almost like the work of FPfW, WPUK, Transcrime, even myself and the many other feminists covering this isn't really appreciated. If only I could understand why... 

-Oh, I just checked on the 'response' - check it out!

-I knew Parsons would be in there! Along with EIGHT likes!

In my case, speaking via Ms Anna Philaxis' account, I had a far less positive response;

-As a matter of fact, I referred to nonces as nonces.
And I was sympathetic to Vikki Thompsonm, who was essentially a lost, damaged, drug addicted care leaver
It also sounds like Major Julie was a source right under the nose of our intrepid reporter 

- It's very sad that Steph's plea for so many media to examine this was left unanswered... But yes, "it wAs ThA JOURNALISMiSM WhAT's FUCkInGG SCaReDED MeH"

(Back to Steph)

"But it wasn't just me, was it.

-No. It was your team, your Twitter followers and 'sources'... An... achievement, for sure.

"There was X, a gender-crit wanting the truth to be told but perhaps not prepared to say to people on the GC side for fear of being ostracised. 

-Any accusations this Jen Dercritical is potentially Steph in a brunette wig will result in a ban from my blog - got it?

"And then "Team Trans" - all the other people that spent hours and hours between them reading drafts - thinking of all the angles to cover.

-Did they get lost in the post, Steph? 'Hours and hours between them - thinking of all the angles to cover' is a bizarre statement considering you've essentially served us a jobby on a plate.

"To everyone that helped - especially X and B - thank you. I take away from the Trans & Crime article that independent trans rights activists really should start working together as a team much more. We need to be more organised. 

-I fully agree! Organised, absolutely. Organised, with functioning cognition, maybe even with 'news' that is repeated in full, which hasn't appeared in any national papers in the last, say, five years?

"And so to the next major project.

-It's good, in a way, to have this little project, innit? It's inspired me to spend my days around rivers and the like, saving fish from drowning. We can all do something positive, like Steph

" I want to hear from trans folk who have or were prescribed puberty blockers. We hear lots from so-called "experts" (actual experts, mate) and the lawyers in Keira Bell case - but we hear nothing from the thousands of people who have taken puberty blockers. What do they think about PB's? Did PB's help? What happened after taking them? What do the parents of the very young think? Should they not all have a voice?

-To be honest, Steph has a fair point. When will we hear about the positive child transition stories?

"So I tweeted for info and within seconds got three 'likes' - one very surprisingly from Suzanne Moore, who, for whatever her views, has a hypnotic writing style that pulls readers in like no other writer I know. She really does make it look so easy and it is not. In her recent blog letter, she describes herself as an "old bint" - a club (as I am 6 years older than her); I wonder if I could join - or is this a sex-based right club too? Suzanne, please let me know! 

-That is painful to read, mate. Painful. I'm reluctant to tell you to get some self respect - in fact I won't - don't! But just stop that...

"Tony McCoy, the twenty times champion jockey, once tweeted, "Sometimes those who challenge us the most teach us the best."

"I will never be able to write like Suzanne, with so much pose

Do you mean poise? Prose? Much prose?

"But her act of liking my tweet perhaps may suggest she trusts this trans woman writing another difficult story - if so, that is progress.

-Erm, well, you know that Miranda Yardley is trans? Fionne Orlander, Debbie Hayton, Kristina Jayne Harrison, Sian Lacey Taylder, Jenn Smith, Sophie XY, Seven Hex, Nyah Putzo, Claudia McLean are, too? 

-It might be the limpet-clasp on bullshit and frequent, deeply un-sisterly rejection of all our concerns we object to, and not the identity you have chosen. After all, many of us may not even share that view of your identity.

-Who knows what Suzanne Moore meant, maybe you could ask her. Or better yet, consult more followers? It's best to relentlessly side with the echo chamber, so much kinder there.

"Will my "Trans and Crime" article prove to some GC that Karen White was not trans? Dispel the myth that trans women are predators?

-Are you really this misinformed? Not sure if I'm being cruel, if your intellect can only be rivalled by garden tools, or if this absurd mischaracterisation of all of the gender critical arguments, Fair Play for Women, Women's Place UK etc is being cynically played under identical blonde bobs, pearl necklaces and the artistic licence of a shredder.

-One way to prove it - why don't you respond?

Sadly, Steph took the invitation to respond as one with a time limit of just a few hours, and, with the pressures of housework like a lady, well...

"Will it help create trust?

"I don't know."

A searing insight into the current debate, Steph. And team and sources. Thank you for this, it's certainly helped me understand that sometimes I am infallible. But I'm not in this case. At all.



Suzanne Moore might have been polite to you, Steph, but it's possibly worthwhile reigning in your special advisor:

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Steph's Place - where the facts are fluid!

"The middle ear infection which was never resolved, and other mysteries" from the head-tilted Steph

Update! Steph's Paul has only gone and thoroughly debunked Steph's exposè with one blunt, hackneyed claim. Bloody hell, try to remember the company line mate. I just hope for your sake Steph doesn't see this. Or has the logical cognition to understand the implications. Nerve wracking!!!

Steph's masterpiece is available in original form here

Steph's Place is a site I was unaware of until yesterday. It has recently proudly unveiled the project that is smashing verified data by 'vile groups' and making a lot of big claims. Thing is, it's a bit shit. I saw this last night and decided to hold it to a basic standard of blog-worthy accuracy and veracity, and it was not good.

We begin with this charming anecdote;

"I was eighteen, and my dad burst into the kitchen screaming I had used his spanner and not put it back. But I had not touched his spanner, and a massive argument broke out - none of us like being accused of something we did not do"

Moving stuff. I'm unsure, however, of how Steph has been accused of anything.

This rebuke will come in two parts, with the second here. I've rushed it a little and may update bits, but Steph's article is so riddled with fallacies, diversion tactics and ad-homs I had to say something. It is replicated here in full.

What makes me laugh is this is meant to be a team effort of great proportion, whereas I've spent a couple of hours examining it and, well - you make up your own mind. I initially began by providing lots of links to creditable sources, but seeing this completely unsubstantiated drivel I got bored. I'm afraid it's gonna be a long one.


"So, in the ‘TERF War’ – also known as the ‘Gender War’ a toxic war of words and hate -

'War of toxic words and hate
' - also, of women losing their safe spaces to males, being told their most intuitive responses to danger are bigotry, being labelled and thus abused as TERFs, having male sex offenders reported and recorded as women - that too.

...made more explosive by gender-critical (alleged) feminists...

Alleged feminists? Is this to assume your take on feminism, after a few years 'living as a woman' while collecting shill points for trans activism, is 'intersectional' - i.e. not about women?

"...binary thinkers

Good one...

" ...and Christian extremists to counter UK Government proposals of making it easier for transgender folk to change our sex on our birth certificates – I as a trans woman, am deeply hurt when the gender-critical activists, start throwing transgender sex offender statistics at me.

Whereas, I am deeply hurt, too. Deeply hurt that the privacy, dignity and safety of the most vulnerable women is completely drowned out by wailing walls of devout, middle class misogynists calling basic rights of women exclusionary and hateful.

'Oh, we're not accusing you personally' is their cry, but facts are facts.

Thanks for that, Steph. They are indeed. Now, how did you feel about the rhetoric of men being the major rapists and murderers and child sex offenders - before you became Steph, that is? Did White Fragility compel you write defensive whataboutery?

"Fair Play for Women and Woman's Place UK (WPUK), and others, tell us you transgender women are just like men."

Got a quote for that? I think you may be confused - the crime pattern of males is distinct from that of females and doesn't change after transition.

"And the gender-critical's takes this exceedingly seriously – one vile group even hold a database that shows an image and gives details of 'alleged trans' (often very masculine looking) offenders."

Ok now, Steph. What do you think of the UK Database, which lists sex offenders? Wrong? Does it make men look bad? 😞

We are told that we can't be the judge, that self identity trumps all. Stonewall, as I've explained before, have a no-border definition of trans. Much like Rihanna, they can stand under your um-ber-ella, they can stand under your um-ber-ella, ella, ella, a, a, a...(presumably more letters for the alphabet people)

And they provide 'support' and advise across the public sector, vilifying wrongthink and potentially misrepresent the Equality Act. So, do us a favour and take it up with them. They will not listen to us women, especially feminists aka 'TERFs'

"Yes, they record abusers - but will go so far as even record driving offences!"

Hmm. Now, Steph, I gotta say I thought you were chatting shit - but I just had a look, and by jove you are correct! Driving offences like these:

Daniel (Sophie) Eastwood: Assault/wounding, Murder, Stalking/

William Wotherspoon: Arson, Kidnap, Murder/manslaughter.
Jeffrey Mitchell: Assault/wounding, Child sexual assault, public indecency, rape, stalking

Clive Watson: Assault/wounding, violent offences, burglary.
Lawrence Balshaw: Child sexual abuse, sexual offences, violent offences, public decency offences.

Craig 'Emma' Bowman: Assault/wounding, stalking/harassment, violent offences
Ronald Logan: Public decency offences, sexual offences

Dawn Love: Bestiality, extreme pornography, possession of weapons, Child sexual abuse while driving a fucking car.
Kristian 'Krystal' Churchill: Child sexual abuse, Kidnap, maliciously driving a car into two women leaving them with life changing injuries.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the entire list of 'driving offences' on Transcrime - please, look for yourself

"A database of pure hate – that is how toxic this ‘war’ really is."

Pure hate, you say? Listing serious offenders, with original sources, to give solid examples of what is actually happening?

If facts constitute 'pure hate' it at least puts this 'exposè' of yours in a much better light.

"And somehow, I feel dirty and ashamed - I know I shouldn't, but I do. The veiled accusation is that all trans women are predators.

That is not true. The clear accusation is sex cases are abusing the insanely dangerous and stupid ideology your side is advocating so hard for.

"Still, somehow, I have to write this article defending or explaining why a small minority of transgender people commit crime and more specifically, apparently commit sex offences.

No, Steph. What you should do is accept that not every other trans identified male is as innocuous as you, with the sympathetic head tilt and somewhat dishonest smear on feminist organisations.

"The organisation that seems to publish most of the statistics is Fair Play for Women - and their presentation of them certainly appears weaponised, to say the least.

As in, directly addressing the point? As in, looking at the negative impact of this godforsaken ideological capture?

"For it is undeniable that statistics can be 'twisted' to make all sorts of different cases. But statistics are a bit of a strong point for me.

Ok, remember this bit...

"So, after months of research, talking to people on the "inside", if you excuse the pun, I can challenge the figures that Fair Play for Women and others publish. In fact, after extensive research, I think I can prove that transgender people can hold their heads up exceedingly high.

If you can, I will gladly throw the towel in right now. I don't actually want to be abused constantly, misrepresented and subjected to smear campaigns for being worried about, well, basic safety. I genuinely have preferred subjects in life. I enjoy knitting and taking the piss.

"But let us look at the overall crime figures first before driving down into specific detail.

The critical issue is how many trans people there are in the country and until the 2021 census results are announced, we don’t know that for sure.

Thanks to Fair Play for Women, we might stand a chance of finding out! Not to say trans advocacy organisations didn't fight it every step of the way.

"Some argue the figure is 0.6% of the population, while others suggest the figure is much higher at 1.5% or even 2%. For the point of this article, I am using the model of 1% because I honestly believe this is reasonably accurate, and it is the figure used by most people these days.

"As of June 2020, the cisgender population of England and Wales was 58,524,840, and 79,290 were in prison. The offending rate meriting a prison sentence is 0.1355%

Ok, now, sadly Steph mate, I feel the need to list all the times trans identity has worked in mitigation against a jail sentence, but I can't (although here I've collected 40 cases).

Here is but a quick selection from The Rich Fantasy blog -

Denen Anderson; searched online for film of babies being raped and murdered. Had a hoard of child abuse imagery. Was not sent to jail because of 'safety concerns'

Alex Smith/ Burren. A very long history of child molesting, has a conviction for raping a small boy and multiple charges of child abuse imagery. Threatened suicide when home was searched and was not jailed due to... safety concerns

Angel Gomes. Convicted of controlling prostitution (i.e. pimping). The judge deferred sentencing saying “I bear in mind that for anyone in the transsexual community, imprisonment may be very harsh.”

Dawn Love. Rape and sex assault of girl. Extreme pornography including child abuse imagery and bestiality. "Despite having a long list of previous convictions, including two suspended sentences, and the offence crossing the custody threshold, Judge Christopher Critchlow opted not to send her to prison for her own safety"

I honestly can't recall a case where a trans sex offender, or any kind of trans offender, hasn't used their perceived vulnerability in mitigation. It often works.

"Another way of presenting a statistic is to say that trans people represent just 0.61% of sex offenders in prison. Yes - 99.39% of sex offenders in UK prisons are cisgender!

Steph, you know trans people are less likely to go to jail. You can't compare the entire trans identified population of Britain against the numbers of sex offenders caught and sentenced while pissing about with facts. It's totally dishonest.

"But digging into the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) policy document, I found more very fascinating facts.

" The journey of a convicted trans offender into prison starts after sentencing. Unless prior arrangements have been made (which are rare), the prisoner is automatically transferred to the estate as per their legal gender. In other words, a trans woman without a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) enters the male prison estate. Trans men are taken to the female estate. Prisoners with a GRC are treated in their legal gender. However, just one per cent of trans people have a GRC, and the MOJ policy is that trans women, even with a GRC, can be housed in ANY prison.

Right. But you are on the side of a campaigning network that has not only skewed the remit of judges, threatened them with culpability of suicide in jail, celebrated and mourned nonces who have committed suicide in jail but also makes an unholy backlash when anyone trans is sent to the jail of their corresponding sex... The prison allocation rules set up were with Gordon Pike, a convicted sex offender

"In essence, this policy though, provides a sensible starting point. Prisoners should be housed in relation to the risk they pose to others and then other relevant factors considered. Section 4.67 of the policy document reads:

"It may be necessary to locate a transgender (male to female) woman with a GRC in the men's estate."

Aye. And that is what we want to see enforced, mate.

"The fact that the Prison Service can and do house trans women offenders in the estate of the MOJ’s choice makes a mockery of gender-critical women’s groups' objections to Self-ID in relation to the Gender Recognition Act reform.

No, it doesn't at all. Self ID has crept in under the law. You know it, I know it.

"In fact, the MOJ policy just reflects any service provider's legal right to discriminate against a trans person if they have reasonable grounds to do so as set out in the UK Equality Act 2010.

The equality act and its exemptions that Stonewall want to be removed, that all of the trans rights activists claim are archaic, cruel and dangerous?

"Within fourteen days of entry into the prison system, a 'Local Transgender Case Board' (LTCB) must convene to discuss the best way to care for the new trans prisoner. This board also considers in what estate the prisoner is to be kept. As a trans person, I would like to think these board members are experts in everything transgender.

'Experts in everything transgender'? Ah, you mean trained via the Stonewall Diversity Champions, don't you? Or by you, or your friends Claire Prosho, Katie Neeves, "Julie" major Bernard McClean "Miller", Sophie Cook or any of the massive cohort of ost middle age transitioners who suddenly become experts in "transgender" and the equalities act.
You mean so deeply entrenched in genderwang bullshit they believe a blonde bob and puppy-like head tilt renders someone female?

"But they are not. The MOJ say in section 3.10 of their policy document in relation
to safety, risks and risk assessment and those who make the decisions: -

"Decisions are free from bias, follow a clear, recorded process and are undertaken by staff who have a sound basic awareness of transgender identity".

"So basic - that all is required to sit on an LTCB is a run-through of an online eLearning module!

What? No. I imagine it means being primed for the 'sensitive' issues; knowing how a suicide would look on the governer; having a good awareness of optics in regard to the fevered bed shitters in camp trans.

"The LTCB consists of a minimum of four people - a prison manager as Chair, together with a Safer Custody manager, Offender supervisor, and one other. It is possible to increase the number of people on the board, but it is not mandatory. The transgender prisoner gets to put their case to the board but may sit in for only part of the meeting.

When do they ask the women in the prison they want to transfer to?

"Bearing in mind, the trans woman prisoner may be forced to wear everyday male prison uniform when attending the meeting is concerning. Surely bonafide trans women would want and should be able to present to the board in female clothes of their choice? But more on this issue later.

Erm, yeah? I don't give a fuck. Wear whatever you want to, as a wise woman once said

"The risk to other prisoners, staff, and the trans prisoner is by far the paramount consideration of those sitting in the LTCB.

Especially the risk to the trans prisoner, who has a hell of a lot more voice than any of the actual women inside. So, not really 'paramount' when dangerous offenders are permitted to share education, employment, substance misuse and free-time to associate with women because they need that 'peer support' from women. (More here)

"The written procedures in themselves are reasonably sound. The board will consider evidence such as advice from a GP, a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, medication, pre-sentence presentation, personal documents etc. But the fact remains that the people sitting on the board make decisions with no real knowledge of trans people.

Are you and bestie Katie Neeves (another 'I'm now trans and it's given me a whole new career!' disciple of gender) offering to do some training? Maybe you could get Diversity and Equality Trainer for Merseyside Police Carol Lea involved

Or, how about they have professionals with knowledge of offenders and their manipulative techniques? How about those who understand the impact on the women who will bear the brunt?

"And more disturbing is the fact that a prisoner only has to say they are trans - and they are treated as trans. Not put in the female estate for sure - but certainly to be considered a "trans prisoner." And the MOJ policy allows this. In section 3.4 of the policy document, it states:

“Individuals managed by HMPPS are able to self-declare they are transgender."

" While it is perfectly reasonable in general for trans people to Self-ID in general society – operating a Self-ID system in prisons, which can lead to all sorts of situations, seems irresponsible. The fact is a convicted prisoner can Self-ID in prison, but a law-abiding transgender citizen cannot even change their birth certificate without going through a huge administrative process!

Well, I can only imagine the shit storm which would engulf the Ministry if not being able to change your birth certificate left you as vulnerable as we're told the trans prisoner is. One is about changing a bit of documentation to smooth over any hitches, erase biological truth. The other is a matter of life and death goddammit...

"Training in gender issues within the Prison Service is pathetic - not all prisons have a psychologist, and even if they do - they are not trained to Gender Identity Clinic standards.

Gender identity clinic standards? Ahh, the affirmative model! How about you try out this salient advice from The Chair of British Association of Gender Identity Specialists;
"The ever-increasing tide of referrals of patients in prison serving long or indeterminate sentences for serious sexual offences. These vastly outnumber the number of prisoners incarcerated for more ordinary, non-sexual, offences. It has been rather naïvely suggested that nobody would seek to pretend transsexual status in prison if this were not actually the case. There are, to those of us who actually interview the prisoners, in fact very many reasons why people might pretend this. These vary from the opportunity to have trips out of prison through to a desire for a transfer to the female estate (to the same prison as a co-defendant) through to the idea that a parole board will perceive somebody who is female as being less dangerous through to a [false] belief that hormone treatment will actually render one less dangerous through to wanting a special or protected status within the prison system and even (in one very well evidenced case that a highly concerned Prison Governor brought particularly to my attention) a plethora of prison intelligence information suggesting that the driving force was a desire to make subsequent sexual offending very much easier, females being generally perceived as low risk in this regard."

"If a trans woman is recommended to be housed in the female estate by the LTCB, it does not mean they will automatically transfer to it. Their case is then referred to the Complex Transgender Case Board (CTCB). The CTCB consists of a Chair (a Prison Group Director) and a Psychologist, Head of Women's Team, a member of the Prison Service Equalities Team, and attendees for a Local Case Board.

Are you going to mention this didn't happen with White / Woods? No. Oh well.

It didn't happen with White. You should understand that pertinent fact and give consideration on why.

"Again, this sounds impressive, but again, none of these board members are gender identity specialists – including, of course, the Psychologist.

Yes, it is terrible that prisons which often don't have much in the way of education, any meaningful rehabilitation plans, which run presently on 23 hr a day lock up don't have the exact specialists attuned to all the nuance of queer theory and pink and blue brains.

"Still looking at the MOJ document, other statistics can be revealed, collected by the MOJ in April & May 2018. 44 of the public and private prisons (35%) housed one or more trans prisoner.

" 19 trans women are/were housed in the female estate, meaning that 84% are/were housed in male prisons.
Of the 139 prisoners, 114 claimed a female identity, 19 claimed a male identity, and 6 would not disclose.
But when asked "In terms of HOW they self-identified" out of the 139, only 89 would give a response.

Let us unpick this. How did you get the 19% are in women's prisons out of that? How are 114 of a female identity, when only 89 gave an actual response?
A more recent document, still two years old and via the BBC, has this:
"Last year, there were 163 transgender prisoners in jails in England and Wales, 129 of them in men's prisons and 34 in women's prisons, an increase of 30 on 2018.
Most self-identified as female"
And it doesn't include those with a GRC. Why didn't you use this?
Or - well, this is awkward, but have a gander here;

The US Bureau of Prisons says 48.47% of male inmates who identify as women are sex offenders, although only 11% of all male prisoners are.

"I found this incredibly strange. 50 people not even giving an answer to a very straightforward of "how" they identify. Certainly, the 114 said they identified as female in an earlier question, but beyond that, they did not want to provide any details. Why?

Because they don't have to. Because they don't have to even share whether they have a GRC.

Although, I must admit I underestimated Steph. They actually can carry one thought through to another... It's all the cogs turning in the lady brain what causes the asymmetry.

"So, then I reached out to people "in the know." People who work, have worked or have served time in prisons. I discovered there are eight prisons in England and Wales dedicated to holding sex offenders. In at least one LGBT+ prisoners occupy a completely separate wing.

It's not completely separate; they come into contact with women in the gym and during courses on education, religious study, faith awareness and substance misuse as well as in employment, even though they are deemed an 'unmanageable risk'. You would probably benefit from reading Fair Play for Women without letting your eyes twitch everywhere with the stress of it.

"In this particular prison, I received excellent information. I was told by an insider, who has huge knowledge about transgender people that just one-third of trans prisoners actually identified as trans – the other two-thirds are cisgender but claim they are trans and have been given automatic trans status by the MOJ because of their self-declare policy.

No way! If feminists had just said 'the problem with self id is it creates a no-border definition of trans. And when everyone is told trans women are women, and we aren't allowed to challenge anyone, and we are told no one would abuse this to predate upon vulnerable, trapped women, there's going to be an influx of predatory men!'

Honestly, I kick myself for not saying this!

It's also a brilliant sleight of hand to go with the 1% statistic for the general population but then compare that to your own 'source's' much reduced number. I'll try to remember that, for the next time I feel a bit... gaslighty.

"The info from my insider was then backed up by a transman ex-prisoner who served time at New Hall a women's prison in Leeds at a similar time to one Stephen Terence Wood the sex offender Fair Play to Women et al - like to quote.

'Quote'? They don't quote him, for fuck's sake. What particular Karen White quote comes to mind when you see his pig-n*nce face?

Also, Steph mate; did you speak to any women not indoctrinated with your spurious crock of shit ideology? And is it really ok to have people deny other people's identity? Did you not know "One in 50 inmates in adult male prisons claims to be transgender or transsexual, according to HM Chief Inspector of Prisons"?

"And I then started to look at different years statistics to double-check patterns.

" I also wanted to begin to promote this article, so in a draft blog I wrote this:

"Several things are becoming apparent, though. One is that sex offenders, who may or may not cross-dress from time to time are Self-ID’ing as trans. While it is true cross dressing does fall within the very wide Stonewall trans umbrella, Nancy Kelley (the CEO of Stonewall) herself confirmed when giving evidence to the Women & Equalities Committee that what Stonewall considered ‘trans’ and what the government should consider as ‘trans’ – can and should be different.

Oh my god, mate... The advice Nancy Kelley gave to the women's and equality committee was given on the 17th of March this year. The phrase furiously covering one's arse whilst contemplating an escape slide down granite and salt mountain springs to mind.

"Cross dressing is certainly one route many trans people discover their true self but at what point they become ‘trans’ is highly debatable. From my first wife’s experience of running a ‘Dressing Agency’ for cross dressers over many years – I know many have no intention at all to change their status and that only a small proportion is into autogynephilia.

More of Steph's excellent sources! 'Anecdotes!' they scream at me while I try to explain how damaged I was by a trans LARPer in a hostel, as I desperately tried to recover from rape. Steph though, Steph has people in the proper know...

"Sex offenders are very different.

Hate to break it to you, Steph - there's quite a well documented crossover between autogynephilia and paraphilias which are against the law to act out...

"An example would be Stephen Wood aka the infamous Karen White, an individual who had a long history of being a sex predator. Wood, while identifying as a cisgender male committed various assaults and committed rape as early as 2003.

Nope. Not true. "White entered the UK prison system as transgender". Jenny-Ann Bishop of UK trans rights group Transforum 'who met White at a Transforum support group meeting in Manchester about five years ago, said: “When I met her she was at the beginning of her transition.' The Guardian in one of the most heavily cited articles on White (top of the page when I tap 'Karen White' into the search engine)

"He started wearing a wig whilst in HMP New Hall, after suddenly claiming he was transgender and being transferred from the male estate. Being on remand he had not been put before a Local Transgender Case Board and was free to wear what he wished.

" Within days of being housed in New Hall, Wood exposed himself to a female inmate and made lewd comments about another female inmate grabbing her hand and put it on her breast saying: “Oh look, they’re not real ones.”

Are you quoting, here? Why the female pronouns?

"During his trial at Bradford Crown Court on the 17th of October 2018, Wood pleaded guilty to three counts of rape against two women and two counts of sexual assault against the female inmates in New Hall.

"During the Wood’s trial, Prosecutor Mr. Christopher Dunn described Stephen Wood as: -

“Allegedly’ transgender. The prosecution says allegedly because there’s smatterings of evidence in this case that the defendant’s approach to transitioning has been less than committed."

Mr. Dunn then added.

“The prosecution suggests the reason for the lack of commitment towards transitioning is so the defendant can use a transgender persona to put herself in contact with vulnerable persons she can then abuse”.

Following Stephen Wood’s conviction, the Ministry of Justice said: “there were ‘strict safeguards' to prevent abuse of the way transgender prisoners are managed and attempts to undermine the system were rare.” Evidence, however, does not fully support this statement

Were you not just citing all the different boards a trans identified prisoner must go through, the Equality Act etc?

"...and whilst the MOJ did apologise for the Wood error and subsequently change procedures as outlined in the January 2020 policy document I am quoting from within this article - the MOJ still has significant shortcomings.

Steph, telling us how the law could be interpreted, running on definitions from 'sources', changing statistics to suit your agenda and then placing your own little caveats in to make you sound reasonable is all very understandable, but I call bullshit.
What was your response to the story that police in Scotland will record self-submitted gender over sex when a person has committed rape?
Did you agree with the TERFs?
What did you say when women complained? Have you supported the case of FDJ?

"There are many advantages in prisons to why some cisgender sex offenders, who are known to be highly manipulative, allege they are trans. I do feel it important to state right here that the risk of male sexual predators pretending to be trans women is used as an argument by those ‘gender-critical’ in an attempt to ban trans women from women’s single-sex spaces.

They use that to say that women deserve at least basic protection in supposedly women's spaces? The Machiavellian monsters!

And, why are you arguing this? People do pretend now? And what about the ones who are not pretending? White is apparently arguing for a sex change. Paris Green has had one. Donna Perry even went to have one before being convicted of the multiple murders of women. Surely having full sex reassignment surgery means they are authentic?

"However, there is simply no evidence this happens outside of the prison’s environment – the evidence I discovered relates purely to the practice inside prisons where genuine benefits tempt apparent cis men to lie this way.

Hmmm. Are we to believe that men never pretend outside of prison, seriously? Mark 'Melissa' Addis, Katie Dolotowski, Tyler Porter, Christopher 'Jessica' Hambrook, the numerous cases where men have cross dressed and attacked?

"One such benefit is for their own safety - not being close to non-sex offending cisgender male prisoners is a bonus.

" Let's face it; sex offenders like Stephen Wood are the lowest of the low. In prison who would want to declare "they are in for raping a woman?"

True. I guess though, he isn't forced to. He changed his name a few times, and was also in for multiple violent crimes. And, as we've established, he was 'she' all those years before...

"Saying you are trans can offer protection. Trans prisoners are meant to have extra protection - meaning they are not always mixing with everyday criminals. There is no such thing as 100% protection though.

There is something in prison called the numbers, however. The 44's. The VPU - Vulnerable Prisoner Unit. Granted, they are not all sex cases but it's where you'd go if you were found out. Somehow, I can't picture White/Woods cowering in his cell. He's a massive old bruiser who loves violence and I'm sure could find some vulnerable prisoners to pick on. This idea of honour among thieves is a bit clichèd. It's often better on the numbers; these are prisoners actually deemed more respectable by screws - they don't tend to be as overtly aggressive, as hostile or uncooperative.

"Then, there are all the ‘extra privileges’ trans prisoners are allowed - makeup and the like - valid "currency" inside a prison. A currency that can buy sex from a genuine trans woman who has had complete sex assignment surgery.

Or, in fact - a woman prisoner?!

"And this is the main reason why the sex offender who knows all the ‘tricks of the prison system,’ Self -ID's as trans - he gets access to bonafide trans women as well as an 'insurance policy' for personal safety. They know they will not get access to cisgender women

This is how you deconstruct the Karen White story - saying men pretending to be trans 'know they will not get access to 'cisgender' women'? Karen White did. Alex Baker did. Nicola Cope, Kayleigh Louise Woods, Paris Green, Jessica Winfield did...

"- but getting access to trans women is the next best option and is incredibly easy. And this practice puts bonafide trans women at a huge risk!

Apart from all the bullshit here, all the obfuscation and drawing our sympathy away from THE WOMEN SEXUALLY ASSAULTED to transwomen, who you are calling mainly fakers, I agree.

"Highly manipulative sex offenders, like Stephen Wood often spend years infiltrating into positions of trust, wanting to get close to kids and women. Teachers, scout leaders, sports coaches, and yes, even those in the Church are the favoured careers for sex offenders.

But no one would fake being trans to skip the normal scrutiny!

"As stated; the one thing cisgender male sex offenders don’t appear to do is become a trans woman in society – purely because the amount of effort to “pass” is so incredibly high, and they are very unlikely to succeed.

Yes, yes it's the passing which counts. 
Not at all the protection one can get from being outwardly 'trans', what with dead-naming and outing taboos and the whole born again concept.

"Just to say “I am trans” to the MOJ though, is too easy and wrong.

But for Girl Guide leaders? To access a rape crisis centre?

Why is it too easy for prisoners, who are in an already tough environment and can't escape, but not for, I dunno, Mridul Wadhwa?

"The prison population averages at 79,500, and around 13,350 are sex offenders. I am told by my inside sources that around 70 sex offenders say they are trans women - in truth, about 20 are bonafide trans women – meaning 50 are cisgender.

You fail to get even basic details right, then ask us to trust you that this 'source' with intimate, unexplained information on the trans sex offenders wing is right in dismissing over 70% of them as transtrenders?

"And note the tie-in - remember those 50 who refused to tell the MOJ how they self identify.

Sorry mate; you're gonna need to do some writing worth us taking you seriously for me to believe that your sources aren't Claire Darbyshire and the mouse in your purse.

I see reliable sources put it this way, or like this;
"The BBC reality check team confirmed that 60 (48 per cent) of the 125 trans prisoners in jails are sex offenders. That compares with 19 per cent in the prison population overall. Yet, since women commit only 2 per cent of sex crimes, out of 8,000 women prisoners there are only 125 sex offenders. So if the 60 trans sex offenders were housed according to gender identity, it would create a sea change in women’s prisons. There would be 50 per cent more sex offenders; they’d be male bodied, physically stronger and have committed far more serious crimes, including 27 rapes, 13 sexual assaults and seven charges of sex with a child"

"It was all beginning to make sense.

" Twenty bonafide trans women sex offenders as a percentage of 13,359 sex offenders equate to 0.15% within 0.01% of the number of trans folk in the prison system, which you will recall, according to the MOJ figures is 0.16%.

Thank god we've finally found an arbiter, some one who can sort the cheat from the non-chaps and rearrange the deckchairs...

"So here is a suggestion to the Ministry of Justice and Prison Service: How can you tell a genuine trans woman and what estate they should be housed. Because the current methodology and identification issues lead to difficulty in establishing 100% accurate statistics.

Steph, no one can.

"(a) If a trans woman prisoner has a medical history of gender dysphoria and lives as a woman before the offence date for which they are convicted, then yes, that is fine - they are trans and yes, record them as such. If they cannot prove they lived as a trans woman, they are cisgender.

So, that would be Karen White. Jasmine Hill. Ella Davies. Jessica Ann Smith. Jacinta Brooks. Nicola Cope (who was told by the judge that since SRS had been done he couldn't imagine Cope posed a risk! - of course you know now the chair of the British Association of Gender Identity Specialists says this is a lie), Sally Ann Dixon, and the many, many others, all 'true trans'?

"They should be housed in relation to all appropriate safety checks.

" (b) And if they "come out in prison", then help them - but do not consider putting a trans woman in a female estate for some years. Nor for the sake of statistics should they be recorded as transgender, as this gives 'ammunition' to anti-trans organisations - the real concern - These people said they were trans after committing an offence.

"(c) And if they are not a sex or violent offender, pose no risk to women, had bottom surgery or are on hormone therapy, and present as "female," - then, yes, they should almost certainly be in the female estate.

So, Tara Hudson, as a violent offender, should not have been in the women's estate? Good to know.

"Because what is happening just now is occasional cross-dressers

Per Stonewall definition...

" and many who refuse to identify are automatically placed in the prison estate as per their legal gender but being counted as "trans."

"And the sex offenders that know how the system works are "working their ticket" to access genuine trans women just by saying they are "trans."

To 'access genuine trans women'? The complete erasure of women and our true vulnerability here is incredible. What about the women, Steph? Women who have different crime patterns, and different motivations, who in prison have a 65% rate of brain injuries from male violence?
In fact, look at this;

"Females have lower arrest rates than males for virtually all crime categories except prostitution. This is true in all countries for which data are available. It is true for all racial and ethnic groups, and for every historical period"

"Females have even lower representation than males do in serious crime categorizes"

"Aside from prostitution, female representation has been greatest for minor property crimes such as larceny-theft, fraud, forgery, and embezzlement. The thefts and frauds committed by women typically involve shoplifting (larceny-theft), "bad checks" (forgery or fraud), and welfare and credit fraud—all compatible with traditional female consumer/domestic roles"

"And in consequence, statistics are being grossly distorted by the MOJ – leaving anti-trans rights, gender-critical organisations able to produce statistics as they do.

Well... You haven't demonstrated that, have you? I thought you were a hotshot with statistics? Not sure how convincing your anonymous sources can be taken as you minimise the rate of trans prisoners to a more palatable number, continue to ignore the women prisoners and play that teeny violin for 'genuine trans women'.

"But what of the trans folk in prison.

" One transgender woman sent to a male prison was Tara Hudson. She headbutted a man in an argument and was initially sent to male jail even though she had lived as a woman all her adult life. On release, Tara said: -

“I felt like I was being persecuted by the state… I felt I had no rights. I felt like an animal in a zoo.”

"And I can fully understand her point. Whilst women’s’ prisons normally allow convicted prisoners to wear their own clothes – this not the norm in men’s prisons, where on arrival your personal clothes are taken from you and you are given a male prison uniform. The potential psychological damage to a trans woman in a male prison robbed of her clothes and put in men’s clothes is truly immense.

Are you going to squeeze in even a glimpsing platitude for the women who have no choice but live with these people?

"I tried to put myself in Tara’s position and I am positive I could not have coped.

"And if they are not a sex or violent offender...and present as "female," - then, yes, they should almost certainly be in the female estate"

- Your words above.

Hudson had eight previous convictions including for battery. After first claiming self-defence they pleaded guilty on the first day of the trial after headbutting a bar’s manager when he refused to serve any more alcohol. The bar manager needed dental surgery as a result of the attack.

"Another person who transitioned but this time in prison is Sarah Jane Baker. In total, she was in jail for some thirty years. She told Inews:

"I have lost count of the things that happened to me inside.

You can see my scars. I was in a male prison for the entirety of my sentence, and that is a dangerous place to be as a trans woman. I’ve lost count of the things that happened to me inside. I’ve been cut with razor blades; I was stripped and pinned down. I had boiling hot water, and sugar poured all over me. I got stabbed.

In Wakefield, I was raped.

In Feltham, I was gang-raped. The group stuck a pool cue in me.

The staff would not take responsibility for my safety. They said: “Well, what did you think was going to happen?”

The MOJ said it would create a transgender wing, but it ended up being a prison segregation and punishment bloc. But when calls were made to move a trans sex offender, there was such a backlash the handful of us already in the complex were robbed of the chance to move.

My struggles with my gender came to a head when I was inside. Although I was allowed access to makeup and hair products, I was not permitted oestrogen. To access it under the terms of the Gender Recognition Act, I needed to prove I had lived two years as a woman. But for me, serving a life sentence, that was impossible. I decided enough was enough and resorted to drastic measures in December 2017, I cut my testicles off when I was in my prison cell.

There was so much blood, I nearly died. But it meant the clinic had to give me oestrogen. I could not cope any more. Without testosterone, you end up with the same conditions as a woman would risk of breast cancer, osteoporosis, so it had to be balanced out. I will be on oestrogen for the rest of my life."

Ah, so transitioning in prison might be legitimate? 'Sarah Jane' Baker abducted and tortured a man. When inside he attempted to murder another inmate - that was in 1998, and he got a nine year tariff for it. I wonder why Baker served so long? Baker has claimed a lot of things, including numerous accusations against prison staff that were denied.

"A prison is indeed a dangerous place for trans folk - both trans men and trans women. In the last ten years, deaths in prisons have doubled. The death rate of a trans woman whilst in prison is 0.8%, nearly three times higher than cisgender women, which over ten years (2011 to 2020) average at 0.28%. Trans women deaths, invariably by their own hand, include:

And compared to other male prisoners? Men are more likely to commit suicide. To be honest now, I'm irritated as I am clearly making a far larger effort to look at facts, and I'm gonna chill a bit. Suicide in prison is a serious issue. Prisons are in a state.

"Vikki Thompson (HMP Leeds Oct 2015), Joanne Latham (HMP Woodhill Nov 2015), Jenny Swift (HMP Doncaster December 2016), and Jade Eatough (HMP Parkhurst August 2017). No one can deny that some were indeed very dangerous people and should be in prison, but Vikki Thompsons’s case was tragic – she was just a petty thief sent to a male prison. Catherine Smith, at that time the Shadow Equalities Minister said in Parliament this about Vikki’s death:

“Given that I raised quite recently [this issue] with the Tara Hudson case, it’s devastating the issue has come back again so quickly but with tragic circumstances. The reality is that sending women into men’s prison to serve sentences would shatter even the strongest person.”

The Prison and Probation service report concerning Vikki’s death stated:

“Ms Thompson was originally sent to Leeds, a male prison, in line with existing national instructions, but this was not reviewed. We are concerned that a men’s prison might not have been appropriate for a transgender woman who had lived with a female identity for ten years.”

“The equalities team held two multidisciplinary case conferences about how to manage Ms Thompson, but no one considered the possibility of a move to a women’s prison. Despite her particular needs as a transgender prisoner, no one from the equalities team or any healthcare staff attended Ms Thompson's ACCT case reviews”.

But there was no one to weep except perhaps a few family and friends.

That tends to be the case for all of us, Steph. The intersection of oppression you're looking at here is more tightly centred around drug addiction, the care system, prison and general underclass brutality. It is awful. 

Still - 'some were very dangerous'?

Vikki Thompson had robbed a mother and daughter. That was the crime, which included assault. Vikki Thompson assaulted and robbed two women, one a teenager. 'Petty thief'?

Now, I agree Thompson is a tragic case; bought up in care, a troubled young person with an addiction. I would say Thompson was a victim of a failed child and mental health services, a failure to adequately address drug addiction and presumably parental failure. 
It's sad, it's a system-wide failure and I can't imagine Thompson was in a good place to begin with. 
Suicide is high in the trans community. Dysphoria is suffering. In addition to this, Thompson was just 21 at the age of death. How were they a "transgender woman who had lived with a female identity for ten years.”?

Joanne Latham never applied to join the women's estate (neither did Thompson - according to prison equalities officer at inquest, Thompson had declined a transfer because female prisoners would be “bitchy”).

Latham had repeatedly gone back and forth on whether they identified as a woman. They were in prison for the attempted murder of a woman. After this they tried to murder another prisoner by poisoning their tea with mercury. After this they stabbed another inmate in the throat.

Jenny Swift had beaten a man to death.

Jade Eatough sexually assaulted a woman, then found a 15 yr old girl, forced her at knifepoint to a desolate area and raped her.

I notice you missed out Nicola Cope, who was found guilty of nine charges of rape and four charges of sexual assault on young girls. One was just four. 
Cope took his own life while in a women's prison. Didn't do him that much good. Luckily. 

Any weeping for these people? Not one passes your arbitrary criteria for living in the women's estate.

"And there was no organisation “Fair Play for Trans Women” to scream from the rooftops.

Oh no! Yeah, just Pinknews, Stonewall, the fawning and omission of every single headline from The Guardian to The Independent. Look at the response to habitual sex offender Marie Dean. Sisters Uncut hijacked the vigil for a murdered woman to deify these 'women murdered by the state' for fuck's sake.

"No right-wing press wanting to highlight that trans women took their lives because the conditions for trans women in prison (especially in the male estate) are so traumatic that they decided to end it.

Suicide among the trans identified is high, wherever they are. I'm sorry that the right wing press isn't sympathetic to your pet project, I can't imagine how that feels! It really is shocking they too do not put your favoured cause front and centre like every other part of the media.

"Everyone has the right to be safe in prison, but a transgender prisoner is sexually assaulted in an English or Welsh jail on average every 33 days - the UK press does not want to highlight that either. If those statistics were true of cisgender women in prison, the right-wing press and Fair Play for Women would likely be shouting at the top of their voices.

Incredible. So, where is the sympathy for the women abused by White/Woods, Winfield/Ponting? Have a little look at the blog I mentioned 'The Rich Fantasy Self ID Endangers Women' and, I dunno, maybe find something factual to show that Fair Play for Women is incorrect about 48% of trans prisoners being sex offenders. Because 'my mate knows 'em, and they're not really trans' ain't cutting it for me.

"When in prison trans prisoners rarely give any trouble.

Not heard of Tiffany Scott, have you? Or Sophie Eastwood? Paris Green, who's had to be moved twice from the women's estate. Or Kayleigh Louise Woods, or Marcia Walker, or the other Alex Baker, who has been shagging inmates in men and women's prisons... "Jessica Winfield, a double rapist convicted under her previous identity of Martin Ponting, was moved to a women’s jail after having a sex change. Two months ago, Winfield was reportedly segregated after making “inappropriate advances” to female prisoners." Or, maybe read this.

" In April of 2020 Baroness McDonagh, a Labour Party Life Peer in the House of Lords wrote a written question (number HL3198) the text read:

“To ask Her Majesty's Government how many sexual assaults have been carried out by trans prisoners against women prisoners and prison officers in prisons in each year since 2010; in which prisons any such assaults took place; and in each case, what action was taken against the perpetrator”.

"The reply came back just two weeks later. There had been no sexual assaults against prison officers in ten years and just five assaults in the ten-year period against other prisoners.

Really? Funny you say that, because according the FDJ her complaints were ignored. And FPfW have had numerous Freedom of Information requests denied so, well, I'm glad you found the information you wanted.

We knew Rory Stewart 'mis-spoke'. It doesn't negate the real point that trans self identification puts women only spaces in jeopardy though.

"We do not know if the perpetrators were trans women or trans men or if the attacks were against other trans inmates.

What exactly are you saying? Trans men might be responsible, since everyone knows they cannot be transferred to the male estate due to the obvious risks? And, why does the 'gender identity' of the victim matter?

"What we do know is that close to 300 sexual assaults are reported in English and Welsh prisons every year so to put in context over the next ten years some three thousand sexual assaults will take place.

What's a few more, eh? How about this for official statistics;

"Transgender prisoners are five times more likely to carry out sex attacks on inmates at women’s jails than other prisoners are, official figures show.... Transgender inmates make up about one per cent of the 3,600 female jail population but are responsible for 5.6 per cent of sexual assaults in women’s prisons"

I may not be the statistical wizard you are, Steph. Can you do the opposite of 'weaponising' this and make it look good? You do understand, with all your people in the proper know, that male-to-female trans prisoners with a GRC are not recorded as trans, don't'cha?

"Five transgender perpetrators in ten years in the female estate – likely THREE THOUSAND by cisgender people ones across the prison estate as a whole.

Men. They will mainly be men attacking others, like how males make up the vast majority of inmates and sex offenders...
Not to mention that female prisoners are now given reprimands and punished for "misgendering". I wonder if that impacts reporting sexual assault?

"This article paints a very different picture compared to what the gender-critical media and transphobic women’s organisations want the public to believe.

Which 'article'? The one I'm eviscerating right now? And why would we 'want to believe' this?

" For there is no doubt transgender people suffer not only injustice and discrimination but worse still – persecution.

And this persecution means they should be able to move into the female estate, and their impact on statistics hidden as well as is possible. Oh, and whatever objections these 'gender critical' 'alleged' feminists have will be transphobic, of course.

"Are all trans folk saints? For certain, no - and I want to stress that I certainly don't advocate cisgender women being put at risk.

What are you advocating for? At no stage in this crock of shit show have you displayed even a cursory concern for women.

"But the next time Woman's Place UK or in particular Fair Play to Women publish a negative trans article, let us all remember everyone has an agenda.

Ha-fuckin-ha! An agenda? An agenda like trans women are women and should be waved into any space they so please, coopting rights and cursing the group of who's space and rights are appropriated as bigots committing hate crimes? An agenda like spurious bullshit poured on official statistics? With sophistry like 'of course violent transwomen shouldn't be in the women's estate' next to sob stories of violent transwomen in jail. Like how you think transitioning in prison is suspect, but list all of Baker's alleged grievances and avoid mentioning any of the crimes they were in for?

"And that in the toxic, and totally unnecessary gender war - statistics and databases can be presented in devious and exceedingly hateful ways"

You, Steph, have given absolutely no argument here. You contradict yourself throughout. You show not one solitary fuck for the plight of women in prison while plying us with the mental images of suicidal transwomen. You obfuscate and sanitise, give us spurious 'reinterpretation' and still offer no solution.

'Totally unnecessary gender war'? Women have been sexually abused and terrorised while incarcerated.

I have a solution. It is that as well as making drastic improvements to the prison services, mental health services, for 'looked after children', drug addiction and the conviction rate of sex offences, we have prison wings for trans people. Just don't put them in with those of the opposite sex. That would make a difference to the motivation of cynical 'transtrenders'.

Is there a problem with that?

Maybe we could also think about other vulnerable prisoners - the obviously gay, the weak, the naive, the mentally and physically ill and ones with learning difficulties?

Maybe we should have people who have a real understanding of criminal offences and not indoctrinated ideologues in the position of making decisions? Maybe having campaign groups who omit salient facts, having Stonewall dispense potentially illegal advice to the public sector, having a screeching background of trans advocate doesn't actually help when making decisions on the safety of all prisoners?

I hope you respond to this Steph. I look foward to it.

Steph will not respond, as preferred to do the ironing that evening - then I was blocked. Steph, it didn't mean you had to do so the same evening. Considering this took you four months, I wasn't expecting lightning speed.

Our conversation on Twitter is here

Julie is also unhappy, believes this is devoid of facts (you too are welcome to give a substantive response I promise to show here) and believes I am disturbed.

Julie then invokes some rather unpleasant language in this stinging rebuke;

It was, we eventually discovered, half-the-week-Julie who sat next to Steph in a Pompey park, talking of squirrels flying South for winter. 
Steph's super-special inside knowledge that there's only a score of "true" trans in the UK prison population is from Major Bernie McClean, aka Julie Miller (Bernie ceases to exist from Friday to Monday, morphing into the stunning and brave Julie) who does the occasional prison voluntary work with trans prisoners. Miller-McClean lives in Ringwood, hants. So I'm sure from this gets a fully rounded view of the prison populace. 

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Rich Fantasy at Large

Unnamed, never found - these are the offenders I was unable to catalogue in the rich fantasy self ID endangers women.

Berkshire, Theale;

"Officers investigating an incident in which a person exposed their genitals to two teenagers at Theale station... two teenage girls, aged 15 and 16, were sat on-board a train at the station when someone on the platform approached the train’s window.

As the train started to depart the station the person exposed their genitals to the two teenagers before making lewd hand gestures in their direction.

They then walked into a shelter at the station and masturbated"

Cambridge, St Neots; Man dressed in women's clothes rings door bell, exposing himself when children answer 

Cheshire, Wilmslow;

Cornwall, Falmouth; A transvestite has been caught raping a dog in the dry moat of Pendennis Castle, an English Heritage buildingThe 33-year-old cross-dresser was spotted by the animal’s owner. Clad in a black dress, the perpetrator ran away when he realised he had been clocked, but he was restrained by castle staff while the police were called. After being escorted home, he reportedly made a ‘full and frank confession’ before being cautioned for outraging public decency.

He was cautioned.

Buckinghamshire, Beaconsfield;

Man dressed as a schoolgirl hangs around outside school trying to speak to girls

County Antrim, Belfast; A man clad only in stockings and suspenders was chased through a forest by police for 30 minutes before being arrested.

The pursuit took place in broad daylight in woodlands close to public playing fields in Londonderry.

Two women out walking in the area came upon the man dressed in tights and suspenders and nothing else last Tuesday.


A man dressed in black stockings and a red miniskirt is being sought by police after making a lewd remark to a woman out walking in a Hampshire town. 

Herefordshire, Bishop's Stortford 

Police appeal after male victim sexually assaulted by man dressed as a woman 

Kinross, Tayside;

Man in a dress approaches woman in her 30's and girl of 15 and indecently exposes himself, in Perthshire park at 9.30pm. "The flasher was described as slim, around 6ft tall, and had short, scraggly dark hair. He was also wearing a purple and white dress with a black hoodie"

Lancashire, Manchester; A man who sexually assaulted a girl while dressed as a woman is being sought by police

Leicestershire, Beaumont Leys; Leicestershire Police have received a number of reports of a man approaching women and exposing himself to them, between October 29 and December 8. During all of the incidents the suspect has been described as wearing women’s clothing.

Additional link

Lincolnshire, Grimsby

Man knickers performed a sex act on himself in front of woman on the bus.

London, Islington; The victim, a 19-year-old woman, was seated when a transgender female suspect sat opposite. The suspect then exposed themselves to the victim before leaving at Highbury and Islington and boarding a separate train to Richmond.

London, Penge; Police were called after a man was seen removing his shorts on a bench before masturbating while children were playing nearby. Officer said his "genitals were in full view" and a collection of women’s underwear was reportedly found in the bag he was carrying.

Barry Southgate, of Huntly Road, South Norwood, was arrested and later charged with indecent exposure. Link

Selkirk,  Selkirkshire
man, who is believed to be around five-feet-nine-inches tall and in his late 50s, was seen with women’s clothes on in the Bannerfield area.
At around 8pm he exposed himself to a group of young girls in Montrose Place.
And a short time later, still wearing a black skirt and black wig, flashed again at two 16-year-old girls in the grounds of Philiphaugh school.
Officers patrolled Bannerfield and questioned residents last week in a bid to snare the flasher, who has been dubbed locally as the

The man, dressed in women's clothes, exposed himself to four youngsters before making off.
Police have stepped up patrols in the Bannerfield housing estate in the Borders town of Selkirk."

Suffolk, Wilby

"Police are appealing for witnesses to an incident of indecent exposure that took place in Wilby.

It took place on Monday 1 January 2024, at around 1:20pm, on London City Road.

A member of public reported seeing a man conducting an indecent act, whilst standing next to a silver car

He is described as being tall (around 6ft 3ins in height), of skinny build and dressed in a black corset, a black skirt and a blonde wig"

Sussex, Burgess Hill 

"Detectives are hunting two young women after a 15-year-old boy was ambushed in a wooded area of Burgess Hill and sexually assaulted.

The teenager was knocked unconscious in the attack, waking up naked on the floor with head injuries and wounds to his body.

After removing all of his clothes the women walked off." 

Despite being reported as women, I call bullshit 

West Yorkshire, Wakefield; The suspect has exposed himself three times so far this month. The first incident took place on December 10 when he was dressed in a black wig, black vest, leggings, a waistcoat and high heels.

Yorkshire, Leeds;

Gary Atack was found not guilty of this terrifying rape of a 16 yr old girl. All media links have expired. This from TranscrimeUK 

"The girl was approached and asked the time in the early hours of the morning by a person wearing a women’s skirt and boots, and a long blonde wig.

She said she was waiting for her father and the person offered to let her wait at her home nearby, but she rejected the offer. 

She noticed the person – whom she initially assumed was a woman due to their attire – smelled of stale urine and at that point the person squatted down and urinated in front of her. 

The girl testified that she immediately began to walk away only to be grabbed and dragged into the alley, where the man raped her.

Atack, 45, was subsequently arrested and his home was searched. In addition to women’s clothing, urine-stained underwear and DVDs of women urinating were found and he accepted he was sexually aroused by people urinating in front of others. He admitted he had changed into woman’s clothing at a nearby bus shelter and that he had urinated in front of the girl while wearing them but denied raping her. He was seen changing back to men’s clothes on a closed circuit TV camera nearby. The CCTV footage also revealed Atack was lying about his movements and showed him fleeing from the scene carrying his boots which the prosecution alleged was “so he could run faster”"

Yorkshire, Sheffield; A woman was out walking her dog in the woods behind Thorpe Hesley and High Green Cricket Club on Wednesday, July 3. She said her dog became spooked as she ran into the woods before discovering a man standing in women’s underwear, exposing himself.


"Officers said a white man, who was in his 20s, about 6ft tall and wearing women’s clothing, make-up and a red wig, attacked a couple on a train travelling between Woodlesford and Elsecar stationsPc Richard Ward said: “During the journey, the woman noticed an elderly passenger ask another person to remove their bag from a seat to allow her to sit down.

“The other passenger refused and the elderly woman had to go and find another seat. The female victim questioned the suspect’s actions before an altercation took place. “The woman’s husband removed the bag from the chair before the suspect punched him, causing a small cut to his lip. “The suspect then spat in the man’s face, before he punched the woman in her face.” 

Yorkshire, Pontefract: transvestite dressed in stereotypically female clothing was sought by police after exposing his genitals to children on three occasions in Pontefract.  The incidents took place in December 2012 when he was dressed in a black wig, black vest, leggings, a waistcoat and high heels. All media except for this have been sent down the memory hole