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Sunday, 23 January 2022

TRA Nobility with Jaz

🌟It's TRA Nobility with🌟
⭐Jasmine Josèphine Sakura - Yuki Rose⭐

Like India Willoughby, and Peter Tatchell, Jaz needed a little more space in which to unfurl in full Technicolor.

In this little gallery blog I'm comparing Jaz's differing accounts on their biology; the behaviour online which many may deem abusive and dishonest, and ends with a look at how a political representative huddled under the trans vulnerability banner manages to be so graphic about their sex life with seemingly no pushback.

I will give warning prior to these images but the best advice I can give is if you find it too exciting, focus on the background- the heaving, floor to ceiling shelves, racks of LARPing attire, the wigs on model heads and that gorgeous 70's MDF, inbuilt wardrobe.

Who is Jasmine Josephine Sakura Suki Rose?
While positively overflowing with Japanese sounding names, 'Jaz' is a large, white Welshman from Brecon, and accusations of an animé / hentai porn fixation are unsubstantiated and possibly false.

I suppose, apart from dismantling the series of apparent lies about DSDs, this blog specifically asks, how on earth did the Lib Dems take this character so seriously and allow their political brand to be associated and represented by?
Would anyone else manage to accrue so many transgressions, or is it that bloody umbrella obscuring the light again?

I admittedly have a morbid fascination with 'Jaz', after witnessing their behaviour towards a rape victim on Facebook a couple of years ago.

This woman, who'd experienced multiple incidents of sexual violence at the hands of men, was clearly upset and still suffering. She explained on a Lib Dem post she needed to a therapeutic space, away from all males, to recover.

Jaz took huge offence, asking for her to explain the Equality Act and single sex exemption, then dismissing her understanding as risible and self-describing as 'a lawyerly type'.

I was appalled that an official member and representative of the Liberal Democrats would be so insulting, mocking and dismissive of someone speaking from a place of such vulnerability.

Unfortunately, I didn't screen shot it as this was before I hit peak trans. I just struggled with huge cognitive dissonance, felt I must be missing some hidden 'dog whistle' or pre-existing fued, offered some verbal support to the woman in question and moved on. For a while, anyway - until denying the reality many were using trans activism as a Trojan horse to trample over women's rights and dignity became an untenable burden.

At least I can thank that realisation, in significant part, to 'Jaz'.

As a member of 'LibDem Women' and also membership secretary, Jaz has frequently taken the Lib Dems to task on their supposed transphobia problem, resulting in certain Lib Dem accounts blocking Jaz on Twitter, which is definitely unfair and proof of the institutional transphobia in the penultimate wokest party in the UK.

Jaz DESPISES Debbie Hayton

🤴🤴JK Rowling🤴🤴

The incredible audacity of women who've been raped has frequently driven Jaz to write long, what's-good for the goose-is not-good-for the-gander (who is also a goose) prose.

In an attempt to explain to JK Rowling just how wrong she was, this gender gander wrote a Medium piece which I have screen shot and intend on analysing at some point but, to be honest it's so stuffed with clichèd, trite nonsense and blatantly hypocritical rhetorical pish I cannot, as yet, be arsed

From behind a block, Jaz references James Esses who did not groom, or face accusations of grooming, children

And I'm Sure There's Plenty More!

Below is an example of Jaz's downright obsession with women who don't see them as a woman; TERFs and their lies about trans people - What motivates them? - Which I'm unlikely to tackle until I'm paid to.

And paid handsomely.

Jaz has run for election (the ungrateful bastards of this particular constituency gave Jaz the fewest votes), and was part of the 50:50 equality project (until quitting with claims of transphobia) as well as being treasurer for The Radical Association (the former chair of The Radical Association, Natalie Bird, was allegedly harassed out of her position by Jaz's good friend Sarah Brown and their two partners, featured in part three). You can see Jaz's Trans Day of Visibility chat with chair April Preston here.

Jaz has made a big deal of being a Lib Dem official and as far as I'm aware has never been disciplined over any of this behaviour. I wonder what a woman who acted similarly would encounter?

Anyway, it's a moot point now cos Jaz resigned! The deafening silence of peer and MP Lib Dems in the wake of the BBC story on lesbians facing coercive pressure to submit to the ladydick had
"driven home in the hardest manner possible that trans and non-binary people in the UK stand alone with almost no political support from Parliamentary Parties across the board."
The betrayal! Sounds like a proper 'mare.
I always expect full bed-shitting and subsequent vengeance from politicians following articles about well established phenomena. Actually, no - as a woman, I'm used to having no one caring, least of all in the Lord's demanding to know how some abominable shit occurred and was reported on. Still, Jaz's hurt feels are palpable and you'd have a heart of well-directed moral code not to empathise.

You thought what happened to Natalie Bird was bad?!

This blog, every part, everything you will see is collated from publicly available posts on social media. Towards the end there's some genuinely... harrowing content, so please go wisely...
Those Uppity Women & Rape Victims Who Want Things That Don't Suit Jaz:
Natalie Bird - Jaz writes a long thread on how women have no right to insist on single sex spaces, even in case of trauma from sexual violence. To illustrate this, Jaz lists their own experience of, err, sexual violence. Ms Bird comments:

(The 46,Y chromosome thing will be expanded upon soon)

Jaz is passionate about local services. Here is one of the hundreds of tweets directed at 'Sarah', a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and rape as an adult, who was upset by the presence of a male, in typical male dress, joining her rape trauma group;

Despite saying ⬆️ above ⬆️ feminists should form our own 'bigot-safe' women's spaces (for a second time, since those built during the second wave have largely been captured), as was pointed out in the blog 'Sarah Surviving' linked above, soon as fundraising for a female only rape support group was floated Jaz and several others became embroiled in a furious row, with Jaz claiming any explicitly female-only space is a blanket ban on transwomen which is unlawful.

It’s just one continuous game of false-start-and-slap-down like a cat with a mouse. It is sneering gaslighting.

#TransandLoud? He'll, yeah!

This was an extremely repulsive description of a person desiring some Jaz.

As was this;

Let's just kill that nausea with an image of the 'stunning' Jasmine;

Still feel unwell?

How are we doing?

Feeling better?!

Fond of laying down the law and dishing up TRA biology bingo, Rose constantly misinterprets the equality act and can barely go a sentence without condemning TERFs, even in their fundraiser for surgery.

The fundraiser is interesting in that Jaz claims to have had a gender recognition certificate for some time now, which I, obviously, do not doubt. But it does serves the point that a meaningful transition is not a prerequisite when asking for all documentation of biological sex to be amended. Jaz has only just recently been prescribed hormones.


Jaz has a penchant for photographing themselves in all manner of places - from ladies toilets to trains, outside courts and dressed up all sexy... Miaow, and, indeed, hiss

Also, Jaz is a lesbian. Of course.

Here are the two girlfriends;


More grottiness


Unbelievably, some feminists took exception to the week long barrage of abuse 'Sarah' copped (which included Jasmine's partner in crime trying to involve one woman's employer as her being 'a TERF' might be embarrassing for them). This was in the ensuing conversation:

Who wants to tell Jasmine using masturbatory aids, alone, doesn't count as getting any kind of laid?

Apparently it's laughable anyone can tell Jaz is not biologically female (Again - more on that in a moment).

As a large (6 foot 1 inch, by self report) white AMAB who held secretarial office with the third largest party in the country, Jaz is terribly oppressed and liable to serious injury in the case they are forced to not use women's services and spaces - just like;

🏳️‍🌈♂️♀️Kinetic Genetic♀️♂️🏳️‍🌈

(Now, here is the real star quality; the actual fucking show-stopper!)

Jasmine has one incredible feature - that of an ever-changing karyotype;

So, Jaz is 46,XX / 46,XY - an extraordinarily rare condition known as chimerism.

Wow! How extremely rare. Amazing you can tell from an asymmetrically posed photo of thumbs. Brilliantly, this seems to be stemming from a thread composed by the ultimate wisdom of Katy Montgomerie!

Jaz is definitely chimeric

Jaz has small, low and proud breasts

Aha, Wi Spa. Funny.
What a great response from treasurer of The Radical Association and Lib Dem membership secretary. Excellent stuff, Ed Davey & gang

I feel sure any woman speaking like this while holding a form of political office could also publish these tweets without uproar or disciplinary action

Has Jaz not heard of Primark? A cups are ten a penny there, although the rib measurement may be difficult to find

🐞Hilton backchat!🐞
Again, sick burn as Jaz hands the silly lady biologist her arse.....

As Jaz pointed out, their karyotype is even in their bio;

So, definitely 46,XX / 46,XY, yeah?

Yeah, ok, cool.

So, Jaz now tells us they was wrongly assigned male because of the karyotype or the subsequent
trans (like, post a minimum of 40 years being treated and identifying as a man) identity?

But no! Jaz is 46,X!

⬆️here⬆️ you can see the first karyotype shift - from Chimerism (46,XX / 46,XY) to 46,X. Maybe Jaz missed the second X? And the second 46,XY?

Must have been, because Jaz is not 'intersex'.


Jaz, apparently, is truly female. But was hasty in typing, and dropped one 'X'?

But confusingly, below Jaz is 46,X, and is clear about that (which are the six major and two minor sexes are, Goddess only knows)

(as well as deciding if the organism identifies as female, its male (or intersex?) biology somehow now fits the biological category of female..)

46,XY/ 46,X

So not Chimerism, but a karyotype missing a whole chromosome. The only explanation is Jaz now has Turner's syndrome, and still wrote '46,X and not 45,XO' Interesting.

But now it's 46,XX

Now Jaz begins to slander a formerly active on twitter DSD advocate, Claire Graham;

Definitely not intersex. Definitely assigned male.

But now, in fact, Jaz claims to have been 'assigned female at birth'... And 46,XX

And now it's 46,X again and assigned male at birth. But 46,X is not a karyotype. 45,XO is, and it's a DSD (difference of sex development - formerly intersex, now considered an offensive and misleading term) known as Turner's syndrome


Unfortunately there's only so much misinformation you can spread before a crushing weight on correction might befall you. To be fair, many have previously tried to illustrate this but Jaz's truth Teflon is way ahead of that game

Presumably even Jaz wouldn't lie about giving birth, and a foetus with this karyotype wouldn't make it through pregnancy.
So who do you think is being spoken about? (Hint; it relates to the one woman we could assume to care for Jaz)

This, below, was seen as nothing more than the frequent (and ludicrous) self diagnosis of 'intersex' by many trans people who constantly confuse, as is intended, the term 'intersex' with a literal translation of between sexes. This is categorically untrue and deeply offensive.

46,X again

⬆️Assigned Female⬆️

⬆️Not intersex and Assigned Male⬆️

Speaking of a DSD advocate formerly active on Twitter (her account disappeared after coordinated reporting):

Told you Jaz has delusions of 'lawyerly' grandeur

And here Jaz tries to outwit the insurmountable Emma Hilton yet again, escaping only through whataboutery and a creepy war of attrition. (But does take the advice to use a comma to heart)

When even in moments of being well and truly captured talking shit, in a situation almost any other sentient being would find shameful, it can be spun round into some 'I am the puppet master' flex. All I'm reminded of is a cornered nasty Nick

But please, let's get this straight- Jaz, are you 'intersex' or not?

Oh OK, glad we have that sorted

Ok, great. Lets remember that folks!

And then there's the multiple DSD advocates who have clashed with jovial Jaz, many of whom no longer have accounts having been victim to relentless mass reporting...

Nick of Wessex is another advocate, in his case with Klinfelter's

Oh For Fucks Sake, You Are 'Intersex' Now? You're Shitting Me?!

Also, Jaz is 46,X


How is that male assignment possible when Jas has female primary and secondary sex characteristics? (we know Jaz hasn't had sex reassignment surgery from the fundraiser)
But wait! Is it a bird, is it a pla... No! It’s a standard female karyotype!

Although, Jaz's take on the biology around 'intersex'* is deeply offensive to those with a more traditional, professionally diagnosed and... stationary... karyotype;

Yep, the woman above has Turners' syndrome, karyotype 45,XO. Which is a DSD that occurs in females, and which Jaz seems to be claiming

But, now it's 46,X again and assigned male at birth

Sorry no, its back to 46, XX / 46, XY Chimerism

The Andy Jaz refers to here is Andy Lewis, @lecanardnoir. An extremely smart man, Jaz still managed to fuck around with so many spinning plates of bullshit, he just gave up

Yeah, ok, cool.

But, curiouser and curiouser, it emerges Jaz's own fuckin mother is either an impossible karyotype (46,Y) or a man!

Also, just to keep us guessing, Jaz has metamorphosised to 46,XX

From DSD advocacy group Association of X and Y Chromosomal Variations
"A fetus with only one Y chromosome and no X chromosome is not viable and cannot survive.."
So, not really a laughing matter, is it?

I'm sure as a definitive woman who is also disabled and surely aware of the offensive and debilitating impact of myth and appropriation, you would want to make your stance clear, Jaz?

The Mother Shit

I'm sure this will come as a surprise to many, but Rose hates the woman who gave thim life...

I know, as someone far more biologically literate than this fauxminist (Jaz's own sick burn on feminists who are concerned with women's rights), unschooled TERF, you can extend an explanation? Cheers, bab.

Jaz knows Jaz is female and none of the non existent translady fatalities over the last couple of years will lead Jaz into... something, god knows, whatever

And finally, Jaz comes clean... with an utterly ridiculous claim;


Now, forget all that karyotype business, Jaz is definitely a woman cos they got blackmailed, almost revenge porn-ed - the quintessential, most universal of female experience. I mean all middle aged and above have been there, surely?

It is with terrible sadness I can reveal Jaz was wrong, and the maniac in receipt of these images wasn't stopped and thrown into the gulag. I'd support that wholeheartedly

🚫👮‍♂️ACAB & All That 👮‍♀️🚫

Yes, all the cool kids say ACAB! Probably Jaz, though, you would find it worth bothering them in the case someone requested you leave a women's swimming class, for example - if they still exist!

It's interesting that a failure to prosecute is laid at the door of the police and not the CPS. I'd have thought someone as adept at the law as Jaz claims to be would have got that.

But yes, it's a shocking state of affairs in a country where only one in 60 reported rapes are prosecuted. It's gotta be transphobia.*

🚩The Sexy Secretary🚩

Interestingly, this was Jaz's Twitter less than a year before. If this was a woman, there'd be zero chance a claim of attempted blackmail would fly considering the following, for which you are forewarned...
Heaven forfend what the 'intimate' topless pics were like if this was on Twitter... in this beautiful dress which you should take as a warning:


Like I said, ladies, if it all gets too much you can just lean on that decor to bring you back round. Evocative, isn't it? Some might even say pungent.


So that is but a taster of what is to come. You are about to see what Jaz refers to as 'my tits'.

If you find it all too upsetting then I suggest that you either turn back now or - if you value shadenfreude as I do - take a deep breath (first) and have a butcher's. I'm not sure if it's the facial expressions, the awkward poses, the background mess or those 70's style fitted wardrobes which push it into content of interest for me. It's not a parody, it's phantasmagoric vanity and decor from Father Ted.

For Trans Visibility

After all this, I suspect that my crazy theory an ordinary person who behaved like this would not be put up for election by the third largest political party in the country is untrue. I'm now convinced they respect us.